Hpathy Needs Your Help!


PHILOSOPHY. Socialized medicine has become a menace as a defensive measure to protect the public from the scandalous prices that doctors and dentists demand. Taking my authority from that definition, I want to give you, not homoeopathic philosophy, but just my solution to keeping the medical profession out of socialized medicine.

Going to the dictionary, philosophy is defined as the knowledge of the principles that cause, control or explain facts and events; calmness of temper; practical wisdom.

Taking my authority from that definition, I want to give you, not homoeopathic philosophy, but just my solution to keeping the medical profession out of socialized medicine.

Socialized medicine has become a menace as a defensive measure to protect the public from the scandalous prices that doctors and dentists demand.

Its just another demonstration of how history repeats. Its too bad that we humans cant profit by what history tells us repeatedly: that greed and oppression have always been conquered by an aroused public.

Away back when Babylon flourished, Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall and Jeremiah, the Prophet, told them that there was still time to be saved if they would foreswear their false prophets.

The late president of the A.M.A., in his presidential address, has evidently correctly interpreted the hand writing on the wall, and I understand they are carefully screening the surgeons who have too many operations that could easily be unnecessary, along with many other items that pile up the cost of medical care.

Maybe this awakening has not come too late, but it is an uphill fight to reestablish public confidence.

There is much more to be said along the same lines, but I am weary and you are too, so let me conclude by stating that selfishness and worship of the dollar sign has put us in a “heck of a mess.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.