Hpathy Needs Your Help!


EDITORIAL. Except for the so-called infectious or contagious disease he has little information to give as to why man is the host to these myriad afflictions. And may I add that his why, as regards the infectious and contagious disease, is sketchy. He talks about local and general immunity being high or low, and sensitiveness, but these are things which do not show under the microscope before an illness and are quite unpredictable.


EDITORIAL. Who stands to lose the most by this revision of the medical ethics dose? Obviously the patient, the very person whose welfare should be the first consideration of every physician. A patient goes to a doctor because he is ill and needs the doctors professional services.


EDITORIAL. Combining the attributes of a great teacher, an ardent proselyte and a wise counsellor, Dr. Rabes great service to the cause of Homoeopathy can never be too highly praised nor his loss fully appreciated except by those who directly benefited by his high qualities.


EDITORIAL. How well do we treat the great number of colds coming into our hands? In the first place, it is well that we recognize the fact that in a cold we have an expulsive effort to free the body of toxic materials resulting from fracturing some law of nature and that this should not be interfered with allopathically or homoeopathically.


EDITORIAL. The American Medical Association is reported to have endorsed the U.S. Public Health Service in its effort but it is certain officials of the Association, not the mass of practitioners. Many are opposed to it and many object to having drugs forced on their patients not of their own prescribing.


EDITORIAL. Recently, a friend has his lively young dog wormed by a ved. The shots killed the dog. Vermifuges used everywhere today are entirely unnecessary. Correct the dogs general condition by homoeopathic therapy and there will be no worms. Mink coats and homoeopathy are both under suspicion by now.


EDITORIAL. These names have been selected by Dr. Bond after careful consideration of their qualification and we feel assured that we can anticipate an interesting and worth while program. All members of the I.H.A. are urged to co-operate to the fullest extent with the Bureau Chairmen when asked to prepare papers for presentation in June.


EDITORIAL. So-called adulthood amounts to no more than a suppression of infancy. We try to act life adults from social pressure only. When the bars are down, we are merely a bunch of infants. The “second childhood” bears this out. However, it might be wise to call it “terminal childhood.” Medicine has attached the gaudy name of Geriatrics to it and had made a special racket of it.


EDITORIAL. Who of us has not experienced a sense of satisfaction at cutting off a big wart or an epithelioma, bringing skin edges in exact approximation and leaving practically no scar? Or using a local application to stop a foul foot or axillary sweat? Or to clear up disfiguring eczema in a baby or young child? Subdue a headache or other pain, or nervousness or insomnia, with a sedative? Barbiturates, strongly advertised, have come to occupy a prominent place.


EDITORIAL. Higher potencies are more suitable to patients suffering from chronic ailments and to those who are very sensitive to the action of remedies. It may also be stated, and once more as a general rule, that remedies should not be repeated as long as definite improvement is evident. Remedies have been known to act for weeks and months after the administration of a single dose.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy invites all researchers to avail themselves of its valuable knowledge, obtained through one hundred and fifty years of unremitting labor and human sacrifice, that the ends of true research for humanity every where may be more fully realized and served.


EDITORIAL. In golf, tennis or boxing, timing is most important. What about time in the use of remedies? Why in the world symptoms at certain hours, day or night, call for certain remedies is beyond me. for the answer you must inquire higher up. We homoeopaths have come to take this as a matter of course.


EDITORIAL. The French are responsible for the promising research in the application of ultrasonics to Homoeopathy. Dr. L. Wurmser, the distinguished and indefatigable director of Les Laboratories Homoeopathiques de France in Paris has been conducting experiments on the solubilization of insoluble substances and the actual “dynamization” and preparation of nosodes with ultrasonics.


EDITORIAL. Permit a reminder as to putting the theory into practice. It is necessary, first, to become familiar with the characteristic of the three principle miasms and to study Allens so called pseudopsora. Second, it is necessary to obtain and trace the image of the disease in the strictly Hahnemannian manner as directed in Sections 83-90 in the Organon.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathic philosophy, as expounded by Hahnemann and to which, at least supposedly, homoeopathic physicians are loyal, teaches that it is the patient who is to be treated and not the disease which has overwhelmed him. Case-taking by the homoeopath is an art and differs widely from what is known as case-taking in the orthodox school.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy experiments on well individuals of both sexes with the administration of a single remedial substance or drug. After its administration note is taken of all changes from the normal in the mental and emotional spheres, also changes in the blood chemistry, to form a complete picture or chart of the power residing in each proven remedial agent employed.


Then poor old obstetrics neglected and shunned by the Hahnemannian ! “Obstetrics Made Easy” could be the slogan for the homoeopath who does that work. The correct remedy shortens labor in the aggregate by untold hours, does away almost entirely with anaesthetics and instruments and prevents all sorts of partum and post partum complication and annoyances.


We ask our readers indulgence for the foregoing efforts. We have reached the conclusion, after reading the above, that editorials should not be undertaken during vacations nor at any other time for that matter. The man who first started the custom must have had delusions of grandeur a sort of deus-ex-machina complex.


The British Homoeopathic Association wishes to announce that it cannot give permission to publish or translate the British Homoeopathic Post-Graduate Correspondence Course to any Journal, Magazine or Paper. The copyright is vested with the Tyler Scholarship Trustees.


Such an organization as is contemplated by the advocates of federalized medical control will be purely political in its scope and aim and as such will be carried on along the lines of the political spoils system where graft and special privileges will hamper the smooth and efficient operations of good medical service.


In the vernacular of the day, this is “some dose.” We confess that our bump for mathematics is not sufficiently developed to enables us to figure out without much trouble and time, just which potency this array of naughts may represent. At all events, it is small and we hasten to congratulate our friends of the Old School upon their perspicacity and superhuman wisdom.


The above is a Jamalian abstract of an article taken from the Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, and arrests our attention, more especially because of Steimanns agreement with Biers observation of the favorable influence of one drop of tincture of iodine in a glass of water or of beer, when drunk for the arrest of the premonitory symptoms of coryza.


A similar remark will apply to the use of X-rays for fibroids. I have watched their steady growth while experts have been using the rays. This treatment nevertheless has a sphere – acting probably by reducing ovarian activity. I have sent a few symptomless fibroids to our X-ray department, and reduction in size has taken place. About the ultimate fate of these tumours I cannot speak from personal knowledge.


A short time ago a homoeopathic physician in one of the rural districts of the State of New York was taken to task by the State Department of Health because he had not used antitoxin in his treatment of several cases of diphtheria, occurring in one family, and because these cases had died of what appeared to the Department to be sheer neglect of modern therapeutic measures.


In the desensitization of highly susceptible patients, our results seem to be encouraging. With the small series at our command, one cannot be too dogmatic or over-enthusiastic. All that can be said is that the use of this method is to be encouraged, as it is incapable of doing harm, is worthy of a trial, and the results thus far obtained by a number of different physicians, including myself, are very highly encouraging.


Immediate operation was insisted upon and yielded to, but no cancer of any of the organs was discovered. Instead, a somewhat abnormally long and thickened, though quiescent appendix was found and triumphantly removed. The patient has lost twenty pounds in weight, one thousand dollars in lawful money and his confidence in the diagnostic ability of medical men has been rudely shattered.


The enormous number of deaths from heart disease (endo-and myocarditis are included) is certainly disquieting and points to the possible causative factors of modern life, with all its competitions, strains and hectic pleasures as well as to the increased consumption of deadly coal-tar and other drugs, which we Americans so thoughtlessly and habitually use.


The symptoms of cocain poisoning usually appear quite promptly. They are ushered in by a period of nervousness and excitation, sometimes almost of hysteria. Respiration is rapid and deeper than normal, and the pulse is markedly accelerated. The throat is dry, and the patient may complain of a choking sensation. The pupils are dilated, owing possibly to direct action on the muscular fibers of the iris.

Editorial Notes And Comments

Homoeopathy is losing ground for this very reason and large majority of the homoeopathic graduates are floundering in hopeless ignorance of the tools with whose use they ought to be familiar. It is really pathetic to see the unscientific, incongruous therapeutic medley of remedies, applied in the treatment of patients who are finally brought to the hospital, after surviving the onslaughts of these so – called doctors.


CHLOROSIS. A chlorotic girl with scanty menses had been declared a heart case on account of severe palpitation. However, the symptoms of chlorosis were unusually prominent; the heart beat was audible over entire chest; severe throbbing of temporal arteries. Pressing pain in stomach, especially when walking. Legs tire easily.


DIABETES MELLITUS. Some forms of diabetes can be cured homoeopathically by silver if the accompanying symptoms are similar to the primary proving action of this remedy. I have wondered for a long time why Plumbum has not been prescribed homoeopathically for diabetes, because, of all the remedies proved, none corresponds more generally and particularly to the symptoms of this disease.


EDITORIALS. In order to convince the public and the Foundation, as well as the medical profession, that homoeopathic methods can and do prevent infantile paralysis, the Illinois Homoeopathic and the New York Homoeopathic Medical Societies have undertaken a joint program for the purpose of demonstrating this fact.


EDITORIAL. As a minority group in medicine we advanced and prospered as along as we were satisfied to adhere to our therapeutic concepts. When, under pressure from the vast and well organized medical majority, we showed a willingness to abandon our principles in order to win favor with the majority, we rightly lost face as a group who either had tried our therapeutic methods and found them wanting, or as a group who would desert a sound therapeutic principle for the advantages offered us as individuals as the price of concurrence.


BARYTA CARBONICA. First, think of the scrofulous infant or child, slow to develop either physically or mentally, with marasmus and glandular swellings, especially of the tonsils and cervical glands. The child with a big head and a big abdomen,with foul foot sweat and inflamed toes and chilliness is characteristic.


EDITORIAL. As to the fluoridation scheme, if our equivocal homoeopathic functionaries had not surrendered out rights, no doubt we should have mastered this crisis at once. More likely it would never have occurred. Nevertheless, the present situation will eventually be mastered as increasing organization of opponents goes on.


PHILOSOPHY. Socialized medicine has become a menace as a defensive measure to protect the public from the scandalous prices that doctors and dentists demand. Taking my authority from that definition, I want to give you, not homoeopathic philosophy, but just my solution to keeping the medical profession out of socialized medicine.


EDITORIAL. Recently, a friend has his lively young dog wormed by a ved. The shots killed the dog. Vermifuges used everywhere today are entirely unnecessary. Correct the dogs general condition by homoeopathic therapy and there will be no worms. Mink coats and homoeopathy are both under suspicion by now.


CHRONIC FATIGUE. Facing the growing facts around us, there is no alternative but to recognize the role it plays in universal society. We have ample evidence it acts as a deterrent to curative efforts which are, and should always be, the dominant note of Medicine in improvement of the race.


CENCHRIS CONTORTRIX. The Copperhead, being native to North America, especially to the Eastern half of the United States, should have special value to the ills of the people who reside in the same area. No doubt, if its characteristic symptoms were better known, it would be more commonly used with advantage.


Just as we needed a Newton to open the field of modern physics by interpreting the fall of an apple, a common fact nobody paid any attention to, so we needed a Kent to develop, exploit and disseminate the concept of dynamization and its practical application to the treatment of the sick. Too often a valuable discovery in some field remains buried and lifeless for the lack of a promoter.


EDITORIAL. There is only one thing that will overcome all of this and, if it could ever be accomplished, would perhaps do much to overcome the neurosis which plague us today. It is education into adulthood. It would have to be a completely revised education, something the like of which has never been followed out. There have been inklings of it here and there.


CASE ILLUSTRATING SIMILIA. Any homoeopath could not have missed the remedy. She should have been, but was not, informed of the possibility of remedy reaction. It happened that her husband had some knowledge of homoeopathy and was able to tell her that the severe disturbance was caused by the remedy prescribed? Well, just because she was that remedy.


DEFECTIVE OXYGENATION.  There is a great deal known concerning the transfer of oxygen in the lungs from air to combine with hemoglobin and the release of carbon dioxide from hemoglobin to be expelled from the lungs, and about the other or complementary phase in the body tissues of the passage of oxygen from hemoglobin to the cellular tissues and the absorption of carbon dioxide from the cells by the hemoglobin.


HOW “MENTALS” HELP. Just to remind you how important it is to take careful case histories, I want to present a number of cases where the mentals pointed the way to curing various and interesting diagnoses.


THE USE OF NOSODES IN CHILDREN. There is no doubt that we need nosodes more today than we did years ago, with the young child today being filled full of antibiotics, such as terramycin, chloromycetin, aureomycin, penicillin, and so fort, and the sulfonamides. We must get to the bottom of these things, and frequently the nosodes will help to clean out the system.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy invites all researchers to avail themselves of its valuable knowledge, obtained through one hundred and fifty years of unremitting labor and human sacrifice, that the ends of true research for humanity every where may be more fully realized and served.


FINDING THE REMEDY. This fact suggests vividly the power of potentized drugs. Hecla lava in sheep causes immense exostoses (bony tumors) on the jaws. In cows, post-mortem examinations showed the intestines filled with ashes, hardened to a mass, as well as other, grossly pathological, lethal effects. It has remained for homoeopathy to use this knowledge for the benefit of mankind.


COMMENTS ON HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES USEFUL IN CARDIAC DISEASES. Where heart pathology is in evidence in older people with definite arterial degeneration, the Barytas are to be thought of, and more especially Baryta mur. Another remedy likely to be overlooked is Tabacum, a remedy which should receive much greater recognition and study and which is of signal value in angina pectoris. Its indications are known to all.


THE SCIENTIFIC PRACTICE OF MODERN, ORTHODOX THERAPEUTICS. Orthodox medicine diagnoses and treats diseases, not patients; the latter are forgotten in the physicians efforts to eradicate their diseases and too often they pay the price in an untimely and unnecessary exitus, with family and friends mollified by the thought that all that medical science could do, was done. This is one of the many reasons why the practice of Hahnemannian therapy is dying in the United State.


EDITORIAL. Allen says that unless the most active miasm is prescribed for the bond cannot be loosened and the end result will be inferior; that actual improvement of constitutional quality may be something of a failure. If miasm is the acting cause of disease, the highest value will be found in the symptoms peculiar to the individual which relate to that special one.


EDITORIAL. A recent case, for six years greatly disturbed by a burning throat, brings up remedy timing. Through all these years, she was, every morning at three, awakened and plagued by this burning throat. Other symptoms were frequent colds and sore throats throughout her life. She is now aged sixty-five. She often has watery nasal discharge, never thick; severe burning over frontal sinuses extending to throat.


COMMENTS ON LITTLE USED REMEDIES. Gnaphalium polycephalum, known as the common ever-lasting, is a very valuable remedy in the treatment of sciatica when the pain is worse when the sufferer is lying down, from motion, but, oddly enough, better while sitting on the affected thigh. There are numerous remedies homoeopathic to the symptoms of sciatica, but this modest plant, first proved by Dr. William Banks many years ago, fills its own peculiar place.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathic philosophy, as expounded by Hahnemann and to which, at least supposedly, homoeopathic physicians are loyal, teaches that it is the patient who is to be treated and not the disease which has overwhelmed him. Case-taking by the homoeopath is an art and differs widely from what is known as case-taking in the orthodox school.


HOW GERMS OUTWIT THE DOCTORS. In this office, the remedy for the genus epidemicus proved to be Curare, 30th, three doses, both prophylactic and 100 percent curative without sequelae. The next subsequent remedy frequently proved to be Diphtherinum 10M, and in a few cases Pertussin was required some weeks later to quiet a cough. So treated, none failed to recover completely from a cough.


EDITORIAL. The homoeopathic patient is almost always a grateful one or at least knows that his obligation is an honest one and that the service has entailed the minimum of accessory expenses. The larger office practice helps collections. Besides, the necessary expenses of a practice limited to homoeopathy is probably less than those of other specialties. But the practice of homoeopathy is no sinecure for the sleepy head.


HEREDITY, ENVIRONMENT, HOMOEOPATHY. These vibratory forces each with its own specific rate of vibration, and its distinctive polarity produce all the affinities, the attractions and repulsions pervading throughout all nature to cause the multitudinous phenomena of growth and decay, of health and disease, of stress and storm, of sunshine and calm, ramifying the animate cosmos.


This particular case is cited as evidence that in euonymus we have a remedy which apparently has a sphere of useful action in functional liver disturbances, though unfortunately one which has not been fully or thoroughly proved. The case in itself is inconclusive and of no special importance, though it is indicative of clinical possibilities.


Treatment of the paralyzed parts should be based upon an evaluation of the amount of destruction present in the cold cells and in the muscles affected. An important point to remember is that an attempt should be made to help the patient to overcome his fear to free himself from his mechanical devices.


Each one of these so-called specifics is only a starting point from which to expand. For instance take the first one, herpes zoster. Of it J. Compton Burnett says, “Variolinum wipes out herpes zoster, pain and all.” Mezereum for herpes zoster has, “Severe neuralgic pains; itching after scratching turns to burning, worse from touch and in bed; chilly; sensitive to cold air; vesicles form a brownish scar”.


It is not that our polychrests Sul., Lyc., Calc., Sil., Nat. mur., etc. are insufficient 90 percent of all cases coming into our hands (these are the pure gold of medical therapy) that we are today presenting for your consideration a unique remedy, Sanicula, which partakes of each of the above and a few others. It has occupied a definite field for masters of healing who have preceded us and is brought to attention because for a number of years our literature has had slight mention of it. M. Tyler says of it, “An invaluable remedy WHERE IT CORRESPONDS, in the treatment of unflourishing children.”.


That the time is near for such recognition, at least through the rediscovery of the law by another Hahnemann or scientist, is highly probable, because already many leaders in medical thought are experimenting with the claims of the homoeopathic law.


The ipse dixit of some over-enthusiastic homoeopath has too frequently led to disappointment when another physician has tried to follow his example. What homoeopathy needs most of all, is properly conducted drug proving; controlled, clinical research and post-graduate instruction in its basic philosophy. Undergraduate instruction, in this age of alleged scientific advance, has definitely shown itself to be a failure.


Arsenicum is demanded when we find the following symptoms : Hot, burning, watery discharge from the nose; frequent sneezing. Stoppage at bridge of nose and frontal headache. Chilliness and fatigue. Desire for and amelioration from heat in general. Restlessness, worse at night. Often temperature rise and thirst. Apprehension.


A physician who specializes in diagnosis is playing the role of medical traffic cop, directing some patients to a heart man, others to a neurologist and so on through a long and weary list. Nothing is done either to kill or cure the patient until he gets past the diagnostician. On the other hand, there are some general practitioners who attempt anything and everything from pulling teeth and paring corns to examining eyes and fitting glasses.


In those addicted to the use of such drugs it is difficult for curative remedies to act until antidotal remedies have reestablished more nearly normal body states; Carbo vegetabilis, Magnesia phosphorica and Calcarea sulphurica have often proven very helpful in antidoting such drugs and restoring normal body states.


A particularly sinister aspect of the entire proposition is the fact that compulsion by Boards of Health and school authorities is implied in many instances when there is no law, ordinance or ruling authorizing such compulsion. Therefore, uninformed parents are in effect swung into line and regimented through misrepresentation.


The world is production-mad. Growth and development are judged in terms of exhibition. Statistics and financial figures warp our judgment. Science in its spectacular aspects has become a popular fetish. It becomes increasingly difficult for those not grounded on principles to stand against the flood-tide of these influences.


This is so not only in the study of the potency, but it is so almost entirely in the study of the crude drugs and their action, as well as our study of foods and their action; the effects are there to be seen, but the imponderable nature of the modus operandi is beyond our comprehension. The very same line of evidence is produced in all these fields; it is the effects only that are manifest to us.


The pneumonia patient should be given no food whatever except perhaps a little raw freshly expressed unsweetened fruit juice or fresh raw vegetable juice. He may have water or cracked ice to quench his thirst but he should not be forced to drink any specific quantity of water, as it might seriously overloaded and water-log his tissues and even increase pulmonary stasis and exudation.


Each man who succeeds, even against heavy odds, makes success easier for his neighbor; each man who persists in the struggle for success based on principle brings success nearer for his brother, even though he himself fails to reach his goal. So the man who acknowledges easy failure tears down the house of success about his ears and undermines the very path forward success.


a big fellow of wonderful courage and intelligence, occasionally manages to come upon a woodchuck before this wary beast can get back to his hole. Of course, the dose startled him, and led to the usual reply: “How can such small dose do any good ?”


REMEDY SELECTION AS AN ART. No doubt the truth lies somewhere in between; as homoeopathic physicians we are admonished to prescribe for patients and not for diseases and, theoretically at least, we all subscribe to this injunction; indeed, the injunction is a good one and the more we pay heed to it, the greater our success will be.


In obstetrics, dear old Dr. Danforth held forth. His was a kindly nature. In appearance he was prosperous and impressive, particularly with his mutton-chop whiskers and his massive gold watch chain, which ornamented a portly, abdominal expanse of embroidered waistcoat. His homoeopathy was of the liberal kind, though withal, of a practical sort, even though, at times, rather disturbingly cured.


REMEDY SELECTION AS AN ART. Hence the proper taking of the case is the major part of the art of remedy selection; the case well taken, the recognition of the right remedy is comparatively easy, provided, of course, that we know our materia medica as every homoeopathic physician should know it. To know it means wide reading as well as repeated reading of such works as Farrington, Dunham, Nash, Kent, Clarke, etc.


OBSERVATIONS ON THE ACTION OF REMEDIES. Our modern homoeopathic crusaders are especially found of indulging in this kind of criticism, at the same time, casting pitying glance upon the simple souls who, in their devotion to Hahnemannian principles, have been rash enough to make such imprudent statements.


A NOTE ON DIGITALINUM. Probably a strong reason why they have not been employed, lies in the fact that a patient who dies lege artis leaves behind him a grieving family, satisfied that all was done which could have been done, by the spectacular and theatrical methods of orthodox medicine which the majority of homoeopaths delight in emulating.


THE PRESENCE OF PATHOLOGY, WITH REFERENCE TO HOMOEOPATHIC PRESCRIBING. The field of the homoeopathic materia medica is, therefore, inexhaustible and the nuggets of gold to be unearthed, beyond belief; the pity of it is that so many of us are wasting opportunities and time, in extraneous fields which have no real bearing on the work which is crying to be done.


SELLING HOMOEOPATHY. The late Stuart Close, with his marvellously cultured and trained mind, often said that homoeopathy could not be successfully taught in our undergraduate medical schools and the evidence is more than compelling, that he was right; certain it is, that those now in existence, are falling far short of this highly desirable result.


Commonly, reactions occur between things occupying kindred states or planes; when these are overstepped more violent effects appear. A little reflection will soon convince you of this, as well as carry the implication that an irregularly acting vital force can be best stabilized on its own plane of action; all of which leads inferentially into the field of potency activity.


Effect of Chronic Sulphur Poisoning of Energy Metabolism. “Simonson and Richter administered gradually increasing doses of a saturated alcoholic solution of sulphur to three experimental subjects. The total amount of sulphur given in each experiment was 60 mg. The toxic symptoms resembled those in hydrogen sulphide poisoning. Weakness, paleness, headache, dyspnoea and disturbances of coordination were most prominent.


In this connection, it may be illuminating to many to know that at the recent annual meeting of the Alumni Association of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital, a vote previously taken among the alumni of this institution, showed a large majority in favor of dropping the title “homoeopathic.”


Elsewhere in this issue we print by request of the above foundation the prize essay of one of the students of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital, a senior who has just won his degree of Doctor of Medicine. The essay ably reflects the painstaking efforts of the teachers in the department of Materia Medica, who without compensation, are giving of their time and money to educate homoeopathic physicians.

Adjuncts To The Prescription

In the case of insomnia and difficulty in going to sleep some of the adjuncts can be used and avoid the use of opiates, chloral and dopes of all kinds. A glass of hot milk, a hot bath followed alcohol or vinegar rub, or even gentle massage will often produce sleep, and we do not have to contend with any of the after – effects of dopes. The use of mental suggestion of different kinds.


Many a snug fortune has been built upon the lucrative returns of the sales of patent medicines for cold in the head head, yet the victims each year sneeze on and on,and reddened noses and dripping nostrils snort defiantly in the face of science. Modern homoeopathy, pandering to popular clamor,both lay and professional, has its shot gum prescriptions, in the shape of the insinuating combination tablet, that invention of the combined devils of ignorance and sloth.


They present clinical characteristics that resemble one remedy in one and another remedy in another and no one substance is most similar to all diabetic nor to all cancer patients. The homoeopath seeks a remedy most similar in its effects to the individual affected and at the same time regards all the influences which contribute to disorder or maintain it in the life of the individual.


Pulsatilla was given for many reasons. It was most conspicuous form the repertory point of view, fitted our case most precisely form a reading in the “Materia Medica.” It was more particularly given because mental symptoms were in perfect accord, since our patients was nervous, desired sympathy and because his general make up as I watched him when reading the “Materia Medica” all aimed toward Pulsatilla.


Thus for Rhus poisoning, we find that poisonous effects of Cantharides are much like it, and this is all we have used in general active practice for the last forty years; we do not have to consider a certain per cent. of cures or failures. It cures all cases and cures them promptly, and I do not remember of even having to prescribe more than once in case of ivy poisoning, and there is much of it in this country.

Partial Provings Of Benzol, Iodine And Kali Bichromicum

The prover often complained of headache, especially on the right side, of sweating, swelling of the right testicle with severe pain, of nausea and loss of sleep. The appetite was not as good as usual, and the student often felt tired Urine was passed in greater quantities than normally. The second prover received the 3rd decimal potency, after he had been taking blank pills for four days.

Editorial Notes And Comments

A subscriber sends us the subjoined clipping from the Therapeutic Digest. The observations made are of much interest, particularly to homoeopathic physician, who depend upon fresh plant tinctures for their therapeutic results, or upon potencies made from such tinctures. Old Mother Nature does some truly wonderful things in her great laboratory, and it behooves us to employ her products much more than many of us do.

Editorial Notes & Comments

The case to be reported is presented with the purpose, first, of demonstrating a properly taken case from the prescribers standpoint. No matter how elaborately a case may be presented from the pathologic, bacteriologic, diagnostic and pathognomonic stand – points. it is impossible for the prescriber to select the needful remedy for the case, unless it has been presented from the homoeopathic side also.