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Immediate operation was insisted upon and yielded to, but no cancer of any of the organs was discovered. Instead, a somewhat abnormally long and thickened, though quiescent appendix was found and triumphantly removed. The patient has lost twenty pounds in weight, one thousand dollars in lawful money and his confidence in the diagnostic ability of medical men has been rudely shattered.


The British Homoeopathic Journal for October, 1922, contains an interesting report by Dr. W. E. Boyd, of Glasgow, Scotland, of his investigations of the methods of Dr. Abrams, of San Francisco, California. The Boyd report was presented to the British Homoeopathic Association, under whose auspices Dr. Boyd is pursuing his investigations. We herewith publish elsewhere in this issue a letter just received from Dr. Boyd, also his article, “Drug Potency and Dr. Abrams”.

Medical bigotry and intolerance have thus far prevented Abrams from presenting his methods and principles before the profession and our friends of the O. S., more especially the Journal of the A. M. A., have not hesitated to condemn Dr. Abrams in unmeasured terms. THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER does not presume to essay the role of champion for any man and holds no brief for Dr. Abrams.

It does, however, believe in fair play and in permitting both sides to a controversy to be heard. Furthermore, it seeks to withhold judgment until all the evidence has been presented and conclusions can be safely drawn. It is, therefore, for these reasons that this journal has published several articles by various writers relative to the theories of Abrams. The readers of THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER are entitled to have all possible information and it is in this spirit that Dr. Boyds communication is presented.


That the roentgenologist is indispensable to the modern surgeon admits of no question. Surgical as well as medical diagnosis is often made certain when other than X-ray methods fail of decision. This is particularly true in the field of traumatic and bone surgery where the radiogram alone or the fluoroscopic screen is practically all- sufficient.

Yet, as in every other line of human endeavor, the personal equation enter very largely into the question of skill in both the purely mechanical and interpretative parts of X-ray work. As in laboratory diagnosis, physicians are often prone to rely too implicity upon artificial aids, while neglecting the evidence to be had from the older but tried methods of physical diagnosis, such as palpation, percussion, auscultation etc.

This was recently dramatically emphasized in the case of a man of 38, who, on account of some indefinite abdominal symptom, such as occasional vague pain and flatulence, was subjected to a very thorough roentgenological examination, with the resultant final diagnosis of carcinoma of the stomach. In spite of the absence of any corroborating history or symptoms, this diagnosis was concurred in by two surgeons and three physicians. The patient his family and friends were plunged into the depths of despair by the terrifying pronouncement of this august medical conclave.

Immediate operation was insisted upon and yielded to, but no cancer of any of the organs was discovered. Instead, a somewhat abnormally long and thickened, though quiescent appendix was found and triumphantly removed. The patient has lost twenty pounds in weight, one thousand dollars in lawful money and his confidence in the diagnostic ability of medical men has been rudely shattered. Nor is this by any means an isolated case. We may perhaps subscribe to the dictum that “pigs is pigs,” but roentgenologists are not always roentgenologists, as the experience related will testify.

Small wonder that the drugless cults flourish when medical science continues to furnish such glaring examples of human fallibility. Of course the moral is : “Avoid the horde of mushroom diagnostic laboratories, which exist in all large cities and instead rely upon men of known standing and ability in their special fields of laboratory diagnostic work”.

Furthermore it behooves physicians generally to include common sense, that rare commodity, in their armamentaria.


The common yarrow is one of our bleeding remedies which it is well to know; haemorrhages from the nose, lungs, stomach, kidneys or uterus are all characteristic. As in Aconite the blood is bright red, apparently arterial, but unlike Aconite, there is no fear, anxiety or febrile reaction. We have prescribed it chiefly in haemoptysis occurring in the course of pulmonary tuberculosis and here the potencies from the 200th to the CM have been promptly effective.

Clarke in his “Dictionary of Materia Medica” gives an interesting account of the remedy, and among other things states: “Millefolium is suited to all wounds which bleed profusely, sprains and overlifting.” Hence yarrow may be classed with Arnica and other vulneraries. In pregnant women varicose veins have been relieved, but Fluoric Acid, Hamamelis, Pulsatilla and Carbo vegetabilis must especially be considered here. Clarke likewise states that Millefolium is suited to the aged, atonic and women and children.

Our Eclectic colleagues speak of it as Achillea (Achillea Millefolium) and give it in doses of five to thirty drops of the Specific Medicine Achillea. Their indications are: Atony and relaxation of tissue, with free discharges; passive haemorrhage.

In this respect, homoeopathy and Eclectic medicine agree. The remedy is no doubt often overlooked or neglected by modern physicians, who are more prone to consider synthetic or chemically acting remedies by preference.

Nature has given us many such simple medicines as yarrow and we should not pass them heedlessly by.


Idiosyncrasy, anaphylaxis and shock are encountered in the domain of irradiations as well as in the domains of drugs and food. Foveau de Courmelles states that from various observations published to date, radio- anaphylaxis is an absolute fact. Gaussel and Villa reported a case of radiodermatitis after a short radioscopy in a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis who had been previously treated by heliotherapy; a large erythematous patch and blister appeared and took a month to heal.

Pech has reported some similar cases and some from Hirtzs experience, and said that any irradiation of a living being sensitizes him to any ulterior irradiations Of we consider the radiopathies of manufacturers and manipulators of roentgen rays we cannot fail to see that their lesions are mostly on the face and hands where all lights sensitize them. This is a striking confirmation of radio-anaphylaxis.

With radium, for instance, it is not rare to see cancers which are much improved or even apparently cured for years, reappear, and when treated anew with radium, sometimes in vain, progress very rapidly as if the radioactive salts acted, and very probably did act, as a stimulant. Although radiotherapy is old now, radio-anaphylaxis is only beginning to be recognized. Means will be found to desensitize radiologists, and treat them with other radiations. Bergonie treats Roentgen-ray injuries with radium, and this has often proved practical and effectual.”–J. A. M. A.

More evidence of the truth of the law of similars, Roentgen-ray injuries effectually treated with radium. Well, why not? The Roentgen-ray injuries effectually treated with radium. Well, why not? The Roentgen-ray has caused skin cancers and has cured or benefited others; homoeopathy say you; just so; but do not say it too loudly; it isnt good form–in allopathic or in some homoeopathic circles.

The wonderfully powerful emanations from Radium prove the theory of homoeopathic potentization. The amount of Radium actually given off cannot be measured, except in arbitrary terms. Centuries must go by before Radium can lose any of its actual substance. Do not forget that homoeopathic potencies of Radium are of great therapeutic value.


Insoluble silica and silica sol, injected subcutaneously, according to Gye and Kettle, cause an extensive fibrosis and a lesion consisting of a central area of necrosis surrounded by a zone of leukocytes; around this again is a second annular zone of necrosis limited by macrophages and granulation tissue.

Tubercle bacilli proliferate rapidly in the necrotic areas, a small dose of bacilli becoming a large dose. In this way silica aids in establishing a local infection.”–J. A. M. A.

Yes, homoeopaths are familiar with this observation. Silica has both caused and cured pulmonary tuberculosis and the older homoeopathic books on materia medica and therapeutics speak of its use in stone-cutters disease (pulmonary fibrosis). Local infection, abscess formation, breaking down of tissue frequently call for Silica, but only when the symptoms agree. Fluoric acid is similar in ulcerative and suppurative processes; but remember that the latter is relieved by cold and cold applications, while the former is aggravated by them and wants heat. A little thing, apparently, but spelling success or failure, as the case may be and life is made up of little things, so dont despise them!.


Hay fears that as a profession physicians are too credulous as to the value of the majority of the so-called cardiac tonics. The position of digitalis and its allies is of course unassailable, but their action must be fully understood to obtain the best results; and their administration must not be half hearted–the drug must be pushed to the full legitimate limit. When cardiac failure is consequent on fibrillation of the auricle, digitalis gives its dramatic results– but the sphere of its usefulness is not entirely confined to this group.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.