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Sulphur is particularly indicated in diarrhoea worse in the morning; early in bed; after midnight; after taking cold; in damp weather; after taking milk, after acids. In children: dentition: after suppressed eruption. After ale or beer. From artificial food. During sleep. During pregnancy. Its colic is worse after eating and drinking.

Stool : CONSTIPATION, AT TIMES, Knotty, in morning; but not hard; mixed with mucus. SCANTY, AND UNSATISFACTORY. Difficult; on rising, had to strain long, with aching in small of back. Stool covered with mucus, and slipped out quickly. HARD; AND DIFFICULT, ONLY EVERY 2, 3 or four days. Diarrhoea alternating with constipation.

TOUGH, GLUEY, FETID, SO URGENT THAT SOME ESCAPED PREMATURELY, YET NOT DIARRHOEA, AFTER GETTING UP; a similar stool two hours later. SLIMY. Bloody in evening. Light colored. Sour smelling. Contained undigested food. Copious, and frequent. Rapid; and almost involuntary. Half fluid, half lumps, mixed with gas and noisy flatus, in morning, afternoon and evening. SEMI- FLUID AND FREQUENT.

DIARRHOEA, in morning on rising; DRIVING ONE OUT OF BED, NO PAIN, copious; fetid. HERING says: “The smell of the stool follows him around as if he had soiled himself.” Involuntary diarrhoea during emission of flatus (Aloe). Involuntary and bilious, sensation as if wind would pass. Frequent diarrhoea, during the day, with griping, with burning in anus; and frothy, even at night, with tenesmus. Sometimes painless. Green, watery, leaving a pale green stain on the diaper. White slimy mucus; and yellow, mucous; BLOODY IN STREAKS. Expulsion sudden and often involuntary. Its colic is better sitting bent and by dry heat.

SOFT AND FREQUENT IN MORNING; solid, soft, copious; fetid. PAPPY YELLOWISH-GREEN, COPIOUS, FETID IN MORNING, then feeling of perfect health.

Sulphur is particularly indicated in diarrhoea worse in the morning; early in bed; after midnight; after taking cold; in damp weather; after taking milk, after acids. In children: dentition: after suppressed eruption. After ale or beer. From artificial food. During sleep. During pregnancy. Its colic is worse after eating and drinking.

During stool : tenesmus. Prolapsus ani. Cramps in legs. Burning in anus. After stool: the tenesmus and burning in anus continue; THE CHILD FALLS ASLEEP AS SOON AS THE TENESMUS CEASES. The stool being corrosive we find excoriation about the anus. Cold perspiration on the face and feet. Pressure in rectum. Prolapsus ani.

“Dysentery, subacute, with burning, tenesmus, not violent, but persistent.”.

BELL says: “The early morning diarrhoea is very characteristic. It is especially useful in dysentery after ACONITE has removed the acute symptoms, when the tenesmus has ceased, but blood is still discharged.”.

THE SULPHUR-CHILD is cross, obstinate, has open fontanelles; pale face or sallow, and covered with cold sweat; blue rings under the eyes; lips very red; tongue coated white, with red tip and borders, or brown, parched and cracked. Hungry, yet loses flesh. Voracious appetite. Child grasps everything within reach and thrusts it into its mouth. Palms and soles burning hot. Child kicks the clothes off at night. Sleeping with eyes half-open.

“Diarrhoea in great variety; stools are generally thin, watery, sometimes mucous, white or green, sometimes with bloody streaks, sometimes undigested, generally very fetid; nearly always worse early in morning in bed; the necessity is urgent and frequently without pain.”.

“In the chronic diarrhoea of scrofulous children we may find aversion to meat, tendency to stupor, with cold sweat, generally disagreeable odor of the body, with aversion to washing.”.

“Valuable for habitual constipation, especially when the rectum is irritable and dry, frequently ineffectual desire for stool in rectum, with piles, soreness and burning at the anus, often with congestive headache, engorged liver, etc.”.

Urinary Organs: In bladder: dragging in morning after urinating. Pressure, soon after micturition, with sensation as if urine were retained by contraction of sphincter; sensation as if too full, without call to urinate. “Catarrh of the bladder, burning micturition, urine contains mucus.”.

It is a valuable remedy in chronic nephritis. Brights disease.

URGING AT NIGHT. Constant desire, with scanty urine. FREQUENT URGING; SUDDEN. “Painful ineffectual efforts to urinate, with retention.” Micturition : When emitting flatus; in thin stream; in a weak stream; intermittent; by jerks. Dysuria. FREQUENT MICTURITION; at night, and copious. “Nocturnal enuresis.” Frequent micturition of watery urine, and much at a time. BURNING WHEN URINATING.

Urethra: Inflammation of orifice. STICKING IN FOREPART; in morning on urinating; with tearing; with rigor. Discharge of prostatic fluid; in long threads after micturition and stool. Pain as in the beginning of gonorrhoea. Constant urging to urinate. ITCHING IN MIDDLE OF URETHRA; at mouth of urethra, as at beginning of gonorrhoea. Burning in forepart when not urinating. “Haematuria.” “Chronic gonorrhoea, with burning and smarting during micturition.”.

Urine; Copious, all day; AT NIGHT; after midnight; and reddish; increase of water, urea, uric acids, mucus, inorganic salts and phosphates, but diminution of solid constituents, organic salts and extractives. Scanty, after eating and of the color of dark sherry (cloudy).

TURBID; offensive; copious sediment. Fatty pellicle. Bloody, slimy. Increase of nitrogenous constituents. Sediment reddish; white mealy.

Dysuria. Retention of urine. Urine excoriates the parts.

Male Sexual Organs: Tingling, and in testicles. Resistance to complete emission of semen. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Phimosis.

Redness of glans and inner surface of prepuce, with sore feeling, burning and smarting; pustules and pimples on glans. Fetid smegma causing burning and itching. Chancre.

Penis stiff and hard like leather, its inner surface shining and secreting a thin offensive ichor. Stitches in penis, in morning on urinating, worse glans. ITCHING. Erections at night, with vivid, not lascivious, dreams. Phimosis, with oozing of offensive mucus under prepuce. Redness and burning of prepuce, Prepuce retracted, and penis cold bluish. Cold, prepuce and glans.

Scrotum : Itching; in morning on waking, and on inside of thighs; about noon; towards evening; with sweat. Testicles: Hang down flabby. Testicle and scrotum relaxed in evening in bed. Pressure and tension in testicle and spermatic cords. Hydrocele. Varicocele. Effects of self-abuse.

Sexual power weakened. Impotency, with amorous fancies. Desire at night, for an emission, without erection; DESIRE ALMOST LOST. Emission at night, with burning pain in urethra; profuse, watery. Prostatorrhoea.

Female Sexual Organs: Amenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Disorders of menstruation. Miscarriage. Disorders of pregnancy. Sufferings of climaxis. Prolapse of uterus. In antiversion (Lil. tig.; Nux; Sep.), the uterus pressing on the bladder, with aggravation on standing or walking, and frequent desire to urinate.

Bearing down. Feeling of weakness. Itching, with papules about the pudenda. Itching on mons veneris, with moisture. “Pruritus of the vulva, with burning and stinging; with miliary eruption, worse heat of bed.” Vagina burning so that she could scarcely sit; itching; soreness during coition; biting discharge. Itching of clitoris.

“Prolapsus uteri, with aching across sacrum, constipation. Various forms of uterine inflammations; called for by general indications.”.

Leucorrhoea : Profuse, causing soreness and burning pain. Thin in morning, after rising, preceded by griping in abdomen. Almost daily bloody discharge from uterus for several weeks after return of long suppressed menses. “Leucorrhoea corrosive, yellow, menstrual flow corrosive (Kreos).”.

Menstruation: Too early; preceded by cutting downward in hypogastrium. TOO LATE (Nat. m.; Puls.; Sep.; Calc. ph.; Graph.; Kali c.; Lach.; Mag. c.; Sang.; Vib. op.); WITH CONSTIPATION AND DISTENDED ABDOMEN; with sickness and oppression. PROFUSE, STOPPED IMMEDIATELY AFTER FLOWING TWO DAYS AND A HALF. Profuse and long- lasting; with sour odor; black, thick, acrid; and black, clotted, sticky. Corrosive. Too early, profuse and protracted.

“Suppressed menstruation, with congestive headache, and cold feet. Scanty menstruation, with burning heat in hands and soles at night, weight on top of head, etc. Dysmenorrhoea, pains running from the groins to the back” Twitching in one breast, with swelling as if milk rushed into it. Sore nipples. Menorrhagia, has not been normal since her last miscarriage. “A single dose at new moon.” (LIPPE).

Respiratory Organs: It is a valuable remedy in chest conditions. Larynx: Swollen gland on thyroid cartilage, with pain on touch. Painful thrust in larynx on coughing, Drawing at times, with dryness. “Aphonia.” Hoarseness; IN MORNING; in forenoon, and speaking requires an effort; in evening. Voice deep; lost, “Laryngeal and bronchial catarrh, with attacks of suffocation.” Rattling in bronchi, with shooting in left lowest rib, towards back, worse breathing deeply.

Cough, with shooting in chest; better open air, worse returning to the warm room. Cough, only at night, FROM RAWNESS IN LARYNX (Phosp,; Puls.); from roughness in throat; on going to sleep, with heat in head and eyes and cold hands; better expectoration. “Cough is usually dry day and night, worse lying down, especially at night.” Dry cough; in morning in bed, from irritation in trachea. IN EVENING BEFORE SLEEP, WORSE THAN DURING THE DAY. AT NIGHT WAKING HIM. Short cough in evening when sitting asleep. Dry short cough, with pain in sternum and sticking in chest.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald