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EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy experiments on well individuals of both sexes with the administration of a single remedial substance or drug. After its administration note is taken of all changes from the normal in the mental and emotional spheres, also changes in the blood chemistry, to form a complete picture or chart of the power residing in each proven remedial agent employed.


At present a great wave of propaganda for medical research is on, especially in the quest for the prevention and cure of cancer and poliomyelitis. It is the realm of chronic diseases of obscure origin where the Homoeopathic principle and technique of drug application has given the world the most convincing and irrefutable proofs of curative power in sicknesses that are not self-limiting, ending either in recovery or possible death.

In the past decade a new and advanced approached to homoeopathic concepts has sprung up in the regular school of medicine called psychosomatic medicine. This phase of medical thought emphatically stresses the great importance of the mental and emotional states in the causation of illness of even the most chronic nature, such as arthritis of various forms, cancer and numerous forms of mental disease.

Since Hahnemanns time the mental and emotional symptoms have held the highest rank in the treatment of the patient for the selection of his curative remedy. No drug proving is complete without a goodly number of metal and emotional symptoms, desires and aversions of the physical plane and in the sexual re-actions and symptoms, and on the higher planes of being, the loves and hates, the hallucinations and illusions, the mental abnormalities or insufficiencies, etc. Here lies one of the great differences between homoeopathic and allopathic procedure in research.

Homoeopathy experiments on well individuals of both sexes with the administration of a single remedial substance or drug. After its administration note is taken of all changes from the normal in the mental and emotional spheres, also changes in the blood chemistry, to form a complete picture or chart of the power residing in each proven remedial agent employed. On the basis of the well-known, often verified Law of Cure, Similia Similibus Curantur, such proven agents may be given to meet the conditions, symptoms and states produced by said agents to bring about normal physiological activity in the sick patient suffering similar symptoms and states produced by the curative drug on healthy humans.

In many epidemics of poliomyelitis during the past forty years homoeopathic methods have been notably successful in saving life in most of the treated cases and securing a minimum number of crippling cases, most of the latter being only slightly impaired. It is true that many cases are very mild and recover with little or no paralysis, but in the severe bulbar types of the disease it is surprising how positive the curative effects of the homoeopathic specific can be in the saving of life and the prevention of severe maiming. Remedies like Bell., Gels., Helleborus, Cup., Crotal h., curare, Coccul., Lach., Op., Rhus tox., and Zinc are the leaders in serious cases of this type. In the spinal cases Alumina, Caust., Calc. Phos., Calc. Sul., Cocc., Lach., Lath. sat., Hepar, Kalm., Lyc., Op., Plb., Rhus tox., Sulph., Zinc are frequently needed.

In the field of prophylaxis the epidemic remedy, when it is found, gives the best protection. In forty years of practice I have found Lathyrus sat. one hundred percent effective. This remedy given to many thousands of individuals in many epidemics has never failed to protect and this verifies the Law of Similars because Lathyrus affects the specific centers the “polio” virus does, the nerve roots of the anterior horn of the spinal cord and produces a paralysis of both lower and upper extremities in its proving (see W. Boericke and J. Clark).

In the field of cancer research there is much wider compass of activity to cover. That cancer is the outgrowth of deep constitutional or inherited “soil” conditions is the homoeopathic concept only recently partly admitted by the allopathic school of thought. Dr. Maude Sly of Chicago University has bred cancer both into healthy rats, individuals and families, and, reversing the procedure in mate selection, she has bred cancer out of individuals and families, proving convincingly the factor of inheritance as a primary causation force.

The homoeopathic literature is full of reports of cured cases of cancerous tumors by such men as Cooper, Burnett, Clarke and Jones. Kent in his Lesser Writings developed a number of remedies that have produced cancer cures. I will mention some of them here: Alum. sil., Calc. sil., Aur. sul., Cad. sul., and Kali sil. A number of physicians since his time have added many valuable remedies to the homoeopathic literature. Cadmium metallicum and some of its chemical combinations are among the most potent for the eradication of malignant conditions. The ground work is laid for many successful homoeopathic research centers wherever Homoeopathy is known and practised.

Now a brief note on the procedure of Allopathic research. Animal experimentation makes up most of the research in vogue today and in the past. The knowledge obtained in this way is meager and completely inadequate when applied to human beings. Only the toxic effects on the tissues of animals (pathology) is found. The mental and emotional changes are unknown and undiscoverable by such means. This is the phase of medicine that marks the only real advance in traditional medicine in a hundred years and the only advance that will not be discarded for some new wonder drug in a short time.

Those of us who have had wide experience in the treatment of cancer have no delusions of finding a specific cure for cancer disease. There will never be any one remedy or agent to cure every case of cancer, only the specific remedy for each individual case presented will avail and that not in every case.

It is patent to all who have worked long in this field that the prevention of cancer presents a much brighter outlook for universal success than does cure, and no one force in the world today can equal the power of the Homoeopathy of Hahnemann to eradicate inherited and constitutional tendencies to chronic degenerative disease including those of the mental and nervous spheres.

This is especially true when applied to the early life of children and young adults even up to middle life. Give true Homoeopathy free scope in the treatment of humanity in the early formative periods of life and in a few generations T.B., cancer and insanity will disappear from the earth.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.