Homoeopathy, in the last analysis, is but a means to an end. It is not fantastic, just common sense, to expect homoeopathy to play an important part in constructive evolution, raising man to a higher plane physically, and mentally, where finally his eyes will see more radiant beauty and at last he will hear the message, ringing in his ears since the beginning of history, “Peace on earth, Good will toward men”.

Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Clinical Medicine, June 27, 1936.

These are items from a list gathered from homoeopathic contacts for my own use. Some of these have been thoroughly discussed in the past by members of this body. Today your free criticism is invited to separate out truth. Repetition is for emphasis.

1. A symptom causing suffering is completely recorded only when its history, origin, progress and conditions attached, circumstances of aggravation, of amelioration, time of occurrence and of greatest intensity, how affected by position, rest, motion, eating, drinking or the performance of any body function, by mental emotions or by any other cause. All this is included in the totality of each single symptom.

2. In conditions the result of uninterrupted grief and vexation, unless the cause of these injurious influences can be removed, homoeopathy will not avail.

3. It is expecting too much of homoeopathy to cure symptoms expressing protest against a continuing and removable cause. Find the cause, mental, moral, physical or hygienic. Remove that cause or causes. Then if ought else remain, homoeopathy will take care of that.

4. The homoeopathic aggravation is a sign of incipient cure, which may be expected with certainty.

5. If the aggravation is violent, let him smell camphor but do not change the remedy.

6. You can avoid aggravation from a high potency by giving it in three doses two hours apart.

7. When the moon is decreasing, Phos., Sil., etc., may be used in patients having damaged organs, safely and with good effect.

8. In advanced disease, malignant or tubercular, the most terrible thing you can do is to give the indicated remedy in high potency. Give anything but that.

9. In chronics the latest symptoms, even though they may appear insignificant, are always the most important in the selection of a remedy. The oldest are the least important. All symptoms in between must be arranged in order of their appearance. Only such patients remain well and are really cured who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of their development.

10. In epilepsy you will never cure, unless you find a remedy that covers and corresponds in every respect to the acute attack. Then follow with the complementary or chronic remedy as the curative. The chronic remedy given during the attack would aggravate too strongly.

11. Usually disease leaves by an eruption or by discharge from mucous membrane.

12. A remedy which can bring a symptom or symptoms to the surface, usually will cure those symptoms without further medication. Therefore watch and wait.

13. A remedy given, well indicated, then a diarrhoea, rash or excessive sweat, medical aggravation or any old symptom returned or even symptoms worse and patient better: give a remedy now and disaster is sure.

14. If after giving a remedy there is itching of the soles, it is a good indication.

15. In dropsies of general origin, the indicated remedy 30th to 400th potency, repeated frequently, several days, and renewed when necessary, sweeps out the fluid with great relief.

16. There is in the lower potencies a wealth of remedies, especially in acute cases.

17. In organic disease, where there is much pathology, use the lower potencies.

18. In hardening of the coronary arteries, as well as in general decompensation, where pathology overshadows symptoms, try Crataegus, one drop of the tincture night and morning.

19. In hydrocephalus, when the child screams, throws the head backward, moves it to and fro, makes convulsive movements of the limbs, Acon., Bell., Arn., Rhus and Hell. did no good, in high potency. The child was cured by the tincture of Hell., ten drops in an ounce of water, first every five minutes, then every half hour.

20. A watery solution of one minute pellet of the 50th potency must be taken in small parts if we do not wish to produce too violent reaction in sensitive patients.

21. High potencies are two-edged swords and must be handled with care.

22. I get much better results and quicker from the 10M. and 50M. than I do from 2c.

23. If you are not sure, give a placebo and wait. A weeks placebo to start with anyway.

24. Subjects most responsive to the curative action of a certain remedy, will in health react easily to that remedy.

25. When patients appear to get up a tolerance for remedies, a complementary remedy will sometimes keep the patient from going stale.

26. When one remedy benefits but does not cure, its complement will usually carry the case on toward health.

27. Dropping back in your potency, 50M. to 40M., will likewise help to increase reactibility.

28. I find that high potencies followed by lower ones act especially well in young vital adults.

29. Unable to get symptoms from children, size up the parents and see what they need, or needed before the birth of the child.

30. Be not discouraged when a chronic patient goes down and down under careful homoeopathic prescribing. The low ebb seems to let the morbid action run out. Waiting, or a new remedy at the psychological moment, stages a surprising comeback.

31. View each case individually and entirely, not as one or more diseases, but as an individual under the influence of some force, for which is sought a remedy capable of developing a similar symptom-picture in healthy individuals.

32. Forget the symptoms peculiar to the disease and those of the ultimates. Prescribe on the symptoms of the patient.

33. There must be a general correspondence between all the symptoms of the patient and those of the remedy.

34. Homoeopathy is based on vital stimulation and curative reaction.

35. Vital force is a manifestation of the one universal life.

36. One sees how greatly, mentally and physically, Staph. resembles that most sensitive of sensitive remedies, Hepar. These patients are so sensitive that the least action or word troubles or annoys his feelings. Anger and indignation.

37. A nosode in line with the patients constitution or family history has sometimes given striking results, allowing the previous well indicated but inactive remedy to take hold.

38. Never send an Iodum patient to a warm climate.

39. Do not overwork keynotes. They are signposts to shorten our research, not to suppress it.

40. Keep your remedy bottles out of sunlight and have no camphor near them.

41. Never give Merc. to a case with a dry skin.

42. Coloc. cures colic again and again. Then Kali c. steps in to end the trouble.

43. Elderly case, blustery weather, vomiting much frothy blood- tinged mucus, high temperature, mucous rales, dyspnoea, all set for pneumonia: Verat. v. He will be better next day.

44. Always prescribe Naja in heart cases where symptoms are scarce, unless guided away form it by some specific symptom.

45. Do not forget the beneficial effect of Phos. the night before a major operation.

46. A jewel in surgical shock: Strontium carb.

47. After salvarsan the similimum is often the antidote.

48. Thuja is the antidote to massive doses of arsenic.

49. Entire inability to sweat: Graph. and Hepar as well as Alumina.

50. Nocturnal epilepsy or chorea: Calc. is valuable, especially after Sulph.

51. Breast tumor: if symptoms lead to it, study Lac can.

52. Plat. is haughty, Lyc. imperious. But do not forget that Ipecac. is contemptuous. He despises the chef and everyone and everything and grows stout on it.

53. In nine cases out of ten, when appendicitis comes on with a rush, I have found it calls for Bell.

54. Gels. is rarely found of benefit in superficial affections of the eye, but is especially adapted to disease of the fundus and paralysis of the nerves.

55. In croup without fever, think of Kali bi. or Brom., the latter if there is cyanosis.

56. Merc. i.r. has intense headache above eyes, in the turbinates and facial bones, hold face in hands and groans, with catarrhal trouble or sinusitis acute.

57. Postpartum fever: Sulph. CM., one dose, has never failed in my experience.

58. Think of Merc. c. in toxic conditions of pregnancy and Phos. in albuminuria of pregnancy.

59. Lach.: Soreness of throat commencing on the right side and passing to left, where it becomes fixed.

60. Lach.: Right tonsil affected first, then left.

61. No remedy equals Kali s. for rattling in the chest following acute inflammation and after bronchopneumonia, when from every change of weather the child coughs and chest rattles.

62. In capillary bronchitis of children, chest full of mucous rales, bluish face and sweating, Ant. t. 1M. (Jenichen) will work wonders.

63. If I could have but one remedy for the prostate, it would be Caust.

64. Influenzin is more often indicated in chronics than any other remedy.

65. Always keep Tub. in mind when treating sore throats, with frequent tonsillitis and enlarged tonsils.

66. Calc. may be repeated many times in young people with benefit. Seldom repeat in old people.

67. Bell. 2c. to DM. given in solution every twenty-four to forty-eight hours prevents scarlet fever in exposed children.

68. Keep a scarlet fever patient warm and in the sun.

69. Hypericum compress in red inflamed suppurations takes away the pain and aids healing.

Thomas K. Moore
Thomas K. Moore, MD, Akron, OH