Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The Government made casual efforts for its preventive and curative treatment. In conformity with the terms of free trade, nations outside the British commonwealth brought in this country a good many anti-malarial medicines. Germany made tremendous profit from the sale of Plasmochin and atabrine but their prohibitive price did not allow the mass to buy their benefit.

Malaria in India.

Before this plague had spread over the entire subcontinent of India, it made its most predatory spoil in Bengal and Assam. Investigations as to the cause of its breed and ramble over the whole of this unlucky land, had been made and recorded from time to time. Dr. Bentlys report covers all the phases of this dreadful disease that has so brutally sapped the people of Bengal.

The Government made casual efforts for its preventive and curative treatment. In conformity with the terms of free trade, nations outside the British commonwealth brought in this country a good many anti-malarial medicines. Germany made tremendous profit from the sale of Plasmochin and atabrine but their prohibitive price did not allow the mass to buy their benefit. Quinine always held ground. Though experiments proved that Cinchona could be grown abundantly in this country and the alkaloid (quinine) manufactured locally, shiploads of same come without restriction from the Dutch East Indies, Italy and Germany.

India is now being hallowed with the benediction of one more new specific for Malaria called PALADRINE. Its discoverer Dr. O.G. Davey (who has been awarded the Chalmers Gold Medal of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) is now in this country to ascertain the nature of the results of experiments that had been done in different parts of India during the last one year with the help of this newly discovered drug in combating Malaria.

It must be within the knowledge of the medical hierarchy of the Government of India how Malaria was eradicated from Panama for all time. Why not adopt and implement that measure in India and finish with this perennial scourge? Let us hope when our own Peoples Government will obtain power in their own hands Malaria and many other similar scourges will be things of the past.




HERPES on forehead: Badiaga, Caps.

HERPES on whiskers: Lach., Nit. ac.

HERPES on cheeks: Agn., Amb., Anac., Bov., Bry., Caust., Kali hyd., Merc. sol., Nicc. carb.

HERPES on chin: Bov., Carbo veg., Chel., Nat. m., Nux v., Phos. ac., Sil.

HERPES on and about lips and mouth: Anac., Ars., Carbo veg., Caust., Magn. carb., Nat. c., Nat. mur., Nicc. carb., Paris., Phos., Rhus t., Sarsap., Sep., Syphil.

HERPES at corners of mouth: Carbo veg., Lyc., Phos., Sep.

HERPES about the anus and perineum: Ipec., Nat. m., Petr.

HERPES on scrotum: Crot. tig., Crotal. h., Nat. m. between scrotum and thigh: Petrol.

HERPES on prepuce: Sarsap.

HERPES on labia: Dulc.

HERPES on chest: Magn. c., Petr., Staph.

HERPES on Mammae and nipples: Caust., Dulc.

HERPES in axilla: Carbo-an., Lyc., Sep.

HERPES on the neck: Lach.; Sep.

HERPES on nape of neck: Caust., Lyc., Petr., Sep., Sulph.

HERPES on arms (in general): Con., Cupr. met., Dolich., Dulc., Grat., Hell., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Magn. sulph., Mang., Merc. sol., Nat. mur., Phos., Sep.

HERPES in bend of elbow: Cupr. met., Kreos., Sep., Thuja.

HERPES on upper arm: Grat., Magn. sulph.

HERPES on forearm: Con., Magn., sulph., Merc. sol., Nux v.

HERPES on wrists: Merc. sol.

HERPES on hands: Dulc., Ipec., Kreos., Merc. sol., Nat. carb., Sarsap., Sep., Staph., Verat. a., Zinc. met.

HERPES on back of hands: Nat. c., Sep.

HERPES on palms of hands: Lycopers. escul.

HERPES on fingers: Ambr., Caust., Graph., Merc. sol., Nit. ac.

HERPES on third fingers of left hand: Caust.

HERPES between thumb and index finger: Ambr.

HERPES between fingers: Ambr., Merc. sol., Nit. ac.

HERPES on nates and hips: Borax., Caust., Nicc. c.

HERPES on thighs: Graph., Kali c., Merc., sol., Mur. ac., Nat. mur., Nit. ac.

HERPES on knees: Ars., Carbo veg., Dulc., Graph., Kreos., Merc., sol., NAT. MUR., Petrol., Phos.

HERPES on calves of legs: Ars., Calc. c., Dolich., GRAPH., Kali c., Lach., Lyc., Magn. c., Sarsap., Staph.

HERPES on feet and ankles: NAT. M., Petr., Sulph.

HERPES on toe: Alum.

HERPES on edge of tibia: Graph., Lyc.

HERPES on the back: Lach., Zinc. met.

HERPES in the bend of knee: Nat. mur.

HERPES in the bend of all joints: Staph.

INTERTRIGO with rawness of opposed surfaces: Carbo veg., Merc. sol.

INTERTRIGO oozing freely: Bar. c., Graph.

INTERTRIGO bleeding much: Lyc., Merc. sol.

INTERTRIGO offensive in smell: Lyc.

INTERTRIGO with transparent glutinous discharge: Graph.

INTERTRIGO with rhagades: Agn., Phos.

INTERTRIGO from walking or riding horse-back: Ruta, Sulph. ac.

INTERTRIGO with ulceration and gangrene: Sulph. ac.

INTERTRIGO spreading by pimples beyond the main excoriation becoming merged into the old sore: Hep.

INTERTRIGO in bend of joints: Mang., Oil animal., Sep., Squill.

INTERTRIGO behind ears: Graph., Petrol., Sulph.

INTERTRIGO about nipples: Ananth. mur., Bals. peru., Phytol.

INTERTRIGO about arms: Amm. c., Agn.

INTERTRIGO between thighs: Amm.c., Borax., Chamo., Graph., Hydras., Ign., Rhus t., Sulph.

INTERTRIGO between toes: Nat. c.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald