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HOW GERMS OUTWIT THE DOCTORS. In this office, the remedy for the genus epidemicus proved to be Curare, 30th, three doses, both prophylactic and 100 percent curative without sequelae. The next subsequent remedy frequently proved to be Diphtherinum 10M, and in a few cases Pertussin was required some weeks later to quiet a cough. So treated, none failed to recover completely from a cough.

An Editorial On An Editorial.

The Saturday Evening Post for December 13th, 1947 published a short popular medical essay in which certain fact pertinent to our practice are admitted, namely;.

1st. At Okinawa, troops known to have received typhoid vaccine preventive treatments had typhoid.

2nd. Children in Baltimore, given, diphtheria toxoid treatments, yet had diphtheria of a malignant type with high mortality.

3rd. With all war activities ended, in the South Pacific area, among troops stationed there in conditions of peace, poliomyelitis appeared of such malignant character that of 142 cases there were 52 deaths, more than 33 1/3 percent mortality.

4th. That in the same area at the same time, with free mingling of troop personnel among natives, not one case of this deadly disease occurred in a native, nor could the sequelae of a case be found. No after effects of this disease could be found in a native.

5th. The repeated observation, confirmed both for laboratory animals (mice) and for extensive human populations, that the practice of introducing into a group of living organisms at equilibrium a few strangers innoculated with any disease will give rise to an epidemic of the disease, which rages for a time, then dies out of itself unless there is continuous arrival of new recruits susceptible to the disease. But if such recruits are brought in continuously, then the disease organism (parasite) achieves new, more deadly virulence, as specific resistant strains.

Thus in public admission, enforced by hard facts resulting from wide experience covering the entire armed forces, bacterial approach to the prevention of disease fails to prevent.

Now when the group of facts listed here under (3) and (4) are re-examined in the light of homoeopathic philosophy, new confirmation of laws set forth by Hahnemann emerges on an unprecedented scale. In poliomyelitis of the respiratory type, so fatal, the medullary nerve centers can be shown to be damages, but no true virus of poliomyelitis has been isolated that satisfies Kochs Postulates. Its existence is suppositional. It has been tried.

However, we can demonstrate, and have many times demonstrated, the selective affinity of certain toxins on these medullary nerve centers, specifically, the Tetanus toxin, the Diphtheria toxin, and the Whooping Cough organism. When these three toxins are blended in one syringe as a composite, which deadly dose is then injected into the preschool children of a community, it is no figment of the imagination that an epidemic of medullary nerve damage results in due time.

This is as soon as the group of facts under (5) have had time to get under way. This epidemic will strike down the susceptible victims. Susceptibility may also be created artificially by a similar process, as the soil for anaphylactic shock may be created in the hands of self-dubbed “public Health Experts”.

This very phenomenon was exhibited in Michigan this fall, 1947, when children and adults presented all the premonitory symptoms of poliomyelitis, namely, stiff neck or back, low-grade fever, perhaps chill, lame muscles, often inability to draw a deep breath, or complaint of a band around the chest and temporary weakness of isolated groups of muscles.

In this office, the remedy for the genus epidemicus proved to be Curare, 30th, three doses, both prophylactic and 100 percent curative without sequelae. The next subsequent remedy frequently proved to be Diphtherinum 10M, and in a few cases Pertussin was required some weeks later to quiet a cough. So treated, none failed to recover completely from a cough. So treated, none failed to recover completely from the temporary paralytic symptoms without residual pathology in less than 48 hours. The sore throats appeared as late as a week thereafter, sometimes transitory, and the cough as much as three weeks later.

Similar cases from the same neighborhoods gravitated to isolation in contagious hospitals, where many weeks of the Kenny treatment were given at public expense. Not all these recovered.

This trend of events so exactly fulfils the homoeopathic law of cure in mixed miasms, where the same patient is afflicted simultaneously with not two, but three, dissimilar diseases, where the order of appearance is from more severe, namely tetanus, to less severe, namely whooping cough followed by arousal of latent tubercular symptom s(chronic miasm appearing at the close of cure of acute disease) as to constitute a beautiful proof of our great law. Symptomatic selection of these remedies, was followed by immediate and perfect cure time after time, with actual improvement of the general health of the patient-and increased faith in our rich resources. By on other analysis known to this writer could such tangled cases be straightened out so perfectly with so little sorrow and expense to the patient public.

Let us contrast the fruitfulness of analysis by other methods. In Medical Economics of December 1947 is another important Editorial. I would like to quote it in full, but can only advise every reader to obtain and read it in full. It is on page 46. Quoting.

“Mention the words health expert in Washington, and the synonym that most likely bounces back is Doctor Falk. You wont find his name in the A.M.A. Directory, nor is he a holder of a degree in economics or public health. Like Paul de Kruif, he is an erstwhile bacteriologist. Today, I.S. Falk would like to be research director for the entire Federal Security Administration, which controls the Public Health Service as well. Falks adversaries will do well not to underestimate him. He is not only an able man, but a realist. He has said before a Physicians Forum rally in 1944 that as practical folk we even have to be prepared, at times, to rise above principle”.

This quotation is for the purpose of pointing out to ourselves certain mistakes of policy. Had the Medical Profession scanned the records of homoeopathic Journals but half as eagerly as they embraced the early optimism of the bacteriologists, who were but imperfectly acquainted with their own tools, the American Public, indeed the world, might not in the year 1948 face the dire probability of becoming victims by compulsion to the harmful and careless violations of known bacteriological laws, under the guise of free medical care. And the Medical Profession, backed to the wall in their own defense, might be more secure in the tenure of their way of earning a living.

LEt us prove to our colleagues from over the fence, 220,000 of them, that they could make no more adroit move, than to succumb to the charm and beauty of homoeopathy as taught in our post- graduate school and Foundation.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.