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They present clinical characteristics that resemble one remedy in one and another remedy in another and no one substance is most similar to all diabetic nor to all cancer patients. The homoeopath seeks a remedy most similar in its effects to the individual affected and at the same time regards all the influences which contribute to disorder or maintain it in the life of the individual.

Principles of Homoeopathy: Laboratory-research has for years conducted investigations with the aim of finding a reliable substance to cure cancer.

The same sort of investigation has worked to find something to cure diabetes. Now the announcement comes, from Canada, of the splendid results obtained by administration of Insulin. Corroboration of the clearing of sugar in urine as obtained by the discover of this substances for diabetes is now coming from other localities. Doctors who have many diabetes patients are urged to go and study in Canada and observe the results at the source of this wisdom.

Homoeopathy finds and teaches and emphasizes the fact that cancer and diabetes are late developments in the course of sickness in persons who have not always the same individual reactions and points out that various individuals suffering either one of these pathological results are not the same in their sickness.

They present clinical characteristics that resemble one remedy in one and another remedy in another and no one substance is most similar to all diabetic nor to all cancer patients. The homoeopath seeks a remedy most similar in its effects to the individual affected and at the same time regards all the influences which contribute to disorder or maintain it in the life of the individual.

Clinical Case Reports.-A small boy aged about nine years felt inclined to lie down and not be active as usual, indisposed to go to Sunday school, one Sunday, when he had previously been active and busy as boys are, usually. His mother tested his temperature in the evening and found it 101.8, 102 at different hours.

Doctors was called next morning, November 6th.

Temperature-8 A.M., 100.8; II A.M., 100. Pulse-120.

Throat-Pillars swollen, pain when swallowing, empty, solids and liquids. Worse on right side, less on left side, worse from sweet juice and cleaning nose. Right tonsil and posterior pillar thick, dirty, irregular ulcer or exudate.

Head pain frontal since yesterday, especially above nose, improved binding tightly with cold compress.

Nose, usual obstruction, worse past two days.

Discharge scant, thick, difficult to clear out; appears dry.

Abdomen pain in region of stomach yesterday, better today.

Vertigo when lying in bed, sensation of motion in head.

Urine thick appearance of orange juice today.

Tongue white, smooth coating; edges, red border.

Eyes dull, heavy sick expression.

Sleeping much this forenoon.

Cold yesterday, warm today.

This patient was fed with juicy fruit exclusively, given a warm bath each day and given Lac-can, when the throat improved on right and revealed patch on left.

Culture sent to the laboratory was reported positive for diphtheria.

By November 13th his throat was cleared of patches and swelling, with only slight redness remaining. Temperature 98.5 since the 8th.

Diet was increased to include vegetable broths on 8th, and on 13th green vegetables and soft, thin gruels with raisins and butter or cream were added.

November 15th, culture taken, reported negative.

November 16th, Culture taken, reported positive.

November 20th and 22nd, cultures taken, reported negative and quarantine was released. Antitoxin was not used.

Case 2.

A man of about forty-five years of age had a third siege of what he called lumbago, ten years after the first and two years after the second siege.

Pain in lumbo-sacral region prevented standing erect; he bent forward and to left, sitting or standing. When he find a comfortable position, retains it without change, but after sitting for a while, whether standing or sitting. Improved lying on the side with legs flexed.

Drinks several glasses of water each morning because he fears bowels would be sluggish without, and takes coffee for three meals a day.

Eats meats or eggs two or three times a day.

Coryza extending to trachea frequently from drafts, or wetting the feet.

Wants to be warm.

Tendency to mental and physical tension.

Chelidonium has pain in back ameliorated by bending forward and by stooping and nothing appeared to contradict it, so was given this remedy.

Instructions to eat juicy fruit every three hours, to eat meat or eggs not more than once a day, to take a hot bath just before going to bed, daily and to “let go” in all things.

Reported improvement in twenty-four hours, saying he had had a “fairly comfortable day. ” When seen a few days later he was walking and standing in comfort and apparent freedom.

Foundation Library.-One physician who has some of the best books for a homoeopathic physician was seeking an executor for his library when he should no longer need them. He was referred to the Foundation as a wise and suitable repository where his book would be sure to reach those most appreciative of these treasures. If you know of anyone owning books of homoeopathic literature you may serve “those who give and those who take” by referring them to the Foundation for such time as they wish to dispose of their libraries or parts of them.

The Foundation has begun a library which it purpose to have comprise all the publications of Homoeopathy in books and magazines. What a pleasure it will be for the student and the investigator of Homoeopathy to browse at headquarters among the books that formulate and illustrate the principles and the practice of Homoeopathy as experienced by the best homoeopaths of all the century.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.