Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The writer does not actually know, of course, whether any do need or desire more business, because the homoeopath is usually a busy doctor but we believe the method proposed will, if pushed to its practical conclusion, make the practice more special as an enterprise and as a calling. The suggested means is so simple on the face of it that it may not mean much to the uninitiated until it is either thought out carefully or unless one is quick to visualize the situation and its consequences at once.

Ten-minute address of an ex-Presidential symposium of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society.

This suggestion is addressed mainly to the general practitioner if any be still extent, and is intended as a hint to refinement and increase of practice, and of income, if desired.

The writer does not actually know, of course, whether any do need or desire more business, because the homoeopath is usually a busy doctor but we believe the method proposed will, if pushed to its practical conclusion, make the practice more special as an enterprise and as a calling. It should become invincible in competition with modern instrumental medicine and the cults; should, if desired, eliminate uncongenial branches of practice as well as less desirable methods; it should prolong the activity of the older men; it is important to the younger man in establishing a footing; and when clearly understood should be of immeasurable advantage in building and cementing the brotherhood of similia.

The suggested means is so simple on the face of it that it may not mean much to the uninitiated until it is either thought out carefully or unless one is quick to visualize the situation and its consequences at once. The proposition simply stated is this: LEARN TO CURE THE CHRONIC PATIENTS.

By “cure” we mean in this instance more or less radical and durable constitutional improvement of viable individuals and making comfortable or fairly stable those who are in decline. We mean to include in this proposition cures of many chronic conditions regarded as incurable by regular medicine as well as alleviation or restoration of suppressed or perverted states caused by forceful or surgical treatments; but the point to focus on is to perceive what is constitutional and individual and work homoeopathically at that.

That is the thing that will hold the patient year after year for he knows that he is getting the larger benefit in the transaction and often sad experience has taught him that he can get it nowhere else; that is the thing that will make practice in large measure independent of location, for patients will come anywhere from far and wide; that is the thing that will lessen competition among homoeopaths and increase it with the “regulars” and the cults but be so widely distributed that it is not felt; it is the thing that will pay well in the relativity of respect, self- respect included, for it raises the standing to the prestige of the specialities even though it be not evident at once.

Really, homoeopathics is not and should not be made a speciality, its range and power is too great; but with the unfortunate popular misconceptions of healing and the sorry plight of homoeotherapeutic morale intensive homoeopathics is forced into being a specialty.

The chronic hunting grounds are unlimited and the possibilities at your doorstep regardless of location. The possibility is right at hand to accomplish rare things and reap the measure of personal satisfaction and economic recompense.

The effort cannot be projected haphazard, however, without the certainty of failure. Certain conditions must be conformed to. A book might be written on the subject of “how.” Here we can give but a slazy outline.

First and most essential, the prescriber must understand, and become familiar with, the principles of prescribing and the management of his prescription.

Second (and this condition is a part of the first). he must understand the ways of the dynamic forces involved in the actions and how they apply in observing the patient. This sounds quite philosophical and “heady” and indeed may be made so but really it is quite simple in application. For a quick grasp and reference Gibson Millers pamphlet entitled “Synopsis of Homoeopathic Philosophy” is the thing and one does not need an extra handkerchief to mop the perspiring brow.

Third, prepare, start and follow each case correctly according to the principles step by step to its logical conclusion or as near to it as possible. One case followed with consistent and persistent observation of the principles involved prepares the was for dozens of others both in intelligent management and in drawing more patients.

Fourth, to have and use certain classic materia medica and repertorial works. Of these Herings Guiding Symptoms and the use of a repertory seem almost indispensable.

Fifth, the Post-Graduate School of the American Foundation of Homoeopathy is the greatest homoeopathic teaching resource our school has. It teaches the principles which superintend all intelligent homoeopathic procedure: it teaches the materia medica with as much discrimination as the short course may allow and it teaches the use of repertories. The school offers a fine opportunity for homoeopathic enlightenment and dexterity.

Last, and perhaps least, but important, is to have office appointments consistent with the above purposes; giving accessibility, space, restfulness, sound-proofness and library facility besides the usual laboratory and manual conveniences. Small details, these, apparently, but important to a chronic homoeopathic clientele.

In medicine homoeopathy is supreme, the artistocracy of the healing crafts. Compared to it everything else is bush-whacking. R.E.S.H.

After antitoxin Carbolicum acidum may be indicated- J. HUTCHINSON.

High potencies will not palliate incurable cases, you must use the low.- C.M. BOGER.

Patients needing Graphites are coarse; emaciated early, then obese; their eczema is worse by warmth; they have herpes with irregular menses.- G. DUNHAM.

Hepar is the most sensitive patient in our materia medica.- G. DUNHAM.

For nervous weakness after the flu, Cypripedium. For vital depression after any long illness Scutellaria.- J.H. CLARKE.

In headache Plat. follows Bell. well. It has alternating mental and physical symptoms. Headache worse evening, lying on left side, gradual increase and decrease as if board on the forehead, things look small, better in the air.- B. ROY.

Lachnanthes, headaches as if split by a wedge, as if enlarged, worse lying and noise, better walking, scalp sore as if hair stood on end.- B. ROY.

Boletus laricis, dragging, burning pain in liver, especially right lobe, with jaundice and burning pain in spleen.- I. CHHABRA.

Hiccough during pregnancy, Cyclamen.- I. CHHABRA.

Ipecac often helps with the morphine habit.- I. CHHABRA.

For dreams of serpents think of Ran. s. as well as Lac. c.- I. CHHABRA.

Psoriasis, dermatitis and other affections of skin, characterized by intense dryness, intense burning, intense itching and profuse desquamation, worse nights, preventing sleep, better rubbing and especially better warm bathing, worse on exposed surfaces; Rhus venenata.- H.C. SCHMIDT.

I want to mention one case of a young man diagnosed catatonic aetiology, toxemia, cleared up speedily on Nitric acid 10M (Kent). “Epistaxis, bright red, induced by crying” was the peculiar deciding symptoms.- V.T. CARR.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald