The action of the miasms is to debilitate the life force, to deform the body, to dull the intellect and to upset the reason. The miasms are destructive in every way, of both the mind and the body, and they tear at the very spirit of man. It is disorganizing disease that fills the state institution of every description and we cannot meet these conditions intelligently until we recognize the ancient origin of disease and undertake its extermination on the basis of miasms.
Psora alone produces more marked anasarcas and dropsies than sycosis; the sycotic patient succumbs before the dropsical condition becomes marked; but the union of the two miasms produces these conditions in a marked degree.
It kills the psoric patient to stand still, he must walk, even if he is on his feet but a brief time. Weakness of the ankle joints is a sure indication of the presence of combined syphilitic and psoric miasms.
Psoric patients are susceptible to impetigo if there is any syphilitic taint in combination with the psoric base, for this is the soil in which impetigo flourishes; without these united taints a patient will not become infected with impetigo.
The psoric patient has many uncomfortable sensations, such as sharp, cutting, neuralgic pains about the heart; these patients think they are about to die and want to lie down and keep quiet, but there is no danger; it is the sycotic and syphilitic heart patients who die, and then suddenly without warning.
The psoric patient is always conscious of his heart condition, and it is he who takes his own pulse. H.A.ROBERTS.
Chamomilla has numbness during or alternating with the pain.
Chamomilla more useful in making house calls than in office practice, especially for children in the late afternoon or evening. A child who has always been very friendly with the doctor will often be very cranky and push the doctor away and not want to see him.
Chamomilla is a valuable remedy in labor. The pains shoot upward or pass of down the inner side of the thighs. The patient may e very cranky and order the doctor out of the room. It is also a useful remedy for postpartum pains when the patient has stood a good deal, is hypersensitive and worn out.
Euphrasia has a shining face which looks as if it had been varnished, the skin of the face cracks just as varnish does. The face feels stiff.
Euphrasia is a powerful eye remedy.
Euphrasia sweats only on the front of the chest. E.W.HUBBARD.
The fever of Apis has marked thirst during chill but none whatever during the heat or sweat. H.A.ROBERTS.
Lachesis is markedly relieved by its discharges.
The dreadful effects of vaccination are often cured by Sulphur. In this it competes with Thuja.
Glonoin has a sensation of neck feels full, must open the collar as it causes choking as if he would suffocate. Surging of blood in the head, accompanied by choking, and the collar causes uneasiness about the neck like Lachesis.
For sore fingers from gouty deposits try Ledum, Sulphur, Aesculus, or Lycopodium, especially if the soreness is marked and localized in the joints.
Berberis has suffering and pain in persons who have been operated on for fistula in ano. When the fistula has been closed the pains will come on if it is a Berberis case.
Aesculus has flying pains all over the body like Pulsatilla and Kali carb.
Varicose veins of the thighs and legs have been cured by Aesculus (Fluoric acid). The varicose tendency is a striking feature of Aesculus; engorged veins after the sore throat has been cured; varicose, engorged veins in the eye after eye trouble has been cured; varicose veins with rheumatic complaints, varicosities of the rectum.
If you have administered Aconite in too many doses, or given it too strong, and your patient is slow in recovering from the attack, or your patient has taken Aconite himself unwisely, then Coffea or Nux vomica will often put the patient into a better condition. J.T.KENT.