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PHLYCTENOIDES, on dorsum of left hand; vesicles on red swollen base, containing opaque yellow fluid, which forms thick yellow scabs : Carbur. sulph. ” with small white vesicles in groups, forming scab over whole face, especially above nose and around eyes : Sulph. ” CIRCINATUS; Red, elevated rings, distinctly marked, especially on lower extremities : Tellur.

HERPES, Bleeding : Dulc.; Lyc.

” Brown, yellow-brown : Dulc.; Lyc.

” with rhagades : Graph.; Lyc.; Magn. ac. Nat. mur.

” DRY : Amm. c.; Clem.; Dolich.; Dulc.; Kali hyd; Kreos.; LED.; Merc. Sol.; Nicc. c.; Nitr. ac.; Phos.; Phos. ac.; Rhus t.; Staph.; Sulph.; Taxus.; Thuja.; Verat. a.

” alternating with dysenteric stools and pains in the chest : Rhus tox.

” FURFURACEOUS : ARS.; Bry.; Dulc.; Kreos.; Led.; Lyc.; Merc. sol.; Phos.; Sulph.

” Grayish-yellow : Sulph.

” HUMID : Alum.; Amm. c.; Baryt. c.; Bov.; CALC. C.; Caps.; Carbo veg.; CAUST; Cic.; Clem.; Con.; DULC.; GRAPH.; Grat.; Hell.; Hep.; KREOS.; Led.; LYC.; MERC. SOL.; Mez.; Nat. c.; Nat. m.; Oleand.; PHOS. AC.; Rhus. t.; Sep.; Sil.; SULPH.; Syphil.

” INFLAMED : Amm. c.; Graph.

” MERCURIAL : Aur. met.; Mosch.; Nit. ac.

” PALE RED : Clem.; Dulc.

” with pustules : Crot tig.; Kreos.

” RAISED : Magn. c.; Merc. s.; Tellur.

” RED : Amm. c.; Ars.; Clem.; Dulc.; Kreos.; Lach.; Magn. c.; Mag. sulph.; Oleand.; Sulph.; Taxus.; Tellur.

” with red areola, sensitive to cold water and touch: Dulc.

” ROUND : Dulc.; Hell.; Phos.

” SCURFY, SCALY, SCABBY : Anac.; Ars.; Bov.; CALC. C.; Cic.; Clem.; Coloc.; Con.; Cupr. met.; Dulc.; Graph.; Kreos.; Lach.; Led.; Lyc.; Mgn. c.; MERC. SOL.; Nat. m.; Phos.; Sep.; Staph.; Sulph.; Teucr.; Thuja.

” SMALL and SMOOTH : Dulc.; Lach.; Mag. c.; Mag. sulph.

” SPREADING : Alum.; Caps.; Dulc. MERC. SOL.

” SUPPRESSED : Alum.; Ambr.; Calc. c.; Lach.; Lyc.; Nat. c.; Sep.; Sulph.

” SUPPURATING : Clem.; Dulc.; Lyc.; Merc. sol.; Nat. c.

” SYPHILITIC : Mosch.; Nit. ac.; Thuja.

” with vesicles : Crot. tig.; Nit. ac.; Sulph.;.

” WHITISH : Anac.; Thuja.; Zinc.; met.;.

” YELLOW : Carburetum sulph.; Cup. m.; Dulc.; Hell.; Lyc.; Sulph.

” with yellow-brown scales : Carbur. sulph.; Cup. m.; Dulc.

” PHLYCTENOIDES, on dorsum of left hand; vesicles on red swollen base, containing opaque yellow fluid, which forms thick yellow scabs : Carbur. sulph.

” with small white vesicles in groups, forming scab over whole face, especially above nose and around eyes : Sulph.

” CIRCINATUS; Red, elevated rings, distinctly marked, especially on lower extremities : Tellur.

” with thick crusts : Clem.; Lyc.; Sulph.

” red and humid while moon increases, and pale and dry while it decreases : Clem.

” CORRODING : Caps.; Clem.; Grat.; Nat.m.

” in spots : Crotal. hor.; Graph.; Hyosc.; Lyc.; MERC SOL.; Mur. ac.; Nat. m.; Phos.; Sabad.; Sarsa; SEP.; Sil.; Sulph.; Zinc. met.

” on head : Baryta. c.; Cupr. met.; Kali c.; Petr.; Rhus t.

” on eyelids : Bry.; Rhus t.; Sep.

” in external canthus of left eye : Taxus.

” on ears : Amm. mur.; Caust.; Cist.; Graph.; Kreos.; Mag. mur.; Oleand.; Sep.; Teucr.

” behind ears : Amm. mur.; Graph.; Mez.; Oleand. Sep.

” on nose : Nat. c.; Nit. ac.; Spig.

” on face : Alum.; Amm. c.; Anac.; Ars.; Baryt. c.; Bov.; Bry.; Calc. c.; Caps.; Carbo veg.; Caust.; Chelid.; Coloc.; Con.; Dulc.; Graph.; Hep.; Kali hyd.; Kreos.; Nit. ac.; Petr.; Phos.; Phos. ac.; RHUS T.; Sabad.; Sep.; Sil.; Sulph.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald