Our chairman has asked for remedies that are of value in circulatory conditions.
The BIG problem for medicine is to prevent circulatory conditions,and that is where we homoeopaths are doing fine work without the public at large even being aware of it.
No matter how well you think you know Baryta carb., just take your materia medica and review it carefully again after I have pointed out a few of the highlights of this wonderful remedy.
First of all, Baryta carb. is especially useful in the infant and the aged. Infancy is a definite thing,but age is a very flexible thing. It is a trite saying that a man is as old as his arteries.
Life doesnt always begin at forty;bad hearts and arteries are Killing lots of people as early as that.
I think that all homoeopaths have a rather definite image of the child who is a Baryta carb. patient,but it wont do any harm to review the picture.
First, think of the scrofulous infant or child, slow to develop either physically or mentally, with marasmus and glandular swellings, especially of the tonsils and cervical glands. The child with a big head and a big abdomen,with foul foot sweat and inflamed toes and chilliness is characteristic.
In the aged look for the fleshy individual who is feeble, with a bloated abdomen and face, poor memory, senility, whose heart palpitates so that he is conscious of the heat, the palpitation being worse by thinking about it. He (and you) fear apoplexy.
My opinion is that, if such an individual had been given Baryta carb. when young,then he would not have developed senility; but Baryta carb.can still do him a world of good.