Hpathy Needs Your Help!


We congratulate the Ministery on the comprehensive, simple and straightforward style and language of the rules published. We hope that remaining business will be pushed forward with reasonable speed so that within the next six months the General Council may implement the Faculty in all its aspects.


Magnum Opus.

The Government of Bengal have announced in the Calcutta Gazette of the 3rd, July 1941 that they have now established the General Council and State Faculty of Homoeopathic Medicine, and His Excellency the Governor has ordered its publication. Thus, a complete set of the rules for the formation of the General Council has been published, and these are reproduced elsewhere in this issue. The Ministry have bravely redeemed their promise made in early March 1939 and repeated on March 14, 1940.

It is by virtue of an administrative order that Homoeopathy now takes its place on the Statute Books of this province. The Government will now proceed to nominate embers to form the General Council, and this done the Council will frame rules for the registration of practitioners and prescribe syllabus for teaching at the colleges and schools with hospital and for examinations. It is obvious that the General Council shall recognize only such teaching institutions as will have attached hospitals and outdoor dispensaries of an approved type. This is what it should be.

We congratulate the Ministery on the comprehensive, simple and straightforward style and language of the rules published. We hope that remaining business will be pushed forward with reasonable speed so that within the next six months the General Council may implement the Faculty in all its aspects.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald