
(Stepping), Stitches in heel.

(Scratching), Burning and itching.

(Before and during stools), Pinching and cutting in abdomen.

(After stool), Rumbling in abdomen; creeping in lower abdomen, etc.

(Stretching and holding in the breast), Drawing pain in occiput.

(Stretching and turning thigh outward), Tensive sensation in region of right loin.

(Swallowing), Dryness of palate, etc.

(Empty swallowing), Creaking in ears.

(Swallowing saliva), Painful sensation in fauces.

(Sneezing), Stitches in region of sacrum; pains from region of heart.

(Smoking tobacco), Empty risings, etc.; inclination to cough.

(Tough), Pain in parietal bone; burning in canthus; stitches in throat; pain in right loin; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae; pain in muscles of extremities; pain in back of right hand, etc.; pricking, in left thumb.

(Toughing the hairs), Pressure upon temporal bones, etc.

(Every turning motion of body), Increased painfulness of spinal column; violent pain in spinal column; violent pain in spinal column, etc.; pain in region of eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.

(Turning head backwards and towards left), Sprained sensation of neck, etc.

(When understanding in evening), Burning, itching of legs, etc.

(When urinating), Drawing in left groin; burning sensation.

(When vexed), Palpitation of heart.

(While vomiting), Sensation of foreign body in fauces.

(After vomiting), Feeling in left eyeball as though enlarged.

(Walking), Vertigo; oppression in stomach; stitches in abdominal walls, etc.; pain in left groin; difficulty of breathing; punctiform stitches in chest; pressure on breast, etc.; stitches in right lung; pain from sides of lumbar vertebrae; tearing in lumbar muscles; pains in loins; pain in sacrum, with exhaustion; prostration of lower limbs; pain in the hip; biting on the thighs; pain on outside of thighs; tearing in right thigh; paralytic pain in right thigh; contraction in flexors of left thigh; weakness in knee; pain in left knee; sudden bending of left knee; drawing in left tibia; pain in right calf; pain about both ankles; pain in heel; drawing sensation in right foot, etc.; pains in dorsum of left foot; tearing in soles of feet.

(After walking through room), Bruised pain in extremities, etc.; pressing pain in lower part of left leg.

(Walking up-stairs), Pain in right knee-joint; painful fatigue of legs.

(Walking up little hill), Copious sweat, etc.

(In warm bed), Burning in both feet.

(Washing with a sponge), Sensitiveness of spinal column.

(After garden work), Pain in back, etc.

(While writing), Flickering before eyes; unsteadiness of right hand; tremor of the hands.

(After writing), Sensation of going to sleep, etc., in right fourth of fifth fingers, etc.

(Writing stooping, or while standing), Going to sleep of hand.


(Early in morning), Pulse less intermittent.

(Mornings, after walking), Pain in lumbar region, etc.

(Forenoon), Pains in left tibia.

(Towards morning), Violent itching.

(Towards 4 P.M)., Redness of face, etc.

(Open air), Vertigo; inclination to vomit. (Walking in open air), Dulness of head; feeling of prostration.

(Boring with finger), Tickling itching in lobe of ear.

(Expiration), Sore feeling in left nostril.

(After drinking coffee), Pulse less intermittent, etc.

(Eructations), Occurrence of nausea.

(Extending the limb), Drawing and tearing in right thigh.

(Passage of flatus), Pressive pain, etc., in stomach; pinching sensation inside of abdomen; abdominal pains.

(After passage of offensive flatus), Pains in stomach, etc.

(Lying on left side), Tension in tendons, etc., of right lumbar region.

(Meditating), Vertigo.

(Motion), Pain in small of back; tearing in legs; the pains in the legs; pain in knee; prostration and weakness, etc.

(Continued motion), Pain in limbs.

(When observing the pain), Indistinct disagreeable sensation, etc.

(After perspiration in morning), Itching of hypogastrium.

(Pressure), Frontal headache; pain in forehead; pain in left temple; griping in lower abdomen, etc.; stitches in right lung; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebrae.

(When rising), Rushing in ears.

(After rising), Burning in both legs, etc.; pains in tibia.

(In room), Vertigo.

(Rubbing), Itching and pressure in eye.

(Scratching), Pain over left eyebrow; stitch over left eyebrow.

(Scratching with sharp comb), Itching of scalp.

(Sitting), Disagreeable feeling in anus, etc.; stiffness and pain in back; cramp in ball of thumb; pain in hip.

(Standing), Pain in internal side of gastrocnemii.

(After copious stool), Headache.

(Thinking of something else), Vertigo, etc.

(Tough), Pain over cranium; pressure on internal side of gastrocnemii.

(Turning head quickly), Vertigo.

(Spontaneous vomiting), Spasms, etc.

(Walking), Dull sensation like pain in hips; tearing in left half of nates; stitches in both sensation like pain in hips; tearing in left half of nates; stitches in both knees; pain about both ankles, etc.; pain in knees; drawing in posterior side of left leg, etc.; pain in the tibia; pains in left tibia; great weakness, etc.; itching in popliteal space; burning in inner surface of thigh; sweat; profuse sweat.

(After short but quick walking), Fatigue.

(After continued walking), Bruised pain in right hip.

(Walking on level floor), Painful fatigue of legs.

(Warmth of bed), Pains in bones, etc.

(Washing body in cold water), Pain in superciliary ridge, etc.

(Washing body in cold water), Pain in superciliary ridge, etc.

(Wine), Contraction of eye, etc.

(Wiping), Adhesion of eyelids.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.