
Pressure on the chest.

Pressure on the chest, after breakfast.

Slight pressure on the chest.

Pressure and pain in the chest.

Pressure in the chest, and difficulty in breathing.

Pressure and drawing pain in the chest.

Pressure and burning in the center of the chest.

Pressure and stitching, with sense of fullness on center of chest.

Afternoons, frequent pressure in the chest; sometimes in one place, sometimes in another.

Oppression at the chest.

Violent oppression at the chest.

Sense of oppression in the chest compels deep breathing.

She feels so oppressed at the chest, that she is unable to take a slow and deep inspiration, and has to give it up again as soon as she tries.

Oppression of the chest in the region of the diaphragm, attended with drawing pain (after one-half hour).

Oppression at the chest, attended with great throbbing of the arteries (one or two days).

Sense of oppression at the cardiac region, as if the cavity of the thorax were narrowed.

Oppression of the chest and frequent sighing.

Oppression of the chest for a short time.

Shortly after taking, oppression of the chest, and light coughing up of mucus.

An hour after taking, oppression, heaviness, and pressure of the chest.

Forenoons, when sitting, slight oppression and stitches in the chest.

Oppression of the chest, at 5 A.M., that was seldom relieved during the day.

Chest oppressed and catarrhally affected, which induces cough and expectoration, hawking, and deep breathing; deep respiration is painful in some parts of the chest and body, accompanied by a sensation as if something dislocated itself.

He is attacked by oppression frequently during the day; then shortness if breath, which repeatedly compels him to take a deep breath.

Oppressive anxiety in the chest.

Anxious sensation in the chest, with accelerated and audible breathing.

Anxious, restless feeling in the chest, from time to time, as when expecting something unusual.

When rising from a sitting posture, anxiety in the chest increases and breathing is accelerated.

Anxious haste and anxiety in the chest, as if expecting something usual; breathing accelerated, and inclination to sighing respirations.

Heaviness on the chest.

Sometimes momentary stitches through the chest, from behind, without disturbing respiration.

Fine stitching and pressure in the upper part of the chest, like a burning pain, without cough.

On sitting, evening, sudden stitches deep in chest, in region off the borders of the dorsal vertebrae.

Stitches in one or other lung, especially on bending forward or backward (for two or three days).

Stitches in the region of the lungs, passing off soon.

Painful stitches in the middle of the chest.

Stitches in the chest, below the nipples (after fourteen and thirty hours).

When walking, in the forenoon, punctiform stitches from within outwards, in the lower half of the chest.

Sometimes very sensitive, piercing, tearing pains, in small, limited spots in the thorax, in front and behind; for instance, in the left side in the region of the upper false ribs, below the right shoulder-blade, etc.; respiratory motions have no influence upon them.

Pain, repeatedly, in the chest and back, especially under both shoulder-blades, and the corresponding parts of the chest in front; it is of a shooting, pressive kind, very painful, inducing deep breathing, as if for relief.

Sensation of soreness in the chest.

Bruised pain in the entire front wall of the chest, with difficulty of breathing.

Pulsative soreness, at various inconsiderable places of the chest, especially at the right half of the chest; at night, and also during the day (after a fortnight).

Sensation of rawness in the chest, with indications of cough in the morning.

On deep breathing, sense of motion, almost sticking, in muscles of chest and neck.

Pain, as from a sprain, in the chest; it increases especially upon taking a deep inspiration; in the evening (ninth day).

Itching upon the chest, which terminates in burning.

Burning itching upon the chest and in the back.

Violent itching of the nipples.

Copious sweat upon the chest, at night.

Mattery pustules in the breast, with a red areola of the size of a millet-seed; they cause itching and burning.

Twitching in the right pectoral muscle.

Pain in the chest, right side.

Burning, drawing pains in the right side of the chest, from without inward, and peculiar kind of oppression, lasting for five minutes.

In consequence of a leap, during a journey on foot, burning, piercing, sprained sensation under the right nipple, which makes respiration impossible for a few seconds.

After rising, severe pressive pain in the right side of the chest.

When walking, painful, excessive pressure on the right breast near the nipple, with a sensation as if deep breath could remove the cause, later, the anxious feeling of oppression of the chest again, which, in reality, did not exist.

Late in the evening, there appeared a pressive pain in the right side of the chest, near the nipple, that could not be removed by deep breathing, which it occasioned.

Frequent pricking, as of striking splinters, first in the right pectoral muscles, then in the right true and false ribs.

Splinters (stitches) in the right rib-muscles, below the nipple.

Tearing, intermittent pain in the right front wall of the chest.

Stitches in right lung.

Stitches in the right lung, on walking.

Momentary stitches in various places in right lung.

Jerking stitches through right lung.

Violent stitches in right lung, whereby the breath must be held; relieved by pressing by pressing the hand on the chest, while sitting (three to five hours, also eleven hours).

Stitches in the middle of the right lung, worse on every respiration.

Stitches in the right pectoral muscles.

Frequent pricking of splinters near the lower right rib.

Sore pain on the anterior surface if the chest, especially in the right, near the sternum, seemingly under the ribs.

Twitching in the left intercostals.

Burning pain in the left half of the chest (third day).

Pinching pain in the left mamma, descending obliquely as far as the navel.

Sticking in the left axilla, and in the left ribs.

Sticking extends from left nipple outwards, seems to be more in the muscles.

Stitches in left side of chest, between nipple and sternum, increased by every respiration.

Stitches in left lung.

Fine stitches in left lung.

Stitches in left lung, between fifth and sixth ribs; worse on breathing.

Fine stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; the stitch is felt when sitting and stooping with the chest.

Stitches in the left side of the chest, where the ribs terminate; during in inspiration.

Pain in upper part of left breast, in intercostal muscles.

Frequent violent stitches, as of penetrating splinters, in the vertebrae and in the left pectoral muscle, near the nipple.

Stitches in left pectoral muscles, with drawing in right foot; boring in forehead.

Pressure and drawing in left intercostal muscles and muscles of left thigh, with bruised sensation of left elbow.

A pain, resembling tearing, in the region of the left lower wall of the chest.

In a small, circumscribed spot, about the size of the gold dollar, on the left side, before the shoulder-blade, a transient sensation of icy coldness.

Isolated attacks of pain under the sternum.

Pains along the sternum and in pit of stomach.

Burning under the sternum.

Excessive burning under the sternum.

Peculiar sensation of contraction of the sternum.

Sensitive pressure in a little spot to the left lower third of the sternum.

Sticking behind sternum, not increased by inspiration, but worse at end of expiration.

Fine stitches behind sternum.

Stitches behind sternum impede respiration.

Pressure under the upper half of the sternum.

Pressive pain behind sternum.

Oppression behind sternum, in rest, with some violent palpitation.

Pressive, burning pain below the sternum, after breakfast.

Painful pressure at the middle portion of the sternum, aggravated by inspiring (after two and a half hours).

Drawing pressure behind the right margin of the sternum.

Sore pain under the sternum, after breakfast.

Sensitiveness below the sternum.

Heart and Pulse.

Beat off the heart visible and strongly felt.

On sitting down, some irregular, strong beats of the heart, with sense of oppression.

When he awoke, he had trembling of the heart.

Violent pulsation of the heart, internally perceptible.

Violent pulsation of the heart, perceptible even in the coccyx.

Increased pulsation of the heart, with redness of the face.

Weak palpitation of the heart.

Frequent palpitation of the heart.

Palpitation of the heart for several minutes.

Very violent palpitation of the heart.

Palpitation of the heart on waking in the morning.

From 3 to 5 P.M. uninterrupted palpitation of the heart.

Violent palpitation of the heart in the evening.

Palpitation of the heart in the evening, without consciousness.

Violent palpitation of the heart before going to bed. Violent palpitation of the heart for five minutes.

Palpitation of the heart came on so violent that he was obliged to lie down on the lounge.

In the evening, violent palpitation of the heart, with anxiousness, that terminated in a restless drowsiness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.