Hpathy Needs Your Help!


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy experiments on well individuals of both sexes with the administration of a single remedial substance or drug. After its administration note is taken of all changes from the normal in the mental and emotional spheres, also changes in the blood chemistry, to form a complete picture or chart of the power residing in each proven remedial agent employed.


BRYONIA ANTI SUPPRESSANT. Bryonia seems to act mostly on the body by disturbing the fluid metabolism. Everywhere is dryness. The skin and mucus membranes dry up and no fluid seems to be able to reach the surface. Thus, suppressed colds and suppressed eruptions. There is dryness of the serous membranes and we have pleurisy, etc. Dryness of the sheaths of muscles and tendons with resulting rheumatic pains.


COMMENTS AGAINST EUTHANASIA. The New York plan is to get two doctors and a lawyer appointed as a board, to act as an official jury to decide the case of the patient who has requested to be killed, supported by his physicians testimony to this patient is incurable. Upon such boards report that the claim is true and within the statute, the Court will grant a permit for killing “according to law”.


PARADOXES. Homoeopathy experiments on well individuals of both sexes with the administration of a single remedial substance or drug. After its administration note is taken of all changes from the normal in the mental and emotional spheres, also changes in the blood chemistry, to form a complete picture or chart of the power residing in each proven remedial agent employed.


A LESSON FROM VANADIUM. Vanadium was named from Vanadis, a goddess of the Scandinavian mythology. I could find no references to this lady in my library but, if the quality of Vanadium is her signature, she must have been a tough number; and the quality of both is written in the aged arteries and veins of some of our patients. It is well known that Vanadium is widely used to toughen steel. The pure metal has a propensity to unite with a great number of other substances.