Hpathy Needs Your Help!


EDITORIAL. Combining the attributes of a great teacher, an ardent proselyte and a wise counsellor, Dr. Rabes great service to the cause of Homoeopathy can never be too highly praised nor his loss fully appreciated except by those who directly benefited by his high qualities.


COMPLICATING FACTORS IN CHRONIC PRESCRIBING. Some of these drugs are causing disease, others are helping to complicate and perpetuate various diseases and still others are most certainly antidoting, to some extent at least, the action of the most carefully selected remedy. Moreover, the mere presence of these drug substances in the system helps to cloud and obscure the symptoms of the patient, thereby confusing the physician in his analysis of the case.


THE NEW VOGUE IN HOMOEOPATHIC PRACTICE. Unlike many other vogues which come and go, it appears that this new vogue of injection therapy has come to stay unless we, who are willing victims of this modern medical torture. some day decided to get rid of it; or wisdom dawns upon our homoeopaths to stop this torture in the name of science; or the Almighty God sends a saviour to save us from our medical tormentors.


PHILOSOPHY. Socialized medicine has become a menace as a defensive measure to protect the public from the scandalous prices that doctors and dentists demand. Taking my authority from that definition, I want to give you, not homoeopathic philosophy, but just my solution to keeping the medical profession out of socialized medicine.


THE PROBLEM CHILD. It is a terrible loss to the children of the present day that they are unable to receive good homoeopathic prescribing. Surgery is splendid when needed. The advances in modern medical treatment for acute cases at times appear to be curative, or at others suppressive; but nothing yet conceived can compare with the indicated similar remedy.