“She was a tiny old lady.
And a little dwarf boy was he”.
As fat old grandpa Baryta carbonica, a drunkard, was recovering from a cold, he had a stroke of apoplexy and passed on, leaving to poor, little, weak grandma Baryta carbonica the care of their orphan grandson, Baryta carbonica.
Grandma Baryta carbonica, like the rest of the family, is troubled with the inferiority complex in a marked degree, so she is sure that she is not capable of bringing up the grandson. Nevertheless, she cant make up her mind whether to send him to boarding school or keep him at home. She knows that whichever way she decides she will be sorry that she didnt decide the other way.
You might think that grandma Baryta carbonica had not been born a Baryta but that was not the case, for she was born a Baryta carb. and is a Baryta carb. from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet, so it must be that grandpa Baryta carb. married his cousin. Perhaps that accounts for the lack of development in their children.
Grandma Baryta carb. is timid and thinks everyone she meets is noticing and criticizing her.
Little Baryta carb. is dwarfed in both mind and body but even so, he is not an easy child to take care of. Trifles frighten him and trifles make him intensely angry. He is one of those children whose temper makes them “see red” and in his tempers he would like to annihilate the offender. At these times grandma isnt strong enough to cope with the situation. Fortunately he is.
Read at the a I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 1930 soon over it and forgets all about it. Grandma Baryta carb. isnt one of the kind who can understand that a child could need protection from trifles.
The little fellow doesnt want to play with other children so he sits around home with grandma. Grandma would like to entertain him with stories of her childhood but however hard she tries to recall some incidents, her memory fails her and it is impossible. Sometimes she tries to teach the little fellow but he has no memory and cant be taught so usually they just sit.
One day as they were sitting together, the door-bell rang. It sounded very loud to them and both were very much frightened so that they trembled in all their limbs. They thought there was a great, big man outside. They are afraid of men. Grandma finally decided to open the door, but first she put one the chain-lock, then decided to open the door, but first she put on the chain- lock, then opening it a little way she peered out.
Grandson Baryta carb., hiding behind her and clinging to her skirts, peered out too but is wasnt a great, big man standing there. It was only cousin Baryta mur. coming to beg some white bread. Cousin Baryta mur. is very fond of dry, white bread and she knew that there was always a plenty of it going to waste in the Baryta carb. kitchen because the Baryta carbs. have no appetite at all, or when they are hungry, they are either too lazy to eat or are filled up too soon so there is always plenty of bread left over.
As soon as Baryta mur. came in grandma Baryta carb. dropped into a chair groaning and moaning. She wanted Baryta mur. to draw the curtain as the light dazzled and hurt her eyes. Baryta mr. was perfectly willing to do this because she didnt like the bright light herself.
Baryta muriatica left as soon as she went. Grandma Baryta carb. does not like company and always feels worse when company is present, but that might he because she tells the company all about her ailments, for grandma is decidedly loquacious at times and thinking about her complaints makes them worse. It is only at times that grandma is talkative. When she is blue you cant get a word out of her.
Grandma tried to read to the little boy but her sight was dim and she couldnt see to read. You see cataracts are forming in grandmas eyes. Grandson Baryta carb. is inclined to corneal ulcer. The Baryta carbs. are extremely sensitive to odors. One day, as they were sitting there, grandma was sure that she smelled pine smoke and began to hunt for the fire. They grandson Baryta carb. smelled pine smoke and he too began to hunt for the fire. Of course they didnt find it because there was no pine fire or any other life there.
When a baby, grandson Baryta carb. had tinea capitis. There was a copious discharge from the whole scalp but that was all cured before he fell into the hands of grandma Baryta carb. Now grandma is afraid to wash his hair for he is sure to take cold if she does. She doesnt like him to have colds. His dose and upper lip get so swollen and sore and crusty. She is afraid he will be left with catarrh of posterior nares and scabs will from behind the base of the uvula.
Besides all that he is liable to have a toothache of he takes cold, then his gums become pale and swell. The cheeks swell and it extends up to his nose and eyes. His toothache is worse when thinking about it and of course he cant help thinking about it. Grandma doesnt like him to take cold. She worries about scarlet fever.
Grandma Baryta carb. has forgotten much but she doesnt forget that most of her children had mumps, tonsillitis and scar let fever at the same time. Grandson Baryta carb. has enlarged and indurated tonsils all the time. They are so large that he is nearly suffocated if he lies down. So scarlet fever or diphtheria would go pretty hard with him. Grandma Baryta carb. has great sympathy with anyone who has throat trouble. When she herself had quinsy she could swallow nothing but liquids and even that came back through the nose. She was thirsty all the time but could not drink.
Grandma Baryta carb. couldnt understand why grandson had such a big abdomen. Sure, he had some gas but not enough to puff him up like that and everybody knows he doesnt eat enough. True, hes constipated but that is probably because he wont eat enough. True, hes constipated but that is probable because he wont eat fruit. He has an aversion to fruit and especially to plums. Doesnt like sweets either.
“What are you whining for”? said grandma Baryta carb. to her grandson. “It is sour and it doesnt feel food here”, putting his hand over his stomach. Grandma Baryta carb. mused, a sour taste and a sensation of weakness in the stomach. “Ill get him something to eat and hell feel better”, but she couldnt get him any warm food for warm food made him cough and bread nauseated him so she found something else cold for him. He ate a mouthful or two and then he was full and couldnt eat any more.
Grandma coaxed and cajoled him until he had swallowed a few more mouthfuls, then he began to cry hard and in answer to grandmas questioning why, he said, “There is a stone in my stomach and it hurts”. He slumped down in his chair but the bending double made the pain worse. He stood up and leaned backward which helped a little. He started to walk that floor, but every time he put his foot down hard it make the pain worse. Pretty soon the gas began to come up, then the felt better.
One reason that grandma finds it so hard to take care of her grandson is that she has so much rheumatism in her back that she can hardly rise from a chair. Then too, she is so weak that she wants to lean on something to keep from falling. She is hungry and cant eat; sleepy, and cant sleep. At times she cant swallow even liquids. She has asthmatic attacks in which she cant speak or cough, or lift her head from the pillow; indeed, grandma Baryta carb. is rather noted for the things that she cant do. She needs someone to take care of her.
Whenever you think of grandma Baryta carb. and her grandson, remember that –
“She was an old, old, lady
And a little dwarf boy was he”.
DR. A. PULFORD: MR. Chairman, allow me to congratulate the doctor, Baryta carb. is a wonderful remedy, a wonderful developer. About six years ago we had brought to our office an infant. That infant looked like an idiot. It had cheeks that look like a china pig. Its tongue stuck out. It noticed nothing. Its limbs were helpless, and the uncle told me after the child was brought to us that they hoped we would kill it or that it would die. That child, under Baryta carb., is now six years old and the uncle told me a little while before we came here that they wished they had killed it. He said, “It can ask me more questions that I can answer”. That child was developed mentally and physically. It walks and is growing into a right good-looking girl.
DR. H.A.ROBERTS: Mr. Chairman, I think the paper is very unique, as Dr. Gladwins papers always are, in that they present a picture, that is indelible. To anyone who is at all observant this question of the development of backward children should be very close to them, for it seems to me that that is a field that is absolutely left out of general medicine.
Up in Connecticut we have a state school for imbeciles which is crowded to the doors and about 600 waiting. Many of those children could be relieved, and developed into people who can work their own in the world and get along, perhaps not to the highest degree of proficiency, but they can be developed to the point where they can do their work. The American Foundation has taken this subject as one of their objectives: