
Attack of vertigo in the open air; it disappears in the room; lasting for several days.

Vertigo in the room, on turning round.

Vertigo, passing off for some time by quickly turning the head.

Dizzy dulness of the head.

Dizzy dulness of the head, as in slight intoxication, perceptible nearly all day.

In the afternoon, dizzy dulness of the head, especially while reading or looking into the light.

Dizziness, stupefaction.

Dizzy stupefaction in the head, as if he were losing his consciousness, with roaring in left ear.

Head as if it intoxicated.

Please intoxication.


Forenoon, stupefaction of the head.

Head as if stupefied, but only for a short time.

Disagreeable cloudiness in the head.

Slight headache.

In the head, an indistinct sensation of a disagreeable kind, all day, as if a most violent headache would appear every moment; when observing the pain it vanished entirely, but returned most disagreeably when least taken notice of.

Headache, early in the morning, in bed.

Heat in the head and face.

Feeling as though the head were enlarged.

Congestion to the head.

Dulness of the head.

Dulness of the head; head constantly dull.

Dulness of the head, morning.

Dulness of the head in the forenoon.

Dulness of the head at noon.

Dulness of the head, which diminished on walking in the open air; which, however, returned repeatedly.

Sensation of dulness and fullness of the head.

Head dull and full; he could not go on reading.

Head dull, full, swaying back and forth.

Head dull and heavy.

Heaviness of the head.

Continual heaviness of the head, as after intoxication (after on and a half hours).

Continual heaviness of the head (after five hours).

In the morning, dull headache, with stupefying vertigo and palpitation of the heard; after rising, these appearance seemed to lessen somewhat, but soon became more violent, with excessive chilliness.

Dull headache, especially in the forehead; this headache obliged him to move the head constantly to and fro, and to close the eyes as for sleep.

Dull, stunning headache, with thirst and heat, especially in the face (immediately).

Dull headache, mornings, on awakening.

Dull, pressive headache, which disappears after a copious evacuation of the intestines, combined with flushes of heat.

Waking at three o’clock in the morning, with pressive headache.

Moderate pressure, deep in the head.

Pressive headache, at intervals before going to sleep.

Leaden pressure of the brain on the cranial bones, which even extends to the nose.

Violently pressive headache, especially in the occiput, after dinner (ninth day).

Weak drawing headache.

Drawing in the head, in all directions, with sensation as though the person were to lose the senses.

Drawing headache, early on awaking, with pressure in the eyeballs.

Jerking tearing in the head, most painful behind the right ear, where it stops.

Tearing in different places in the skull.

Grinding, pain in the head; it lasts only for a few minutes, but it frequently returns.

Feeling of coldness in the head, especially in the occiput.

Jumping of the muscles in the left forehead.

Twitches in the skin of the forehead above the right eye.

Headache in the forehead appeared directly after taking.

Mornings, violent headache in the frontal region, with contraction of the muscles of the forehead and eyelids.

On waking, considerable headache in the forehead.

Violent headache, that diminished towards evening, and was confined to the forehead.

Half an hour after taking, burning in the superciliary ridge near the temples.

Sensation in the head as though the frontal regions were enlarged and the brain were being whirled about in it, with pressive pain in both temples.

Heaviness and fullness in forehead.

The forehead is heavy and confused.

Burrowing feeling, as if the brain in the frontal region were and ant-hill, with fullness of the head.

Transient burrowing pain in left forehead and left occiput.

Violent boring headache in the frontal region, that is diminished by pressure.

Violent grinding pain in the left frontal eminence (after three hours).

Drawing pain in the forehead.

Sensation of drawing, pressive headache in the left frontal eminence, oppressing the eye,.

Painful drawing pressure from the left side of the forehead towards the right, while sitting (after one and a half hours).

During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and goes.

Drawing pain in the middle of the forehead.

Soon after taking, dull, drawing, transient pain in left forehead.

Between the eyebrows, a drawing, but not violent pain.

On awaking in the morning, a somewhat drawing headache in the right side of the forehead.

Dull, drawing pain in the middle of the forehead, between the superciliary ridges.

Drawing, tearing pain in forehead; intermitting (after thirty three hours).

Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose.

Drawing, cutting pain in the forehead, when standing; when sitting, this pain assumes a pressive and stunning character (after one and a half hours).

Dull headache in the forehead.

Dull headache in the frontal region.

Dull, rather violent pain along the forehead and sagittal suture.

Dull pains, first in the one, then in the other frontal eminence.

Dull, indistinctly expressed pain in the middle of the forehead; pressing both temples makes the pain disappear, but it returns more violently after a short time.

Pressure in the cavities of the of the forehead.

Pressure and twitching in the forehead, extending to the eyes.

Violently pressive pain in the forehead, with vertigo, while sitting.

Pressure deep in forepart of head, at margin of hair.

All day long, a dull, pressive pain in the frontal region; the same pressive pain in the left half of the forehead.

On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in the right frontal eminence.

Transient, pressive headache in the left side of forehead.

Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence.

During the day, pressive, drawing pain in the forehead, extending to the eyes; comes and goes.

Shortly after the medicine, pain in the forehead, as if both sides of the head were pressed together.

When she laid down on account of vertigo, she was suddenly seized by a violent, pressive headache, that extended into the left ear, as if something would stop it up.

Pressive pain in the frontal region.

Pressive pain in the forehead, extending inward.

Pressive pain in the forehead, all day long.

A dull, pressive pain in the frontal region.

Pressive headache in the forehead, increases in the open air.

Some pressive pain in the left half of the forehead.

On waking in the morning, pressive pain deep in right frontal eminence.

Pressive pains in the right frontal region, with morning dulness of the head.

Pressure, with stitches in the forehead above the eyes.

During walk in the open air, pressive pain in the right supraorbital region, which, however, disappears in a short time.

Pressure coming down from the forehead upon the upper half of the eyeballs (after one and a half hours).

A sensation during the day as if headache were coming on, which really appeared towards evening, consisting in a disagreeable pressive, and sometimes very painful, sensation, in little spots upon forehead and temples, which lasted for hours.

Tearing in bones of forehead.

Tearing in the forehead immediately above the root of the nose.

Sore feeling on the left side of the forehead, directly over the eyebrows.

The eminences of the eyebrows are painful to the touch.

Shooting pain in the right frontal region.

Transient shooting pain in the right and left frontal eminence, alternately.

Violent shooting and twisting in the left superciliary ridge.

Slight shooting in the forehead, which gradually increased, especially on the left side.

At breakfast, a slight noise caused violent stitches in the right frontal eminence.

Single stitches in the forehead, especially in left side.

Every time after rising, a stitch in the forehead.

Pricking, as of needles, in the left frontal region.

Sensation of coldness, as of, ice on the scalp, right side of the frontal bone, although, on touching the parts, they seem to feel warm.

Itching in the forehead, inducing scratching; there are pimples on the forehead.

One large and several smaller blisters scattered over the forehead.

Frequent twitching of the muscles of the left temporal region.

Twitching and shooting in the right temple and along the zygoma.

Frequent jumping in the left temporal region and zygoma.

Rhythmical twitching of the muscles in the left frontal and temporal region.

Cramp-like pain in the left temple (after thirty-seven hours).

Pain in the left temple, then in the right one, then in the left lower jaw, like a decayed tooth beginning to ache.

Aching pain in the zygoma of the left temporal bone.

Waking, about midnight, with a violent, burrowing pain in the left temple, which is diminished by pressing with the hand, and reappears after relaxed pressure.

After dinner, transient premonition of dull, burrowing headache in the left temple.

A boring, throbbing pain in the squamous portion of the temporal bones, lasting more than two hours.

Very painful drawing through the temples, forehead, and eyeballs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.