Hpathy Needs Your Help!


About three thousand registered Homoeopathic practitioners now appear on the roll, but they have no recognition in any Government or semi-government hospital or dispensary, neither in collieries not tea garden; they have no place in any concourse of the major medical fraternity. We should now cry halt, take stock and mend commissions and omissions. How long should we suffer Bengals Homoeopathy scoffed at?.


With profound grief we announce the death of our revered Business Manager- Mr. Fakirdas Sarker, which melancholy event took place on midnight of Thursday the 10th. October last in his own house at Howrah town, He died at the age of 77 years, having retired from the service only a few months ago on a respectable pension. He joined the firm of Messrs M. Bhattacharya & Cos Homoeopathic department (The Economic Pharmacy) as a petty apprentice and served uninterruptedly for 47 years.


By Propagation through newspapers the public will be apprised of these Foundation lectures, and cautioned against the fowlers net of the pseudo- homoeopathists who are inflictions on the public under cover of their medical degrees and State Medical Facultys license.


The administration of the scheme is proposed to be entrusted to a Corporation constipated by central legislation. The Corporations functions will be performed by a Central Board constituted of representatives of Central and Provincial Governments, and of employers, workers and the medical profession. The Board will include certain members elected by the Central Legislative Assembly.


For this extension no reason appears to have been given by the department concerned, but obviously they thought it wise to wait until elections to the provincial legislature are over and the Ministry settle down to work. Thus, the Registered Homoeopathic practitioners will have full twelve months at their disposal to deliberate and choose their representatives on the General Council, and also enable publication of the list of registered practitioners and make it available to the public.


In an impoverished country like ours where the mass seldom gets one full meal a day the approach to the maintenance of National Health should be based upon realities of the situation and not upon the fantastic recommendations of the Bhore Committee that requires one thousand crores of rupees to put the scheme into action. India wants a system of medicine which promises the greatest efficacy at the minimum cost.


The rural medical officer of health will attend the outdoor dispensary and the hospital in the morning and will be helped in his work by the health assistant and the dai. In the afternoon he with his health assistant and the dai will carry on preventive works, viz. examination of school children, anti-malarial measures, vaccination, removal of public health nuisances, public health propaganda, etc.


The Government made casual efforts for its preventive and curative treatment. In conformity with the terms of free trade, nations outside the British commonwealth brought in this country a good many anti-malarial medicines. Germany made tremendous profit from the sale of Plasmochin and atabrine but their prohibitive price did not allow the mass to buy their benefit.


A nation of die hard materialists as they are, they would not realise the importance of Vayu, Pitta and Kauf, the Tridosha, nor would learn to feel these to an exactitude placing their fingers over the pulse of the patient; they want to have it demonstrated by means of a mechanical instrument, such as they do with the aid of Sphygmomanometer. Their pachydermatous finger-tips and quaky nerves are too unsteady to receive the subtle impulse of Tridosha.


It is scouted by the graduates of the regular school of medicine without studying its art and science, for which they have neither the brain nor the leisure, for their entire time must be devoted to eke out a pittance to live and to keep up an appearance. But persons who profess to have dedicated themselves to the service of their country and countrymen are expected to be always alert and above influence and example of the fashionable rich.


Standardization of allopathic pharmacopoeia medicines is based upon the alkaloidal content of each medicine, its keeping age, its assayed therapeutic and lethal doses, and in case of chemical compounds also their compatibility, affinity and fixed proportions. The standardization of Homoeopathic medicines is governed by entirely different pharmaceutical rules.


The Bengal Assembly and the Bengal Council are to be nominated, the Government will nominate two, and one non-Homoeopath will at last be co-opted by the rest of the General Council. The members of the Council shall then proceed to elect their President and one Vice-president. This together with the Registrar (Ex-officio) will constitute the General Council and Faculty under section 2 of the Statutes.


Anacardium has a so-called “nervous” type of indigestion relived by food. This is the type of indigestion which precedes actual formation and it is in this stage that one may hope to cure. Later when an ulcer has formed, more than mere drug therapy will be required before the ulcer will heal. Homoeopathic drug therapy is directed against those conditions which tend to ulceration.


The taste of these patent medicines are cleverly made so delicious that it tempts the doctors to use the samples themselves. It remind us of Sir R. N. Chopras pertinent and very true remarks that any drug advertised in a medical journal is considered to be useful if it is backed by testimonials. “It does not seem to be realized that, in addition to a large number of useful and patent drugs on the market, there must be a host of others of doubtful value.


This is a congenital defect of the skin which renders it extremely sensitive to the slightest injury. In those affected the slightest knock is sufficient to produce a blister. The disease is hereditary, and can often be traced to a considerable number of member of a family. The lesions usually appear first in early infancy, but occasionally they have occurred for the first time later in life.


It is this catholicity that did not deter him from using Alstonia scholaris when quinine was not available in required quantity, and to acknowledge openly its valuable effects. If Homoeopathy can come to the front line of this fight nd exhibit its indubitable curative virtue we do not think Dr. Roy will remain wilfully unconvinced and militant against Homoeopathy.


The rheumatic pains are more of the numb semiparetic type pains and needles in the fingers and some loss of power. The knees crack, but the sensitiveness to wet weather and improvement from damp weather is the outstanding feature. The rheumatic pains are aggravated by the general tenseness of the individual which is also translated to his ligaments and muscles.


The Ministry of Public Health, Bengal, are not unaware of the piteous condition prevailing in the drug market for want of adequate supplies even at controlled prices. It may not also be unknown to them that millions of suffering public are taking resort to Homoeopathy for its proved efficacy. How long will the Ministry withhold its clemency and conceal its tears of sympathy for the suffering millions.


Painful swelling anteriorly and externally. Cracking in vertebrae; on bending head backward, with stiffness of nape. Sticking in nape on stooping. Bruised pain and tension in nape and between scapulae, which go to shoulder on moving the head. Drawing pain in right side; in nape and scapulae. Stiffness. Paralytic sprained pain in nape.


Adventitiously or for favour of Fortune or for deserving merit a few practitioners succeed in amassing huge sums of money by practising Homoeopathy and then only to bequeath their great harvest of wealth to their heirs to live in sweet idleness or in prodigality. It is their wealth and not their sacrifice for Homoeopathy that raise them to the ranks of Homoeopathic hierarchy.


The Therapeutics of these three systems of medicine stand still more widely apart, and one vies with the other as to its superior effectiveness. Thus, a medical graduate of the Allopathic system of medicine cannot be considered fit to practise any of the other systems of medicine before having received instructions and acquired the required proficiency in Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Therapeutics of the system of medicine of his choice.


Reports have reached us of the early outbreak of malaria in many of the villages in the mofussil districts and the children, particularly among the evacuees, long accustomed to the amenities of city life, have caught the infection. No assistance has been rendered by the Government, so far as we are aware, to the municipalities or the union Boards where these exist, to enable them to take adequate sanitary precautions, including the supply of pure drinking water.


This interesting report witnesses many lavish contributions of the Government towards hospitals, dispensaries, and some of the private medical institutions; for example, a capital grant of Rs. 49,000/- was made to the Ramkrishna Sishumangal Prathistan, Calcutta. The Report mentions that a General Council and State Faculty of Unani Medicine has since been established and a grant of Rs. 4000/- has been made to it to make a start.


The problem of the preventive and curative treatment of diseases–epidemic, endemic or idiopathic–amongst the widely spread out immigrants, is indeed a profound perplexity. Reliable medicinal preparations, which used to come from over-seas countries, are not available today either for love or money; the indigenous preparations which emulate them are neither prolific nor their prices within the reach of all.


Government expect that in their own interest and in the interest of the Faculty the Kavirajes will renew their registration on payment of the prescribed fee within the extended period. Otherwise they will cease to be regarded as registered Kavirajes, lose their franchise and will not be able to participate in the next general election to the Ayurvedic Council.


The European sources of supply were blocked immediately the war broke out, and now the American supplies have also become scarce, for the dangers of war spreading in the two fronts, the Atlantic and the Pacific. The price of Sugar of Milk has risen to the prohibitive peak. Most of the drugs cannot be supplied now by the American manufacturers, and the local stock in India is getting depleted every day.


The Poet Laureate had a predilection for Homoeopathic and Biochemic Medicine. His Sriniketan always had a good supply of these medicines for his personal use as well as for the treatment of the poor villagers who used to flock to him whenever they were sick. It was one of his fond desires to found a Chair for Homoeopathy at his Visva Bharati, but unfortunately for us he passed away before it could be fulfilled.


To effect such a cure entails an industrious job on the homoeopathic practitioners. How many of them are willing to do it? The homoeopathist cannot be expected to run his affairs on the basis of philanthropy, pauperising himself and his family. The general run of patients will not pay him for necessary attention, for the time involved in treating them according to Hahnemannian method and the industry and fidelity. It cannot be done.


The progressively larger fees will act as a check upon an excess in the number of patients and permit the physician to give to each patient his just dues in time, care and thought and himself the comfortable assurance of proper compensation. This will tend to prevent him from falling into the temptations which lead to moral and professional degeneration.


We congratulate the Ministery on the comprehensive, simple and straightforward style and language of the rules published. We hope that remaining business will be pushed forward with reasonable speed so that within the next six months the General Council may implement the Faculty in all its aspects.


The condition for annexing a hospital to each college is a necessary and essential hypothesis. Ofcourse, the latitude of expectoration should, in this case, be within reasonable contour in the beginning, and a time-limit may be stipulated for its expansion to a certain dimension.


The noiseless foot of time ceaselessly trots along its endless course. Six long weeks have quietly passed since the Honble Minister of Public Health graciously announced on the floors of the Bengal Legislative Assembly that the Homoeopathic Medical Faculty was going to be established within a few weeks. The promised Faculty has not come within sight yet. But one must not despair.


Such a comprehensive questionnaire bears an eloquent testimony to the whole-hearted earnestness of the Punjab Government in dealing with public demand for a State Medical Faculty of Homoeopathy, and it would not be otherwise than pertinent for the homoeopathic Medical practitioners in Bengal to ask if the Advisory committee her touched all the points envisaged in the Punjab questionnaire.


Appendicitis is a sycotic disease. It is caused by deficient peristaltic movements of the intestines. Unhealthy intestine cannot evacuate faeces properly and some particles of faeces enter inside the appendix and rot there, hence the inflammation comes on. A sincere physicians duty is to find out the cause of the disease and treat the patient to make his intestines healthy.


Aco. Alum. Am-c. Am-m. Anac. Ant-t. Arg-n. Ars-a. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Bry. Bufo. Cact. Calc-c. Calc-p. Calc-s. Cann-s. Canth. Carb-s. Carb-v. Caust. Cham. Coc-c. Con. Cupr. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hep-s. Ign. Ipec. Kali-s. Lach. Lyco. Meg. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Psor. Puls. Ruta. Samb. Sang. Sanic. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Syph. Thuj. Tub. Zinc.

My Experiences With Homoeo Medicines

Totality of symptoms indicated Phosphorus, which reduced diarrhoea and temperature. His excessive desire for food subsided. After two days fever came to normal and stools became dysenteric. Before I was able to decide any other medicine, some one advised the parents to give a little juice of certain green herb very useful in dysentery. It was used and the fever shot up, cough was produced, diarrhoea ensued with more vigour.

Science Vs Medical Sense

Our mission should be to clarify our own vision, to show homoeopathy as we see it and know it in its higher psychic and mental form, to attract those susceptible to principles rather than to represent it in the form of a scientific manikin devoid of flesh and blood and vitality. We have no quarrel with any who feel a call to descend into the realm of science for the purpose of verifying and presenting homoeopathic truth and perhaps we should be somewhat grateful for the sacrifice; but that it exalts homoeopathy or adds anything to the artistry we doubt very much.

Editorial Belated Better Than Repudiated

This is an age of Self assertion and if the Homoeopathic Medical profession do not move to have their Diplomas recognised by the Government it is themselves they have to thank for. It is however, heartening to know that the unregistered medical practitioners are moving the Govt. for their recognition and we commend this move to the Homoeo. Practitioners.

Editorial – The General Council And State Faculty

There is no reasonable ground to keep the matter hanging fire month after mouth and we hope that the Ministry of Public Health & Local Self Govt. will now stir in the matter, that Homoeopathy will take its lawful share in the scheme of health amenities, hatched in the West Bengal Secretariat.

Relata Refero – 1

Six doctors have already been appointed and eight lakhs of rupees have been received from private contribution and double the amount has been promised. The situation appears to be hopeful. But we do not congratulate Dr. Roy now. It is too early to do so. Promises, schemes and plans we have had enough in the past. At times we had been flooded with them. But how many of them have been actually carried into practice?

Veratrum Album In Malaria

Later it was observed that the extremities were very cold and the child “chilly”. Menyanthes 200 was given, still no effect. The mother came to me one day and asked me the reason of his sons forehead also being very cold and sweaty at the same time. Of course, I gave her no reason, but handed her ever 3 powders of Veratrum Album 6. The child got well from the next day and had no relapse uptil now-3 years since.

Relata Refero – 2

The procedure of the Committee of Enquiry be, in general, on the lines of the procedure of the court. Persons directly or indirectly concerned with the teaching in the medical colleges and the holding of examinations be allowed to be called in as witnesses before the Committee of Enquiry. Cross-examinations of the said witnesses by counsels before the Committee of Enquiry be permitted.

A Case Of So Called Kala-Azar

A few days after a slight fever came in the evening, and a few doses of 1000th were given, after which the fever never appeared. After Carbo veg. has done all it could do, Kali Carb. 1M, was given and the spleen and lever was gone. At this time scabby symptoms came out on her body together with tympanitic abdomen in the evening and constipated bowels.


They therefore vowed not to learn anything that might effect consciously or unconsciously any immediate or remote change of outlook. The Indian officials under them had to work slavishly within the groove fixed by their foreign masters, and did not dare divert their attention beyond the line of action prescribed for them.


The writer does not actually know, of course, whether any do need or desire more business, because the homoeopath is usually a busy doctor but we believe the method proposed will, if pushed to its practical conclusion, make the practice more special as an enterprise and as a calling. The suggested means is so simple on the face of it that it may not mean much to the uninitiated until it is either thought out carefully or unless one is quick to visualize the situation and its consequences at once.


The time is fast approaching when those who heretofore have hidden their ignorance behind a self-constructed adamantine wall of obstinate prejudice will be smoked out and no longer be able to cover up that ignorance. Those who sneered, and those who do now sneer, at Hahnemanns small doses have only deceived themselves and their ignorant dupes and followers.


The history had been an appendicitis operation several years before, followed a year later by a second operation for adhesions that had formed. During the second operation, or following it, she had had a tube left in her side for months, draining, but after that was taken out there was a great mass of adhesions reformed, and that was the condition that I found a perfectly solid mass of adhesions around that right abdominal region.

Editorial – Medical And Scientific Publications

The intensive drive against hoarding and black-marketing now adopted by Provincial Governments is an effective assurance of equitable distribution and smooth flow of business through proper channel. Selling against the amount of import duty expected or earned now, an excise duty may be levied at the mill end on deliveries and the revenue thus realised credited to the Central exchequer.

Relata Refero

Fleas suck the blood of a rat and then bite an individual, thus injecting bacilli into the human body. In addition to this, in very rare cases the excreta of fleas or rats might contain a large number of bacilli and if any one lived in dirty surroundings there was every chance of the bacilli entering into human host through any abrasion of the skin. Bacilli might also spread from one person to another through breath.


About three thousand registered Homoeopathic practitioners now appear on the roll, but they have no recognition in any Government or semi-government hospital or dispensary, neither in collieries not tea garden; they have no place in any concourse of the major medical fraternity. We should now cry halt, take stock and mend commissions and omissions. How long should we suffer Bengals Homoeopathy scoffed at?.


Plants, barks, seeds, roots and even cobra venom and dried cockroaches are exported from India and come back here as tinctures and triturations bearing labels of the foreign manufacturers which enhance the prestige and price of such preparations. The hardened slave- mentality and aping propensities of the medical men of this country are redundantly reflected in their proclivity for anything foreign.


The Bengal Assembly and the Bengal Council are to be nominated, the Government will nominate two, and one non-Homoeopath will at last be co-opted by the rest of the General Council. The members of the Council shall then proceed to elect their President and one Vice-president. This together with the Registrar (Ex-officio) will constitute the General Council and Faculty under section 2 of the Statutes.


This case should be considered alongside case 2. Where Nux vom. had a similar “loosening” effect. If this is maintained, life can be much easier for the patient and, though one can scarcely expect reorganization of destroyed cartilage, this has occurred (Dr. Boyd quoted such a case years ago). The destruction in the case resembles that present in Charcot joints and in the joints of syringomyelia, in both of which the cause is neurogenetic and not toxic.


Thus we note how little is known in medicine today; how medicine is pursued along wrong lines, and that by supposedly learned doctors; how the above outline reconciles and co-ordinates disease, its nature, cause and cure, and makes Hahnemanns homoeopathy the only truly scientific system of medical healing.


The registered homoeopathic doctors have no licence to practice under the Provincial Medical Act, or The Indian Medical Practitioners Act, hence they have no locus standing in the medical community recognized by the State. This ostracized situation makes the registration with the State Faculty of Homoeopathic Medicine very much secular and insipid.


Some experienced prescribers consider that even a 3x may be given as a “single” dose with a more prolonged effect than if repeated t.d.s. If the patient is at hand, then the law “that when improvement occurs stop the drug” still holds, even with a low potency.


Rhus Toxicodendron, oedematous swellings, redness, acrid discharge, orbital cellulitis, intolerance of light so that eyes cannot be opened at night, tears hot and scalding, causing pimples on parts bathed with tears. A very important symptom. Gush of tears separates eyelids, secretion rather scanty, more profuse in morning and open air. Ptosis from getting wet, rheumatic iritis, erysipelas or eczema of lids, old injured eyes.


Moreover, the alkaloids are not the only constituents of the plants.” This last sentence should be noted by all with the greatest advertence. The allopathic physicians greatest contemplation is to palliate a single trouble, while the homoeopathic physicians greatest and only concern is the whole individual patient, the totality of his symptoms. Now-a-days, injections are getting overabused.


In modern ages, Homoeopathic practitioners may be divided broadly into two groups: (a) Those, that can be called Physician first, and Homoeopaths later, and (b) Those, who are homoeopathists first, last and always. Practitioners who after graduating from an Allopathic institution, take up homoeopathy as their professions, are often (of course, not always) seen to belong to the first group. In going through a case, they often study it with an eye of an allopath first, in order to come to a definite diagnosis-thus trying to put a nomenclature of the patients suffering or finding the organ or organs of the patient suffering or finding the organ or organs of the patient which are at fault- and so on and so forth.


Weakness in sacral and lumbar regions. Pain in lumbar region; and anteriorly in thighs, in muscles, worse motion, extending down legs. Sharp pain in region of coccyx. Rheumatic pain in joints. Lame sensation i shoulders. Heaviness of arms and legs on exertion, worse legs. Locomotor ataxia. The pains referable to spinal cord are strongly marked. Any attempt to study causes burning pain along spine, with great weakness of back and legs.


Sulphur is particularly indicated in diarrhoea worse in the morning; early in bed; after midnight; after taking cold; in damp weather; after taking milk, after acids. In children: dentition: after suppressed eruption. After ale or beer. From artificial food. During sleep. During pregnancy. Its colic is worse after eating and drinking.


PHLYCTENOIDES, on dorsum of left hand; vesicles on red swollen base, containing opaque yellow fluid, which forms thick yellow scabs : Carbur. sulph. ” with small white vesicles in groups, forming scab over whole face, especially above nose and around eyes : Sulph. ” CIRCINATUS; Red, elevated rings, distinctly marked, especially on lower extremities : Tellur.


We have no hesitation to acknowledge that Homoeopathy has no indiscreet surgery, it has no meddlesome midwifery, it has no muddling pathology; but judicious surgery it has plenty and to spare, it has judicious midwifery in loyal cooperation with dame nature, it has very much deeper and more detailed pathology sine slavish dependence on such laboratory searching as simulate certain hobbies of the inmates of a lunatic asylum.


Itching of pudenda during menstruation. Discharge of blood from uterus after distension of abdomen. “Enlargement of ovaries, with great soreness, pain in back (Helon.), etc. Abscesses of the labia, which are very sensitive, with splinter-like pains. Ulceration of the uterus, with offensive discharge. Extremely offensive leucorrhoea of a decayed odor.” Menstruation delayed and diminished.


In forehead, boring in right side. Tearing in left side of bone in evening. Pain ABOVE ORBITS, involving whole head. Tensive drawing, above orbits, worse raising eyes. Constriction above eyes, worse looking intently. Pain, in left temple. Constriction in temples. Tearing pain in right side of head. Pain in one side as if brain would burst and eye fall out.


That rolls ceaseless on unyielding axle of time; Prince or peasant, all sink to its feel, It rules supreme through age and clime. He did conquer death by living to heal the ill. As when he was born, he breathes on us still. The 187th, birth anniversary of Samuel Hahnemann was celebrated by the following institutions, on the 10th. April, 1942 :. The Bengal Homoeopathic Institute, 84-3A, Bowbazar Street, Calcutta.


In chronic malarial condition where the case has been suppressed and mixed by quinine which the patient had taken, it becomes almost impossible to get a clear picture of any drug, Sulphur helps by bringing out the suppressed symptoms, with indications for the curative simillimum.


Incidentally he is bringing discredit upon medicine, the noblest of all professions. Let every physician, therefore, earnestly take these things into consideration, Let him regard it, if he pleases, simply as a business proposition, to be worked out in accordance with the principles which have been determined by the consensus of opinion of honorable and successful business men. In doing that he cannot go far wrong.

Homoeopathic Education

Warped by false principles, classic medicine usually advocates injurious treatments. It is confined in large part to suppressing and camouflaging symptoms or to bombarding the organisms with hypodermics and finally succeeds in only shifting instead of in removing the evil, and in the hospitals with chronic incurable cases, insane, tuberculous, cancerous, sclerotic, etc.


It is particularly adapted to ailments that develop gradually, weakening functional powers associated with digestive disorders and functional disturbance of the liver. It is principally a right- sided remedy, and it meets many symptoms running from right to left. Craving for everything warm, is another remarkable symptom of this drug. Persons with weak muscular power but intellectually keen; weakly precocious children, are the best soil for the action of Lyco.


Likewise in our country it is not an uncommon instance that a peoples man maugre his liberal views and reconstructive proclivities pliantly takes the distinctive mould and colour of his office no sooner he is seated in the temple of temporal gods. We feel he does not do it wish- fully. It is an infection against which few are immune. The fear that “knaves should call him fool” suffers many a welfare prospect keep hanging fire.

First Aid In Air Raid

Speaking of the deadly peril from shattered glass: some of us realize that, in the Great War, when air raid victims were carried into our hospital from a nearby street. No one who saw the dead in our mortuary failed to recognize that London was not built for air raids. One saw the broken, twisted limbs with bits of jagged glass sticking out of their, wounds:-the pretty girl, her face a mere mask, because the back of her head had been neatly cut off–by glass.

Editorial- Practice of Homoeopathy

In the controversies which arose a few maintained that Hahnemann was right and that the doctrine of the vital force is an essential part of the homoeopathic system. Fewer still were able to see that it is the absolute, the bed-rock foundation of homoeopathy. Hahnemann himself apparently did not realize it until he had practically completed his therapeutic edifice.


We congratulate the Ministery on the comprehensive, simple and straightforward style and language of the rules published. We hope that remaining business will be pushed forward with reasonable speed so that within the next six months the General Council may implement the Faculty in all its aspects.


ERUPTION on glans penis: Petr., Sep. on scrotum, humid: Graph., Rhus t. on scrotum, prepuce, glans penis, eye lids, arms and hands: with swelling of the parts and small yellow vesicles, which became confluent and moist, the larger suppurating and the smaller degenerating: Rhus tox. on mons veneris: Sil.


Eruption on and about eyes: Ars, Calc-c, Caust, Con, Euphras, Graph, Hell, Hep, Ign, Kali-c, Merc-s, Olean, Paris, Petrol, Rhus-t, Selen, Sep, Sil, Spong, Staph, Sulph, Thuja. Eruption in eye brows: Clem, Cupr, Met, Guaj, Kali c, Paris, Selen, Sil, Spong, Stann, Tarax. Eruption on ears: Amm-c, Ant-cr., Bar-c, Bov, Calc-c, China, Cic, Kali-c, Mez, Mosch, Mur-ac, Nat-m, Petrol, Phos, Puls, Sep, Sil, Spong, Staph, Sulph.

Economic Pharmaceutical Works

This laboratory was started for supplying fresh and genuine Indian Tinctures, Biochemic & Homoeopathic Triturations and Tablets to the market which had been infested with spurious products of all description. A new item as important as Globules has of late been added to the line–a land-mark of progress in the history of Homoeopathic manufacture in India.


In this country there is no law regulating and controlling medical practice, hence it is of little interest to other practitioners whether a Faculty comes into being or not. Their self-seeking interests form the biggest and worst clogs in the wheel of progress of Homoeopathy. The Ministry only can save the situation by promulgating the Faculty by its executive authority, now and without procrastination.


Even on such a sublime occasion the Homoeopathy of Calcutta could not shed its separatist complex this year also. Large, medium and small size meetings were held at various places which helped to requite eagerness of enthusiasts to come to the fore with the concerning and presiding spirit. Life is short and so it is difficult to sue patience for an opportunity to present itself at an unknown future.


The commonly accepted idea of an antidote is that it is something to change the character of the agent to be antidoted. This common concept of the operation is, we think entirely wrong. Again, each drug represents a fixed power that can under no circumstance be changed. But no operations can take place in this antidoting.

Editorial Esoteric “Faculty”

The plebeian homoeopathic practitioners, as distinct from the medical plutocrats, have been left in the cold shade and have thus been quickened with irresistible curiosity as to the destiny of the much longed-for Faculty. In the meantime pedlars of bogus medical degrees are catering their wares with impunity, humiliating the profession and abashing the State.


Indian Homoeopathists have one great reason to be perpetually grateful to Dr. Knerr in giving this country the proud privilege of publishing his renowned Repertory. His was a life of unceasing work, and even when confined to bed he actually prescribed for his patients. And now.


Excessive irritability of the nerves is well marked. The nervous child, when punished, will go into convulsions. Convulsions of children, they become stiff, roll the eyes, distort the face, twitch muscles, throw the limbs about, clench the thumbs, bend the body backward. Titanic convulsions, twitching of the eye lids, pain in the limbs, general prostration, faintness.


RED : ACON., AGAR., AMM., C., Ant. C., ARN., ARS., Bar c., Bell., BOV., Calc. c., CLEM., Cocc., Coff., Con., Croton tig., Cycl., DULC, Graph., Iod., Ipec., KALI C., LACH., Led., Lyc., Mang c., MERC. SOL., MEz., Nitr ac., Rhus rad. Rhus tox., Sabad., SEP., sil., STRAM., SULPH., SULPH AC., Verat. alb., Zinc. met.


Under the circumstances, a ten-years-practice should be the minimum length of time for a practising homoeopathist to be entitled to registration, and his application should be supported by Municipal Professional tax bill, or a certificate from the chairman of the municipality within the jurisdiction of which he has been practising, or from the chairman of the Local Board, or from any Sub-Divisional officer, testifying the bonafide practice of the applicant.


This state of affairs prevails also in hospitals at almost all big cities in India. Slips of paper to the House Physicians and Resident Surgeons recommending patients of the upper and middle class for being admitted in the general wards, is not an uncommon feature. But, after all, why should one serve honorary on a Hospital committee if one cannot keep handy some sort of medical bonus for his kinsfolk and friends?.


Adventitious sounds in the apex of the rt. lung have disappeared. The tissue salts were continued for a month more before the patient was discharged. He has been advised to report immediately to me, no sooner he gets any relapse of his complaint. On account of the family history of chronic psoric infection and made up my mind to administer same to the patient.


On the contrary, the activities or inactivities of the holy Committee of Sixteen that come into existence to take the antenatal care of the Homoeopathic Medical Faculty were strictly kept beyond the unholy knowledge of the public; even to this day none of the individual members of that Committee of Sixteen has come out with a public statement, apparently for being not permitted to do so.


Substantially subsidized, such a society may keep on struggling for some years before enlisting public confidence and cooperation, In the case of the Central Board of Health something could at once be done if there was the will. But even then it is hard to fine the requisite finance for implementing the scheme to an adequate degree and extent, without inviting unpleasant and formidable opposition.


ECZEMA, yellow acrid moisture oozes from under the crusts; when the surface is denuded of these, new vesicles at once form, and soon burst, forming a crust as before: Staph. ECZEMA, vesicles smaller and flatter that mercurial eczema: copaiv. ECZEMA, with pimples, crusts, and easily bleeding surface: Sulph. ECZEMA, transparent glutinous discharge, forming crusts: Graph. ECZEMA, with purulent secretion: Clem., Graph, Hep., Lappa maj., Lyc., Nat.mur., Nitr. ac., Sulph.