Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The following peculiar symptom was present in a very serious chronic case given up by allopathic physicians: Every time she urinates she jumps from a sharp pain as if a sharp instrument had been stuck under the great toe nail. After careful search through many repertories this symptom was found in Allens Symptom- Register. This strange symptom proved to be the key that unlocked the remedy. Sulphur was the remedy and under its administration the patient improved greatly.

The following peculiar symptom was present in a very serious chronic case given up by allopathic physicians: Every time she urinates she jumps from a sharp pain as if a sharp instrument had been stuck under the great toe nail. After careful search through many repertories this symptom was found in Allens Symptom- Register. This strange symptom proved to be the key that unlocked the remedy. Sulphur was the remedy and under its administration the patient improved greatly.- H.A. ROBERTS.

Homoeopathy has no short cuts. The philosophy is the moving spirit, the hidden fire, which ensures the life and active growth of Hahnemanns marvellous method of healing. – F. WOODS.

All the periodic maladies, especially those recurring at fixed intervals, are eminently chronic and often very difficult to cure. They demand constitutional treatment over several years. Such, for example, are epilepsy, malaria, certain migraines, hay fever, eczema, etc. – P. SCHMIDT.


Spasm first, followed by hypertension, such seems to be the evolution of the hyperpiesias. We find in our materia medica a perfect correspondence. The spasmodic state corresponds with Nux vomica, Spigelia and Viscum. Established hypertension to Baryta carb. and Plumbum. Do not forget Ignatia for the temporary hypertension following emotional shocks. – L. and P. VANNIER. From The British Homoeopathic Journal.


Sulphur is rarely indicated in B. coli infections, for these patients have generally gone past the Sulphur stage. -KOLLITSCH. Rev. Franc. Hom, July 1931.

Do not give Sulphur to cancer patients as it aggravates.

Sulphur often produces prolonged aggravation when there are many tissue changes in advanced syphilis. – L. HURD, Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy, August 1931.

Never use Sulphur in the acute abdomen. Its propensity to create pus and increase its development is well known. -H.A. ROBERTS.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.