
Violent stitches, as with coarse needless, on the lower edge of the left orbit, at the exit of the infraorbital nerve.

Fine, pricking, pressive feeling directly over the eyes.

Eyes easily sensitive.

The eyes itch in the morning.

Itching and pricking in the right eye (after one hour).

Itching and pressure on right eye, relieved by rubbing for a short time.

Itching and tickling in left eye, which induce rubbing (after three hours).

Dryness of the eyes.

Feeling of weakness in the eye without having exerted the eye in the way.

Falling off of the hairs of the eyebrows.

In and between the eyebrows, small, itching pimples appear that are painfully sensitive to the touch, and vanish after a few day.

Pressive pain in the superciliary ridges.

Pressive pain in the right superciliary ridge; relieved after washing the body with cold water, then growing worse again.

In the morning pain in the right superciliary ridge.

On waking in the morning, a pressive, shooting pain in the left superciliary ridge, towards the outside.

Pressive pain in the left superciliary ridge for five minutes, and directly after in the right superciliary ridge.

Burrowing, pressive pain over the left eye and the frontal eminence.

Piercing pain in right superciliary ridge.

Repeated itching, piercing pain over the left eyebrow induces scratching, which stops it.

Toward noon, violent, continued, uninterrupted stitch directly over the left eyebrow, that lasts in the same degree as when the point of a needle is continuously pressed into the flesh; by violent scratching, which the sensation of pain finally induced, the pain was stopped almost entirely.

Itching in the eyebrows.

The margin of the lids and conjunctiva palpebrarum are red, with sticking and tension in the eyes.

Trembling in the upper eyelid.

Trembling in the right upper eyelid.

Trembling of the left upper eyelid in the morning, which is repeated towards noon.

Frequently slight twitching in the eyelids; it is generally circumscribed within a small spot, and rather extending towards one another.

Twitching in the left upper eyelid.

Winking of the right lower eyelid, accompanied by throbbing of an artery on the left side, at the back of the nose, and twitches of the skin of the left side of the nose.

Winking and itching off the left lower lid, which induce rubbing.

Contraction of the eyelids (after two hours).

Narrowing of the interval between the eyelids for several days, without swelling, and often with twitching and winking of the lids.

The interval between the lids is smaller than usual; it requires an effort to widen it.

Swelling of the left lid toward the inner canthus; this swelling causes the eye to appear diminished.

Half-open eyes.

Violent twitching and itching in the left canthus.

Contraction and narrowing of the inner canthus of the left eye.

The caruncula of the left eye increases in size for several days.

The eyelids adhere to one another as by slimy threads; wiping relieves this symptom only for a short time.

Viscid (previously white), yellow humor, which glues the eyelids to one another; the secretion of this humor takes place the inner canthi, and continues even during the day, but especially early, and in the evening.

Gum in the canthi of the eyes (after six hours).

Both inner angles of the eye were found stuck together with a little mucus.

Burning eyelids.

The eyelids, every time after being closed, have a burning sensation similar to that caused by watching all night by lamp light.

Painful pressure in the lids, especially the right one, with great sleepiness.

Painful pressure under the upper eyelids, especially when the eyes are closed, resembling great fatigue of the eyes after great exertion in too strong a light; continues quite a long time.

Slight stitches in the left upper eyelids.

Sticking in margins of lids; the eyes are half closed, as with great sleepiness, and very sensitive to candlelight.

Biting, and sensation of contraction in lids.

Biting sticking in the edge of the right upper lid.

On waking in morning biting in the edges of the eyelids.

Burning in the inner canthus of the eyes, as though inflammation were going to set in; the pain increases upon the parts being touched.

Burning sensation of the inner canthus of the eyes upon the lids being firmly closed.

Scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles of the eyes, with some collection of mucus in them.

A scraping, shooting pain in the inner angles, and under the upper lid of the right eye.

Soon after the medicine a scraping, shooting pain in the left angle of the eye.

Itching shooting at the roots of the cilia, in the left upper lid.

Lachrymation of the right eye (first and second days).

Lachrymation of the right eye (after three hours).

Increased lachrymation.

Sensation in the eyes as though they had to be wiped constantly.

Redness of the white of the eye.

Eyeballs jerked here and there. (S. J).

Twitches in the eyeballs in frequent succession; in the left eye they are often accompanied by lachrymation.

While reading there is frequent twitching and pressing in the left eyeball.

Spasms, with aching pain in the left eyeball, at any time of the day, and under all circumstances; the eye has to be wiped, but the symptoms remain.

Distorted eyeballs.

The eyes roll in their sockets, and at times the pupil remain fixed against thee upper wall of the orbit.

The eyes turn upwards.

Painful sensation of the left bulbus.

Burning and pressing of the eyeballs, especially when moving them.

It is difficult to move the eyes; the eyeballs seem to expand in the orbits.

After vomiting, a feeling in the left eyeball as though it were enlarged.

Motion of the eyes in the orbits is not quite free.

Painful twitching in the right eyeball.

Dull pain in the bulbus, similar to the pain caused by pressing the bulbus with the hand.

Very painful drawing in the eyeballs (third and fourth days).

Drawing and pressing in the eyeballs, especially the left, extending into forehead (fourth day).

Pressive pain in the right bulbus, toward the top and outward, very sensitive, but only momentary, and recurring several times.

Very sensitive, pressive, tearing pain in the right bulbus, without influence upon the vision, but so sudden that he involuntarily put his hand to his eye. Pressive pain in the left bulbus.

Pressure in the left eyeball (after ten hours).

Painful pressure in the left bulbus from above, extending outwards; very sensitive, and continuing for some time.

In the morning, pressive pain in the left bulbus for a quarter of an hour.

Momentary piercing pain in the right eyeball.

Sensitiveness of the eyeballs when moving them.

Slight painfulness of the eyeballs when moving them.

The eyeballs are painful to the touch.

In the evening exceedingly painful itching on the bulbus under the left eyeball.

Pupils dilated.

The pupils first dilate (after three-quarters of an hour), then contract (after twenty-five hours).

Pupils at first contracted, then dilated.

Eyes insensible to light.

Gradual decrease of sight on walking in the open air (after seven hours).

Great weariness (weakness) of the eyes; if she looks long at an object it appears pale.

Short sightedness and dim sightedness of both eyes.

Very indistinct sight; he is obliged to hold objects close to his eyes in order to perceive them clearly.

In reading he is obliged to approach the letters more and more closely to his eyes in order to recognize them distinctly; afterwards he has to remove them again to a greater distance, otherwise the sight becomes dim again.

Loss of vision while reading.

Dimness before the eyes, with sleepiness.

Dim sightedness; everything appears obscured, as if by turbid water; he has to make an effort to recognize the thing.

The sight grew dim; the external angle of the left eye began to burn, and he felt a pressure under the left upper lid, as from a grain of sand.

Every object appears surrounded with a mist, and therefore obscured.

That which comes before the eyes is obscured, as if covered with cobwebs.

While reading the eyes grow weak, watery, and dim.

Dulness of vision.

Vision was dimmed, S. J.

The light seems to burn dimmer than usual.

Weakness of slight.

Misty weakness of sight.

Blinding before eyes.

The father was blind.


He imagines he sees things double.

Dizzy vision in the evening, and weakness, even double sightedness.

He reads with difficulty, because the type seem to move. Veiled eyesight.

His eyes were dim when he wished to read; weak, and he seemed to read as through a veil, with flickering before the eyes.

Flickering before eyes, S. J.

Flickering before the eyes while writing.

Sometimes yellow spots before the eyes when looking at light objects.

A black spot hovers before the left eye, at the distance of half an ell; upon winking it flits to and fro.

In gloomy weather a brown spot hovers before the left eye, towards the inner canthus.

On closing the right eye there is seen before the left a small, oblong-brown spot, hovering in an oblique direction toward the inner canthus, pretty near the eye.


Frequent jumping of the muscles about the ears and temples.

Twitching of the muscles close to the left ear.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.