Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Many a snug fortune has been built upon the lucrative returns of the sales of patent medicines for cold in the head head, yet the victims each year sneeze on and on,and reddened noses and dripping nostrils snort defiantly in the face of science. Modern homoeopathy, pandering to popular clamor,both lay and professional, has its shot gum prescriptions, in the shape of the insinuating combination tablet, that invention of the combined devils of ignorance and sloth.


Medicine frequently boasts of it great advances in the conquest of diseases, but close observation will usually show that to preventive rather than to curative medicine should be given the credit. There is, however, one extremely widespread and almost universal indisposition which medicine has thus far failed ingloriously to master, and that is the common cold or simple coryza, which even our O.S.friends admit has baffled their best directed efforts.

Many a snug fortune has been built upon the lucrative returns of the sales of patent medicines for cold in the head head, yet the victims each year sneeze on and on,and reddened noses and dripping nostrils snort defiantly in the face of science. Modern homoeopathy, pandering to popular clamor,both lay and professional, has its shot gum prescriptions, in the shape of the insinuating combination tablet, that invention of the combined devils of ignorance and sloth.

Yet homoeopaths have by far the advantage of their old school colleagues, in the possession of a materia medica, rich in remedies for common colds, if they will only take the pains to know well a few of their valuable medicines and rely upon these with confidence. Remedies for coryza will very greatly, according to geography, climate, season of the year, etc., but the following are more than likely to be demanded in the general run of cases Arsenicum album, Allium cepa, Capsicum,Camphora, Euphrasia, Gelsemium, Kali bichromicum, Kali iodatum, Mercuries, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla, make a list o twelve remedies, of which almost five may be said to be constitutional in nature a fact to be kept in mind when prescribing.

Thus the Arsenicum patient is likely to be of the hyper sensitive, nervous, restless and apprehensive type, particular about himself, his clothes s and his appearance,sensitive to cold in general, loving warmth,warm rooms and wraps.

His coryza begins on the right side and is marked by hot, burning, excoriating,watery discharges which rapidly cause a painful redness of the parts over which they flow, hence the upper lip and nostrils are apt to be inflamed and sore. Undue prostration for so small an illness will be manifest, and remedy is well indicated,a few doses of a high potency will work wonders in modifying the entire picture and bringing it to a speedy end.

Allium cepa resembles Arsenicum in a number f its symptoms, but is easily differentiated by certain strongly marked characteristics, An excoriating,hot, burning,watery discharge quite commonly commences in the left nostril and is often accompanied by frontal or occipital headache sneezing is frequent,and bland lachrymation is present. All these symptoms are relieved in the cold open air,which therefore the sufferer naturally craves. Herein lies the marked difference from Arsenicum.

Capsicum patients are apt to be obese, flabby, of poor resistance and slow reaction hence chilly and take cold easily, when they then have much sneezing,hot watery discharge, accompanied by burning,smarting of the pharynx. Drinking causes shivering and chilliness,especially in the back between the scapula. Peppery sensations in the throat are spoken of.

Camphora is of use as a modifier or prophylactic of coryza, in the per-catarrhal state, when chilliness and depression are compound of. The patient feels that he is taking cold. Taken at this time, a few doses at short intervals, of a potency,will be quite sufficient. If the potencies are not at hand,ten drops of spirits of camphor in four ounces of water, teaspoonful doses every fifteen or twenty minutes, well be apt to stop the oncoming catarrhal process. Once the coryza is established, Camphor will no longer be of use. It must be used early to be of any service.

Euphrasia is Allium cepa reversed, that is to say, a bland watery discharge from the nose worth an excoriating flow from the eyes. Sneezing is of course prominent,as well as copious lachrymation, particularly aggravated in the wind. Agglutination of the lids in the morning and redness and inflammation of the lids are present also.

Gelsemium spells relaxation, prostration, dullness, habitude, drowsiness the patient feels weak and sick all over, limbs tremble and seem as though too weak to carry him. Chilly sensation in the back, running up and down the spine. If temperature is present,there is no thirst. Occipital headache and vertigo. Sneezing, coryza, flushed countenance. In Gelsemium the general symptoms will determine the selection of this remedy.

Kali bichromicum suits the later stages of coryza, particulars in light-haired, obese individuals, when their is a thick, stringy, yellowish mucous discharge, together with the formation of tough clinkery masses in the nose, especially upon the septum. More deeply acting constitutional remedies,such as Sepia, Thuja, Tuberculinum, etc., will usually have to follow.

Kali iodatum., The effects of overdosing with the iodide of potassium w]give us a faithful picture of this drug in coryza. Violent convulsive sneezing, preceded by a filling up of the eyes with tears,m is very characteristics, Ineffectual urging to sneeze, as in Carbo vegetables and Silica. Burning in the nostrils and eyes, frontal sinuses; headache across the forehead or situated deeply in the head (ethmoidal congestion).

Tearing pains throughout the limbs, general amelioration in the open air, but the coryza us aggravated thereby, so that in a senses the sufferer is between the devil and the deep sea. Subnormal temperature alone will distinguish from Arsenicum. the right nostril and right eye are often most or primarily affected.

Mercurius is of use where a slimy, mucous, nasal discharge prevails, which is acrid and excoriating much sneezing soreness of the nasal bones, chilliness, easy sweat and the usual nightly aggravation of this remedy. The Mercurius patient is over- sensitive to both heat and cold and is prone to exhibit glandular swellings.

Natrum muriaticum presents a thin, watery excoriating discharge with much sneezing and lachrymation and a morning aggravation of the entire condition. Later, thick,yellowish mucous discharge, similar to that of Pulsatilla, ,will be present.

Loss of taste and of smell are characteristic of both remedies, but temperamentally they are decidedly unlike. General symptoms are apt to prevail, when Natrum mur. is needed, and these are of course of more importance than the local manifestations. Natrum mur., for example,is said, tearful and irritable, especially before the menses, but attempts at consolation aggravate,where was in Pulsatilla is not,and fever blisters or herpes labialis are common to the former remedy. Many such differentiating symptoms can easily be pointed out.

Hence, in choosing Pulsatilla for a coryza, we must bear these differences in mind. This remedy is of more use in the later stages of a cold,when the discharge is thick, bland, yellow,or yellowish-green. Nasal stoppage is particularly marked indoors and by night., General amelioration in the cold and prevails in Pulsatilla, and of course the patient must b e of the Pulsatilla a type for thus remedy to do its best work.

Sabadilla occasionally is useful in the common cold, when chilliness is marked and sore throat is present,commencing of the. left side,with dryness of the pharynx and paroxysmal sneezing, lachrymation,m heat of face and watery nasal discharge. the throat symptoms are relieved by heat, which will easily distinguish this remedy from Lachesis,where, although the left side is also the first affected, we have an amelioration from cold drinks.

The remedies above sketched by no means comprise all the possibilities in the treatment of the ordinary “head cold,” nor have all the finer indications been given; however,with these twelve remedies and a knowledge of their more essential characteristics,the general run of cases can be easily managed. In all recurrent cases, the underlying idiosyncrasy of the patient must be studied, and it so here that the great antipsorics of Hahnemann Sepia, Silica , Sulphur and Tuberculinum with reserve particular consideration.


From time to time inquiries come to us, particularly from India, regarding the requirements necessary to secure a medical diploma and the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the United States.

There is evidently much misapprehension, especially in india, concerning these requirements,and in the minds of many there seems to prevail the idea that for a monetary consideration or through a short correspondence course, a deep, in a from a medical college can readily be obtained.

It is regrettable that in India, more particularly in Bangle within recent yours a rapid growth in the number of unqualified medical practitioners has taken place. This is especially noticeable in Calcutta, where the “doctor shops” of those so- called physicians are scattered all over the city.

Unfortunately the Government is powerless to change this state of affairs,or to interfere, so long as these unqualified practitioners deep within the present law; in this respect the condition is not dissimilar to that which obtains in Germany since the World War, where today there are hundreds of unqualified medical practitioners, who thrive upon the credulous and ignorant,., but cannot be interfered with so long as they o not prescribe powerful or dangerous drugs and stop short of drugs and stop short of death, in their treatment of cases.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.