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Thus for Rhus poisoning, we find that poisonous effects of Cantharides are much like it, and this is all we have used in general active practice for the last forty years; we do not have to consider a certain per cent. of cures or failures. It cures all cases and cures them promptly, and I do not remember of even having to prescribe more than once in case of ivy poisoning, and there is much of it in this country.

DEAR SIR: After reading your editorial comments on poisoning by ivy and poison oak, in the July issue of the RECORDER, we wonder why homoeopaths do not cling to the Law of Similia for best results all the time.

The cures for poisoning should be selected homoeopathically, according to the symptoms, as through it were an unknown disease. Therefore, for conditions produced by poison ivy or poison oak, select the drug whose toxic effects produce conditions and symptoms most like the ivy poisoning.

We think that for a vegetable poisoning, it is better to choose an animal or a mineral drug with which to antidote the poison, and vice versa.

Thus for Rhus poisoning, we find that poisonous effects of Cantharides are much like it, and this is all we have used in general active practice for the last forty years; we do not have to consider a certain per cent. of cures or failures. It cures all cases and cures them promptly, and I do not remember of even having to prescribe more than once in case of ivy poisoning, and there is much of it in this country.

My method is both external and internal treatment. Care must be taken, however, not to apply the Tr. of Cantharis too Strong, which the writer did in one instance, and aggravated the case until the local application was weakened.

My usual proportion is a half dram of the Tr. of Cantharis to one quart of water, and apply often, and let dry on the eruption and inflamed parts. And for internal treatment medicate pellets with 2x or 3x of the same drug and give every two or three hours.

You also comment on the treatment of lobar pneumonia with serum in the Rockfeller Institute, with a certain percentage of cures, losses, etc.

A physician who employs pure homoeopathic treatment, will not lose a single case of pneumonia, except in old people, and we might also except very young infants, with whom it often goes hard.

We claim that if all the world had good homoeopathic physicians, people would die of old age only, barring all sort of accidents, and all diseases would be cured without operations; but the materia medica is too great for any one practitioner to cover the field successfully, in his practice; but a few specialists could perfect the work. This time, however, will never come, for reasons which anyone can understand.


Middletown, Ohio.

June 16, 1923.


DEAR SIR: I shall esteem it a great favor if you will kindly publish this letter in THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER for the information of those who are interested in the treatment of deafness.

In the April issue of THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER you have published a letter from Dr.W.A.Yingling, M.D., in which he gives several remedies on the subject as they appeared from time two more remedies, viz., Petroleum and Hepar Sulphur, which have been found of value in the treatment of deafness.

Petroleum is said to have its sphere of action mostly in the ear; it is therefore in deafness, as well as in such conditions as affect the Eustachian tube and those characterized by discharges from the ear, especially with children who are scrofulous.

Dr. H. Goullon mentioned this remedy on page 175 of THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER for 1905.

Dr. Laureans Olivera made use of Hepar Sulphur 6x Trit. twice a day for a week, then rest a week and commence again with Silica 6x Trit. in the same way in the case of Mr.G.F.Gonzalez. an allopathic druggist, who had been deaf for 26 years in the right ear, accompanied by some suppuration. In addition to these two remedies, resort was also made to syringing the ear twice a day with hot water and the insertion of a cotton pledged into the ear twice a day, moistened with glycerine and a little boric acid. The case was reported to have been cured in seven weeks (vide, page 112 of THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER for 1907).

Very truly yours,


Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.