
(Late in evening), Cutting in abdomen; tearing pain in second joint of left forefinger; burning pain in dorsum of left foot.

(Evening, in bed), Jumping in recti muscles; perspiration on inner surface of legs; perspiration, etc.

(Night), Pressive pain in vertex; pains in stomach, etc.; trouble from flatus; itching of hypogastrium; there watery stools, etc.; knotty stools; burning in orifice of urethra; violent desire to urinate; passage of much urine; erections; violent spasmodic cough; violent cough, etc.; attacks of cough; snoring and wheezing in chest; sweat in dorsal vertebra; pain in the heart; pains along the back, etc.; stitch in dorsal vertebra; pain in left kidney region; left hand goes to sleep; pain in legs and feet; perspiration on the legs; sense of coldness in left leg; pain in right tibia; cramp in sole of foot; heat; increase of animal heart; continual heat; copious sweat; copious sweats about the legs; fear of suffocation, etc. (Before midnight), Itching and burning, etc.

(Midnight), Pain in left temple; pain in left abdominal region.

(Towards 11 A.M)., Difficulty in breathing.

(10 A.M. till 2 P.M)., Pain in left half of head, etc.

(2 to 6 P.M)., Lame pain in left arm.

(3 to 5 P.M)., Uninterrupted palpitation of heart.

(4 P.M. till evening), Constant pressure near the heart.

(Towards 1 o’clock at night), Pain in upper teeth.

(Night, at 2 o’clock), Jerks and pressive pain in right ankle.

(3 at night), Restlessness in every muscle, etc.

(Open air), Vertigo; headache in forehead; chilliness.

(Walking in open air), Reeling; staggering; vertigo; pain in supraorbital region; decrease of sight; ringing in right ear; griping in abdomen, etc.; griping in lower abdomen; pressive pain in sacrum, etc.; stitch in the sacrum; creeping heat through the back, etc.; frequent yawning.

(Bending body backwards or forwards), Stitches in lung.

(Bending body down), Clear water drops out of nose; nose feels obstructed; sensation of tension across region of lungs, etc.; posterior cervical muscles feel too short; pricking in cervical vertebrae; muscles of back feel too short; painfulness along spinal cord; oppression of heart, etc.; crackling of lumbar vertebrae.

(Deep stooping), Pains in limbs, etc.

(Bending body to left), Pressive feeling in hypochondrium, etc.

(Before going to bed), Violent palpitation of heart.

(After breakfast), Pressure in temporal bone; jerks in loose tooth; offensive taste in mouth, etc.; attack of nausea; sensation of discomfort in stomach; burning, etc., in stomach; pressure in stomach; pressure in stomach; sensation of heaviness, etc., i n stomach; oppression at pit of stomach; sensation of heaviness under navel; griping in region of navel; distension of abdomen; gurgling and rattling in intestines; burning in abdomen; slight griping; sensation of flatus; copious pappy stool; scanty, pappy, painless stool; tension across and chest, etc.; tension and pressure over whole chest; pain below sternum; sore pain under sternum.

(Breathing), Dull stitches in the liver; stitches in middle of right lung; stitches in left side of chest; stitches in left lung.

(Drawing breath), Stitches in left short ribs; stitches in left side of chest; pressure at middle of sternum.

(Inhalation), Soreness in nostril.

(Deep breathing), Sense of motion, etc., in muscles of chest, etc.; sprained pain in chest; pains from region of heart, etc.

(At end of expiration), Sticking behind sternum, etc.

(Closing eyes), Pressure under the lids; burning of canthus of eyes.

(Cold), Toothache.

(In cooler air), Easy chilliness.

(Touch of cold finger to warm part of body), Easy chilliness.

(Raising cover of bed), Chilliness; chills with shaking.

(Cold air passing into ear), Pain in ear, etc.

(Looking out of open window in cool air), Pain in teeth; pain in right knee, etc.

(Crossing the thighs), Violent pain in thigh; drawing and tearing in right thigh.

(After dinner), Headache; premonitions of headache; pressure in eyes, etc.; nausea, etc.;inclination to vomit; sense of fullness etc., in stomach; feeling of fullness and flatus; oppression at pit of stomach, etc., heaviness, etc., in abdomen, etc.; hard, scraping stool; coughing and sneezing, etc.; short, dry cough; burning in chest; slight backache, etc.; pain in spine; prostration of lower limbs; cold feeling on gluteal muscles; tearing pains in left tibia; of lower limbs; cold feeling on gluteal muscles; tearing pain in left tibia; unusual sleepiness; irresistible somnolence; long and deep sleep.

(After drinking cold water), Jerks in loose tooth; nausea.

(After an embrace), Great weariness; much exhausted etc.

(After eating moderately), Feeling of distension in abdomen; pressure etc., in abdomen.

(After eating a little), Pressure in stomach.

(After eating meat), Heartburn.

(After moderate exercise), Great fatigue; sweat.

(After passage of flatus), Hard stool.

(In gloomy weather), Brown spot before eye.

(In passing wind), Great pain in rectum.

(Putting on hat), Heat and sweat.

(Heat of sun), Vertigo.

(Hiccoughing), Pains from region of heart.

(Leaning back against chair), Pain in spinal column; pressive pain in sacrum; chill in back.

(Lifting up or putting down the foot), Pain in right calf.

(Light of sun), Giddiness.

(Lying on left side), Pain, etc., in left ear.

(Looking at light objects), Yellow spots before eyes.

(Looking into the light), Dizzy dulness of head.

(Using eyes by lamp light), Pressure in eyes.

(Lying on back), Rattling of mucus in chest.

(Lying down), Headache, etc.; pain in occiput, etc.; rushing in ear; pain in small of back; bruised pain in lumbar region; twitching of the muscle; pain in knee.

(Lying down at night), Blows in heart, etc.

(After a meal), Tongue coated white, etc.; nausea; oppression at stomach; soreness in hypochondria; frequent cough.

(Moving head to either side), Back of neck hurt, etc.

(More rapid motion of head).

(Motion of body), Backache.

(During increased motion of body), Dragging, etc., along spinal cord; pain in several places of spinal cord.

(Slight movement), Easy chilliness.

(After motion), Bruised feeling of bones of extremities.

(Moving the part), Tension in right upper arm.

(Moving the joints), Cracking in them.

(Moving eyes), Pressure in eyes; burning and pressure in eyeballs; sensitiveness of eyeballs.

(Moving mouth), Flow of saliva.

(Moving hands, or holding something with them), Tremor of hands.

(Slight noise), Stitches in frontal eminences; blows in heart, etc.

(When least taken notice of), Disagreeable sensation in head, etc.

(Opening and shutting eyes), Burning in eyes.

(Five minutes after commencement of palpitation of heart), Lame pain in left hand and arm.

(Pressure), Creaking of occiput; pressure, etc., in stomach; pain in umbilical region.

(Reading), Dizzy dulness of head; twitching and pressing in left eyeball; loss of vision; eyes grow weak; overwhelming sleepiness.

(Rest), Oppression behind sternum, etc.; tearing in left forearm, etc.; rheumatic pains in left forearm; stitches in left foot, etc.; stitches in the toes; symptoms generally.

(Getting out of bed), Knee-joints painful.

(After getting up), Itching of scalp.

(After rising), Stitches in the forehead, etc.; pain inside of chest; tension in right leg).

(Rising from seat), Anxiety in chest, etc.; pain in small of back; stitches in right knee; sense of stiffness in tendo Achillis.

(Rising, after sitting awhile), Pain in legs.

(Rising from seat and righting body), Back feels stiff.

(Raising head), Flow of saliva into mouth.

(Raising left arm), Pain in deltoid muscles.

(Raising thigh when sitting), Pain in small of back.

(In room), Vertigo; inclination to vomit.

(Sitting), Pressure in forehead; pain in forehead becomes pressing and stunning; pain in forehead, etc.; occipital headache; spasms below diaphragm; dry cough, etc.; oppression, etc., in chest; sudden stitches in chest, etc.; irregular, strong beats of heart, etc.; anxious sense in heart; muscles of back of neck feel short; muscles of back of feel short; pains in dorsal muscles; pain in small of back; bruised pain in lumbar region; tearing in lumbar muscles; pain in sacrum; tearing in legs; the pains in legs; dull sensation resembling pain in hips; sitting parts feel bruised; tearing in left half of nates; tearing in right thigh; knee-joints painful; pain in knees; tearing in knee-joint; boring, etc., in right knee; pain in leg, etc.; tearing in leg; the pains in the tibia; bruised pain of inner side of gastrocnemii; tearing in outer surface of calf; pressure upon left malleolus; tearing in hollow of right foot; stitches in lower surface of heel; drawing, etc., upon lower surface of right big toe; various pains; symptoms of muscles; cramp-like pain in all the muscles, etc.; boring pain in head, thighs, etc.; bruised pain and fatigue.

(After sitting), Pain in external surface of both thighs.

(Sitting with a stooping chest), Stitches under left short ribs fine stitch in left chest.

(Standing), Pain in forehead; oppression in stomach; painful palpitation of heart; bruised feeling in small of back; paralytic pain in loins; pain in right loin; cramp in ball of thumb; the pain in legs; tearing in knee-joint; bruised pain in heels; sharp stitches in left toes; convulsions, etc.; sensation as if the whole body were shaken through.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.