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Many remedies not mentioned here, have their place in the treatment of influenza. To the beginner, in prescribing, many of these symptoms are regarded as erroneous.The beginner must not make the mistake of trying to pick his remedy on the symptoms common to the disease. The remedy is chosen on the individual symptoms of the patient, his reaction to the disease. Influenza has certain earmarks found in every case.

Those remedies which are still deeper acting.

Tuberculinum: Patient fails to respond. No special or constantly changing symptoms complex. Air hunger with easy sweating. Inherited tendency to tuberculosis.

Graphites: Patients with tendency to glandular deficiencies. Supersensitive to colds. Chronic sick headaches. Folds of skin show moist, gluey excoriations or fissures. Eruptions about ears Scanty foul secretions.

Sulphur: Unwashed look. Hot feet which patient will not keep covered. Restless. Fitful sleep. Full, congested head with red cheeks and intensely red lips. Chills up and down spine. Hungry, all gone sensation at 11 a.m. Early morning stool. Slow resolution of congestion. Deficient or diminished reactions. Sulphur hastens resolution.

Phosphoric acid: Indifference and mental apathy will call your attention to this valuable remedy. Exhaustion of nervous system preceding physical exhaustion. Tendency to loose bowels, making one think of Arsenicum. Pent up emotions. Blue circles around eyes with shaking cough. Sleepy by day and wakeful nights.

Pyrogen: Pus formation suspected or present. Full rapid pulse out of proportion to fever. Sweats without relief of temperature. Foul secretions. Deep loin pains. Sepsis with soreness, restlessness and prostration.

Psorinum: Slow convalescence. Anxiety with despair of recovery. Unusually well before illness but now reacts badly and tends to be chronic. Tendency to itching eruptions.

Sulphur iodide: Aids absorption. Useful especially following embolism which survives immediate symptoms. Numbness of extremities especially fingers. Aggravation of right side. Useful in gangrenous lung process, aids spontaneous healing. Discharges continue from nose and throat after apparent convalescence.

Many remedies not mentioned here, have their place in the treatment of influenza. To the beginner, in prescribing, many of these symptoms are regarded as erroneous.The beginner must not make the mistake of trying to pick his remedy on the symptoms common to the disease. The remedy is chosen on the individual symptoms of the patient, his reaction to the disease. Influenza has certain earmarks found in every case.

It is from these that the diagnosis of the disease is made. Each patient reacts differently. These are the important symptoms homoeopathically speaking. They are the ones which show the remedy. This can in no way, be considered other than a brief glimpse of each remedy here considered. The materia medica becomes more valuable with each hour of study spent upon it.

Because we are not able to prescribe more skilfully, we must not find fault with the materia medica, any more than we cannot blame the mechanical tools used by the unskilled surgeon for poor surgery.

The Homoeopathic Recorder, Vol. XLVII., No. 5.

Martha Boger-Shattuck