
Swelling of single fingers.

Redness, burning itching of the fingers, as when parts are frozen.

Sometimes drawing pain in the fingers; seemingly in the periosteum.

Pain in base of right fingers.

Tearing pain between the thumb and index-finger of the right hand.

Drawing pains that spread fork-like from the space between the thumb and index-finger of the left hand towards those fingers.

Painful tearing in the space between the left index-finger and thumb, and in the upper arm.

The metacarpal joints of the right index and middle fingers somewhat red and sensitive to the touch.

Tearing in the fingers of the left hand, where the phalanges join the metacarpal bones; motion has no modifying influence over this symptom (after one hour).

Sensation of icy coldness over the joint as formed by the right middle finger and its metacarpal bone.

Twitching of the tendons in the right index-finger, and jumping of the muscles in the posterior margin of the right hand.

Burning and prickling in the index-finger of the right hand, as if a paronychia would form; in a few days this symptom is followed by frequent fits of numbness of the finger and great, long-continued sensitiveness of the finger to cold.

Drawing in the index-finger of the right hand.

Itching, with titillation, of the inner border of the right index finger, as if the parts had been frozen (after five hours).

Frequent pricking, as of penetrating splinters, in the left forefinger.

Single stitches, in rapid succession in the first joint of the left forefinger.

Late in the evening, a pain resembling tearing, in the second joint of the left forefinger.

Violent tearing in the right middle finger (after twenty- three hours).

Sensation of going to sleep and violent crawling in the right fourth and fifth fingers, in the back of the hand, and in the ulnar side of the hand after writing very little.

Tearing twitches in the last two fingers of the right hand.

Tearing in the little finger of the left hand, from its metacarpal joint.

For an hour in the afternoon tearing-burning in the right thumb.

Cramp-like pain in the right thumb, that occurs frequently during the day, and lasts several seconds.

Cramp in the ball of the right thumb when standing and walking; it passes off when the person is sitting (after six hours).

Itching and titillation of the ball of the right thumb, which obliges the person to scratch the parts (after eight hours).

Transient sticking pain, as of fine splinters, in the point of the right thumb.

Repeated violent tearing in the left thumb.

Pricking, as of needles, in the left thumb, increased and also caused by a slight touch.

Lower Extremities.

Trembling of the lower extremities.

Pain in the legs, especially disagreeable in the region of the right hip-joint, in the outer side of the right leg, resembling violent pains from fatigue, accompanied by tearing pain.

These pains continued all the afternoon and evening, and became excessive at different times; added to which, was a sensation of unsteadiness and fatigue.

Markedly violent pains in the limbs, especially in the hip; pain in the hip, especially in the left one, under the gluteal muscles; touch and pressure have no influence; walking and rest do not affect it; deep stooping increases it, as well as a change of position of the respective parts.

Pain in the legs, as from exhaustion consequent upon typhus fever.

Morning, burning in both legs, which ceases after rising.

The legs ache dreadfully, as if they had been crushed by a heavy load.

Tensive and drawing pain in both legs and feet in the night.

Drawing pressive pains in the legs, and especially in the ankles.

Sometimes a drawing pain in the periosteum in the bones of the legs.

Tearing in the legs; it continue when the person is sitting, and is relieved by motion.

Bruised pain in extremities, especially left; increases after a walk through the room.

The legs were as if bruised, and half lame.

Pain in the legs, as if they were bruised.

Heaviness of the lower limbs.

Heaviness and coldness of the lower extremities.

Great weight in the legs.

Weight in the legs; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under the person.

At noon, crawling and burning in the skin of both legs, from the hip to the heel.

Burning itching of the legs on getting undressed in the evening; this itching is attended with a desire to scratch; the scratching produces a burning sensation and makes the skin dry, which easily breaks; after five weeks the skin peels off.

In the legs, the pains (of almost any kind) occur when the person if standing of sitting; more rarely when walking; the pains diminish and disappear by motion.

His legs pained most when he attempted to rise, after sitting for awhile.

When standing, the pain increases in the legs; he is soon obliged to walk or to sit down; the pain comes on already after he has been standing a minutes.

Weakness of the legs (feet); being too powerless to stand upon them, the body is constantly balancing to and fro.

No muscular power in lower extremities.

Great prostration of the lower limbs, as if lead were attached to them.

Extreme prostration of the lower limbs while walking, which often compelled him to sit down.

An hour after dinner, great prostration and weakness of the lower extremities.

Great heaviness and prostration of the lower limbs.

His legs feel so tired and heavy that he can scarcely lift them.

Weak and heavy in the legs all day; more than usual clear, yellow urine.

Weariness of the legs.

Great lassitude of the legs; he knows not where to lay them.

Painful fatigue of the legs at the least ascending of stairs, that disappeared when walking on a level floor.

Unsteadiness of the legs, so great that the knees gave way at every step, to which no particular attention was paid; without perceiving fatigue.

Coldness of the lower extremities.

The legs go to sleep as soon as he crosses them.

At night, perspiration on the legs.

Perspired very much on both legs at night.

Evenings, in bed, perspiration on the inner surface of the legs.

Pain in the left hip already appears in the morning.

Transient stitches in the left hip-joint, and pain as if wrenched, or as if the bones of the left articulation were being separated from the sacrum; the latter pain extended to the cavity of the lower abdomen, and only gradually disappeared.

The hip-joints are painful, as if dislocated; most after them, the legs; the pain is a sprained, tired, bruised pain, mixed with a tearing sensation.

Dislocated pain in the left hip was very marked, but disappeared after an hour and a half.

Mornings after rising, a bruised pain in the right hip, that soon disappeared after continued walking.

Pain in the hip for soon twenty-four hours; it is not felt when sitting, but is very acute when walking.

Pressure in the hip-joints, especially mornings, in bed; sometimes a sensation as if the painful head of the femurs would be separated, or dragged from their articulations, or the pelvic bones from the sacrum.

In the right ilium, extremely, under the gluteals, rheumatic drawing pain, like pain in the hips.

The dull sensation resembling pain in the hips, in the region of the left ilium, became very violent, continued nearly the whole afternoon, was especially troublesome when sitting, and immediately disappeared entirely when walking.

Frequent twitching of the muscles of the seat.

Twitching of the muscles of both buttocks.

Momentary tearings and spasmodic contractions of the left gluteus maximus.

Burning in the gluteals.

On sitting down, those parts upon which he sits feel bruised, or as if he had sat upon them for a long while.

A sensation of coldness often appeared in the gluteal muscles.

Sensation of cold in the gluteal muscles, which are spasmodically contracted, making walking difficult.

Loss of sensation and coldness in the gluteal muscles.

The familiar sensation of coldness in spots on both buttocks, and an icy coldness extending to the ankles, especially to the big toe.

Quicksilver sensation in both buttocks at the same time.

Formication in the gluteal muscles, and a cool creeping sensation from the legs to the toes.

Boil on the right half of the nates.

Sensation of coldness in the right buttock, appearing at regular intervals, at every stroke of the pulse.

The familiar sensation of coldness in the right buttock.

On a small, lengthwise spot of the right gluteal, a chilling sensation, as when liquid quicksilver is poured into the palm.

Quicksilver sensation in the right gluteal.

Sensation of coldness on a point on the right buttock, and on the surface of the back, below the shoulder-blade.

Drawing and tearing in the left half of the nates; the pain wakes him from sleep at night.

Violent tearing in the left of the nates, attended with a feeling of coldness; the tearing is very violent when sitting; less violent when rising and walking (lasting for eight days).

The familiar sensation of coldness in the left buttock and the region of the trochanter.

After dinner, in a spot the size of a cent, on the left gluteal muscles, the familiar cold sensation, as of contact with quicksilver.

On crossing the thighs he feels a violent pain in them.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.