
Slimy stools, at the same time passing much wind.

Yellowish slimy evacuations, with tenesmus and pains.

Very offensive fecal passage.

Very offensive leek-green evacuations.

Easy and copious stool, shortly afterwards a feeling of heaviness in the anus, with an inclination to draw the anus upwards.

A tolerably consistent easy stool, followed by a sensation of distension in the abdomen.

After taking, sudden desire for stool, so that the chair could scarcely be reached; copious evacuation of a tough, sticky mass, passed without difficulty.

Crumbling stool, preceded by a feeling of moisture in the anus, which led to the certain expectation of a diarrhoea.

Knotty stools at night after violent colic; this is succeeded by violent tenesmus, without any more stools being passed (third day).

First hard, then, pappy stools; shortly after there is diarrhoea.

Evacuations at noon and evening, which is not usual.

Three diarrhoeic stools during the day, with swelling of the hemorrhoids, and excessive bearing down of the intestines into the inguinal canal and pelvic cavity.

Diarrhoeic stools, more than ten times, with griping and passage of much flatus.

Very frequent diarrhoeic stools.


Diarrhoea, with violent pinching in the body, early in the morning (second day).

Diarrhoea, at the same time the person passes a large quantity of wind (after six hours).

Diarrhoea, attended with painful retraction of the stomach and abdomen.

Dysenteric flux (secondary effect).

Stool delayed, hard and scanty.

Hard, dark-colored evacuations (third day).

Very hard stools.

Hard stool; subsequently burning in the anus for some time.

After an almost painful and natural straining, a difficult hard stool.

After dinner, a hard scraping stool.

Two easier stools, with less burning in the anus, and passage of offensive flatus.

After passage of flatus, a hard stool.

Solid stools after several days’ constipation.

Absence of stool for two days.

Contrary to habit, stool was omitted for two days, until finally an effort, with some difficulty, effected a hard evacuation.

Stool every other day; it is always solid.

There is no stool for three days, although stools generally were passed every day; at the end of three days, the person passed stools which were hard.

Stoppage of excretions.

Urinary Organs.

While driving in the forenoon, tensive pain in the region of the bladder, without desire to urinate.

Twitching pain in bladder.

Effusion of viscid glutinous mucus from the urethra.

In the evening, disagreeable sensation in the urethra, quite at the end, along the glans, involuntarily inducing pressure of this part.

At night, momentary burning in the orifice of the urethra.

Burning in the urethra while urinating.

Burning while urinating.

Burning sensation while urinating continued several days.

A stitch in the urethra, as if an incandescent steel were pushed through it (after three hours).

Fine stitches through the urethra.

Prickling and itching in the orifice of the urethra (after two hours).

A sensitive, momentary crawling-itching in the glans, which seems to be in the urethra.

Tickling in the fossa navicularis of the urethra, as if a small foreign body were in it.

Sensation in the urethra as if he had not entirely done urinating.

Sensation in the urethra, as if a drop of cold water passed through it.

Frequent and violent urging to urinate, and copious urine, with stitches in meatus urinarius.

Desire to urinate, and copious urine is passed (after three quarters of an hour).

Waking up in the night with a violent desire to urinate, much urine being then emitted (after nineteen hours).

Frequent desire to urinate; he passes much urine, the penis being quite relaxed (after four hours).

Frequent desire to urinate; quantity of urine considerably greater than usual.

Profuse urine with the stool, and soon afterwards renewed desire to urinate.

Frequent micturition.

She frequently passes her urine, though she had drank but little (fourth day).

After long-continued desire to urinate, profuse urine and soft stool.

Copious passage of urine.

Passage of urine frequent and considerably increased.

Passed an unusual quantity of urine during the night.

Paralytic weakness of the sphincter vesicae, so that the urine could only be retained for a moment with difficulty.

After urinating, the urine continued to flow involuntarily for some time, so that the thighs and knees were frequently quite wet; it seemed as if the sphincter vesicae had suspended its function.

With desire to urinate, the sphincter vesicae had not the power to retain the urine, even momentarily.

It passed at intervals, dripping long afterwards, frequently wetting the thighs; the penis at the same time cold and shrunken.

Retention of urine.

Rare emission of urine, without any increase of quantity.

Rare emission of urine, with decrease of quantity.

Urine comes out slowly, feebly, sometimes only in drops; he is obliged to bear down in order to facilitate the emission of urine.

The urine sometimes stops flowing for a few moments, and then flows again.

Noticeably small secretion of urine.

Since beginning the proving, the secretion of urine seems to have considerably diminished.

Scanty, reddish urine (first and second day).

Urine scanty and dark (second afternoon).

Clear lemon-colored urine.

Urine clear canary-yellow.

After several attempts, the urine is passed clear citron- yellow (two hours).

In the morning, urine light-colored, like water; flame- colored in the afternoon, without sediment.

Flame-colored urine in the afternoon.

Urine passed was burning hot and dark yellow.

Urine red and dim, without sediment.

During the time of proving, urine mostly unusually lemon- colored.

Urine appeared very red and clear. Urine of normal color.

Urine notably watery.

Urine very dim and whey-like.

Urine watery in the forenoon, afterwards milky.

Urine milky and dim.

Urine grows dim and whey-like after standing a short time.

Urine that passes very dim, like clay-water.

Urine milky in the afternoon.

Urine with a dense shimmering film, without sediment.

A little shimmering pellicle on the surface of the urine, seeming to consist of little longish crystals.

After an hour, the urine showed a little shimmering pellicle, and a copious white sediment.

Urine with copious white, flaky sediment, and shimmering film.

Red, dim urine depositing a copious white, flaky sediment, that seemed to be mixed with a red powder.

After an hour, the urine turned quite dim, and deposited a red, flaky sediment.

After an hour, a red powdery sediment.

After an hour, the urine deposited a copious white sediment, which proved, on chemical analysis, to be phosphate of magnesia.

Sexual Organs.

Irritation of the genitals.

Itching, with titillation of the margin of the prepuce; these symptoms oblige him to rub the parts (after five hours).

Quickly passing, voluptuous itching in the penis.

Tickling itching in the scrotum, necessitating rubbing, while sitting (after twelve hours).

The skin swells and turns red in the left side of the scrotum, itches and twinges; the swelling disappears again after two days.

Excessive retraction of the testicles toward the inguinal ring, so that it became painful, and it was necessary to push them out from the inguinal opening, within which they were partly embedded; this, however, only afforded partial relief, still the difficulty was not of long duration.

Drawing in the testicles, attended with a sense of uneasiness, awkwardness, and sleepiness, in the evening.

Spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and spermatic cord.

Continual erection (first night).

Erections early in the morning.

Frequent erections, also at night.

Mornings, excessive sexual desire.

Very lively sexual desire.

The sexual desire becomes excited.

A nap after dinner is succeeded by an unbounded desire, in the sexual organ, for an emission if semen; after the emission there is a pressive tension below the ribs, without any symptoms of flatulence.

Great desire for an embrace, the penis being relaxed.

In the evening, when desirous of enjoying an embrace, he tried in vain to have an erection; he was, therefore, obliged to desist; in the ensuring night, he had several copious, involuntary effusions of semen.

In spite of strong excitement, there is no pleasurable sensation in an embrace.

During an embrace, a copious effusion of semen, followed by a very long sleep.

Tardy effusion of semen during an embrace.

Insufficient effusion of semen during an embrace, which is succeeded by weariness of the body.

After every embrace there is great weariness, lasting several days.

Every embrace is followed by copious night-sweats, attended with a general lassitude of the body, which lasts for several days.

After an embrace he feels very much exhausted; there is a burning itching upon the skin, and copious night-sweats for two nights; the sweat appearing first upon the upper part of the chest and shoulders, and then upon the abdomen and the anus.

Sexual desire very much diminished.

Noticeable sexual apathy.

Great aversion to sexual intercourse.

Pollutions (first night).

Nightly pollutions, without any lascivious dreams.

Emissions, several successive nights.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.