

State of stupor, with spasmodic agitation.

The patient did not arouse from this state of stupor, except when teased into drinking a mixture of vinegar and water; this condition lasted about seven or eight hours, then they came gradually to their senses, and next day were completely restored.

Stupefaction and sleepiness, improved in the open air.

Great sensitiveness of the whole body to cold, especially of the hands and feel, with pale, wan face.

Great sensitiveness to cool air.

Sensibility diminished.

All the senses are blunted.

Anxiety, attended with tremors and lassitude.

Anxiety, with breaking out of perspiration.

Discomfort in the whole body.

A peculiar sensation of discomfort all the forenoon, that is not easily described.

General malaise.

An indescribable derangement of the nervous activity.

Uncomfortable feeling of sickness in the whole body.

Feeling unwell in a high degree.

Much affected from walking, with the atmosphere at a moderate temperature.

Most severe pains.

The pains are felt simultaneously in several parts of the body, especially on both sides above the small of the back.

Pains of various kinds, when sitting, simultaneously, in all the parts of the body.

Cracking in all the joints, on moving them.

Muscle symptoms worse on sitting, seldom on walking.

It seems as if the whole body were gradually diminishing.

Cramp-like pain in all the muscles, erratic, now in the upper, now in the lower extremities, when sitting.

When sitting, there is a boring pain in the whole head, in the thighs, tibiae, and the bones of the tarsus, attended with somnolence, and relaxation of the whole body.

Frequent sensitive tearing, now and then, in the tendinous expansions of the body.

Pricking, as from pins, in different parts of the body (after the body).

Fine pricking and burning in different parts of the body (after one hour).

All the parts of the body are sensitive to pain; on applying even feeble pressure to a spot, it pains still a long while after.

Bruised pain in single joints.

On sitting, the bruised pain and fatigue are most felt.

Crawling on hairy portions of the body.

A feeling of crawling and coursing through all the nerves, coming from the abdomen.

Heat of the face, with insupportable anxiety, which yielded four or five times to perspiration, caused by covering the head, and intentionally accelerated breathing, upon which a transient sensation of highly agreeable coolness streamed through him.


Spreading herpes.

The itching eruption spread further, to the region of the abdomen and thighs.

Eruptions of little pimples show themselves here and there.

On the lower abdomen, in the region of the navel, the privates, and inner thighs, an eruption appears, consisting of small, whitish pimples, that itch violently, and create an irresistible desire to scratch, which only increases the burning and itching.

A few mattery pimples, of the size of a poppy-seed, appear between the forefinger and thumb of the left hand, and on the right of the neck.

On the front side of the left thigh, and on the seat, carbuncles appeared that are very painful; the carbuncle on the seat reached the size of a hen’s egg, was exceedingly painful, and discharged blood, without matter, in considerable quantities.

Itching, that causes scratching, in the region of the navel; eruption of small pimples with a red areola.

Violent itching in the region of the abdomen and legs, with irresistible disposition to scratch, which caused a scattered eruption of easily-bleeding pimples.

Excessive itching in the region of the navel and perineum, especially violent on the lower extremities, with an eruption of little pimples.

The itching began with a crawling sensation under the skin, moving in little circles, accompanied by occasional pricking, as of needles, and by burning.

Itching all over the skin.

Transient itching in different parts of the body.

Itching, like electrical stitches, in the skin, now and then.

During the day, transient itching under the skin, in both groins and on the left arm.

Frequent itching during the day, alternately about the neck, the extremities, and the region of the abdomen, without visible eruption.

Violent itching a night, of some duration, in the region of the navel, privates, and inner thighs, which induces scratching.

Excessive itching during the day, while walking, in the left popliteal space, on the right front side of the knee, and also in the region of the sacrum; it lasted all day, appearing alternately in different parts of the body, and often quickly changing its location.

Restless sleep, on account of very violent itching, that irresistibly induces scratching, not only on the abdomen and thighs, but also alternating on the arms and hairy scalp, which only abated somewhat toward morning, but did not cease, except at short intervals.

Nightly itching and burning, especially about the navel and the region of the inner thighs, mostly beginning in the evening, and increasing in intensity towards midnight.

Violent itching between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, likewise on the back; a very restless night, with frequent waking, owing to the burning, itching pain, which continued, almost without interruption, in different parts of the body.

During the day, the prover felt a disagreeable burning pain on the inner surface of the thigh, on the spots which had itched during the night; it was increased by walking.

Frequently during the day, a corrosive biting, and burning, now and then, on various parts of the skin.

Corrosive biting, now and then, on the skin.

Pricking, as of needles, here and there.

Frequent violent pricking near the navel, and in different parts of the skin, as if splinters had penetrated it.

Shooting pains, now and then, in the skin.

Several times during the day, dine stitches, as of needles, in various parts of the skin, without any outward sign.

Itching stitches in the left eyebrow, the left ear, on the head, and in various parts of the body.


Chills all over the body (after ten minutes).

A chill pervading the body, from top to toe.

Continual chilliness;he cannot get warm in the room, especially early in the morning.

Much chilliness, and constantly cold hands and feet, yawning (two hours); pulse 60.

Easy chilliness on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if the cold finger touches a warm part of the body.

He is chilled as soon as he goes out into the open air or raises the cover of the bed in the night.

Coldness of the whole body, with hot head, confusion, and loss of ideas.

Great internal chilliness.

Internal chilliness and cool skin.

A slight thrill of cold down the left leg as far as the foot.

Chill in the back, as if cold water were running down; this chill occurs when he leans with his back against a chair.

Now and then chilliness through back and limbs.

Chills, with shaking, upon lifting the cover of the bed.

Chills; face and hands, however, being warm.

Violent chills, with shaking of the whole body, and tremor of the hands in writing; the hands are cold, the face naturally warm, without any thirst or subsequent heat.

Chilliness in the open air.

Very chilly in the evening.

Long-continued chill in the evening, which increases to shaking.

Shaking chill for ten minutes on lying down in the evening.

Feverish chills every evening, without thirst and without subsequent heat.

Radiating warmth from the whole body.

Veins swollen, with cool skin.

Much creeping heat through the back, on slow walking in open air, with twitching in the left side of face.

Violent attack of heat in the evening; his cheeks glow, although his hands are cold; these symptoms are attended with long continued thirst, without any subsequent sweat (after twelve hours).

Heat in the night; she feels chilly on turning herself or raising the cover of the bed.

Increase of animal heat at night.

Skin very warm; veins much distended.

Continual heat during the night; afterwards sweat.

Repeated attacks of heat, combined with sweat, during a whole afternoon, attended with dull headache, without thirst; in the evening, on putting on his hat, heat and sweat in breaking out of perspiration over the whole body, even the hairy scalp.

After a quiet night excessive perspiration over the whole body.

Breaking out of perspiration with anxiety.

Sweat consequent upon moderate bodily efforts.

Sweat in walking.

Profuse sweating on every walk.

A great deal of perspiration during the forenoon.

Evenings, in bed perspiration, especially of the legs, without heat; on the contrary, with a sensation as if they were fanned by a cool breeze.

Copious sweat during the night.

Night-sweats during an uneasy sleep.

Copious sweat during the night about the legs.

Copious sweat during the night especially about the legs.

The face, neck, and chest are wet with cold perspiration.

Sleep and Dreams.

Inclination to yawn.

Much yawning.

Frequent yawning.

Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough (after severe and a half hours).

Frequent repeated yawning; it is so violent that it makes him giddy; early in the morning when walking in the open air (immediately).

He yawned frequently, and each yawn was followed by involuntary laughter.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.