Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Drawing pain in upper part. Burning smarting on uppermost vertebra. Pain near last dorsal vertebra. Sticking beneath I. scapula; in r. S. at night in bed, on deep breathing; beneath I. shoulder, (<) drawing back inward, (>) deep inspiration; drawing below upper part of scapula in afternoon. Pain beneath r. scapula; bruised, in scapulae nd hips. Stiffness between scapula, with drawing pain. Pain above small of B.

Lumbar Region.- Sticking on deep breathing; S. deep in region of r. kidney, with pressure; in coccyx, with paralytic drawing; from region of kidneys to uterus in morning, (>) bending up, pressure upon abdomen or sitting down, (<) walking; from r. towards uterus in forenoon, intermittent in afternoon; to thighs as the pains about umbilicus cease; transversely through above hips; intermittent; periodical, near spine, corresponding to posterior surface of liver, extending to below r. scapula; rhythmical, deep in region of r. kidney, also rhythmical with pulse. Pain before sleep; P. after stooping; with feeling in legs as if they were stiff or bandaged; causing him straighten up; near spine, corresponding to posterior part of I. hypochondrium, extending to scapula; as if broken; paralytic, (<) becoming erect. Bruised pain on stooping and rising; B. pain after stool; on touch; (<) sitting; in coccyx. Painful throbbing; in evening after lying down. Tension in region of kidneys, even sitting, with heat. and walking soon fatigues. Pulsations. Paralyzed feeling in morning on rising. Paralytic weakness nearly all day, (>) lying, (<) eating.

Clinical Backache, with general weariness, (>) lying down; the back feels broken. Backache between the paroxysms of intermittent fever.


      Cracking in joints of shoulders and hips on moving them. Trembling after slightest exertion, with rapid pulse; of hands and feet at 11 P.M. on rising from bed, she could hold nothing on account of weakness; of hands and feet after unpleasant news. Jerking; (<) thighs; in upper arms and lower limbs; of one or another when he wished to write; hot, on backs of hands and in tips of toes in morning on rising, with weakness of feet and less of hands. Sticking in joints; shoulder and knee-joints, with tearing; tensive, on front and middle of r. thigh and beneath I. thumb-nail. Tearing and drawing pains in ankles and wrists, waking him at night. Bruised pain. Rheumatic pains in arms and legs, feet and ankles particularly painful and stiff. Drawing pain in joints. Drawing paralytic pains inn almost all joints at times Frequent drawing in thighs, I. arm and thumb. Tension here and there in joints as if tends were too short or as if beaten, the tensive pain in going and in hollows of knees a times almost prevented walking. Cramplike sensation as if asleep. Pulsation in arms and lower limbs. Weakness; of hands and feet; thighs, upper arms nd shoulder-joints; morning in bed, (<) rising, with heaviness; of hands; at 10 A.M., and (<) feet; in evening after a short walk, (<) arms, with nausea and sleepiness; and heaviness; paralytic, in hands and r. foot in morning, (>) rising. Insensibility of little and ring finger and of I. foot.

Upper Extremities

      Swelling of r. axillary glands. Sticking in I. axilla, with tearing.

Shoulder. Painful cracking of joint on motion. Sticking in r. Tearing on posterior surface of joint and axilla; T. in r. in evening in be, with drawing, compelling deep breathing; and paralytic pain; in r., with drawing, and then in upper arm; and drawing like rheumatism, then in upper arm; and broken sensation, with stiffness in nape and back. Burrowing about r. joint in morning on waking, so that arm seemed lame. Pain in joint so that she could not move arm; bruised, in joint so that he could not raise arm; sprained or fatigued, in joint. Tension in joint in morning in bed on uncovering, with drawing like pain after taking cold.

Arm. Jerked forward. Broken sensation in bones of r. Drawing pain in I. so that he must constantly stretch it. Bruised pain in I., (<) region of deltoid and in joint, pain in joint on slightest motion. Weakness; (<) shoulder-joint; with heaviness and sinking down; speedy, in r. arm and I. wrist when triturating. Asleep sensation in I. arm and hand. Deadness (falling asleep) in I., with insensibility and crawling, with crawling in finger-tips.

Upper Arm. Spasmodic contraction. Sticking like electric shocks in middle of I. extending from back and in part from chest. Pain at night from lying upon them; P. in deltoids on raising anything; bruised, on motion, (<) shoulder-joint; rhythmical throbbing, in deltoid near its insertion into arm. Cramplike drawing above point of I. elbow during rest. Painful weakness. Sensitiveness to cold.

Elbow. Painful cracking on motion. Jerking in I. so that everything fell from his hands; in I. so that hands seemed paralyzed the pain (>) stretching arm. Sticking in tip; jerking, n muscles in region of I. elbow, returning in afternoon. Tension in bend of I. as if arm had been exerted too much.

Forearm. Twitching perceptible to finger. Paralytic tearing inner side; drawing T. in tendons above I. wrist. Pinching in I. Pain in ulna and radius, (<) letting hands down, (>) moving arms; bruised, in ulna and radius and in phalanges of fingers, (<) first r., (<) touch. Drawing in ulna; cramplike, along inner borders of radii, above wrists; Cramplike, through r., towards articulation of radius. Weary pain. Paralytic falling asleep, and if she uses the hand the wrist cracks.

Wrist. Sticking in. no taking firm hold of anything. Pinching in I., with drawing P. in I., (<) touch, (>) warmth. Sprained pain in r., and in last phalanx of index, with weakness and fallen-asleep sensation in hands, (<) laying hand upon a hard substance or outing it into the pocket. Bruised pain. Cramplike tension in tendons of dorsal surface of I.

Hand Swelling of r. all day. Involuntary movement on r. Trembling; on writing. Cramp on taking hold of a cold stone. Sticking in r., (<) thumb and index, with movements as in chorea and weakness of it; itching S., and on backs of fingers; as if falling asleep. Sudden tearing in metacarpal bone of I. little finger. Weakness; of r.; (<) closing them. Paralytic heaviness like a falling asleep. Falling asleep when he lies on arm.

Fingers. Trembling. Sticking; in tip of r. index in little; on side of middle phalanx of I. ring; in joints of r. middle; (in joint of r. index in evening);in tips of r. ring, index and thumb after waking, with crawling; in r. index and thumb, with crawling drawing; tip of r. index, with digging; first phalanx of r., with electric shocks through r. arm; tearing, in r. index; itching tearing, in middle joint of index. Tearing forearm; sudden, in second phalanx of r. index, as if I would be torn out; sticking, in tip of r. index. Pinching in I. ring, with clawing and inflammation. Pain on sides of nails of middle and ring, with inflammation; sprained P. in first joint on writing; cramplike P. in first phalanx of I. index when sitting after eating, (<) laying hand on anything, then in r. thumb; drawing throbbing P. in tip of r. index in evening, as from beginning suppuration; paroxysmal scratching P. extending backward in tip of index and in thumb, paralyzing hand. Tension in r. index. Weakness of r. middle, index and thumb. Joints could hardly be bent. Falling sleep of I. middle, index nd thumb in morning.

Thumb. Sticking in I.; in tip of I.; through tip of r.; in volar surface of r.; on back, near root of nail, rhythmical with pulse; drawing, in metacarpal joint of r.; intermittent drawing, in metacarpal joint of r.; frequent drawing, in volar surface of tip of r. thumb and (<) index, during rest, and at times beneath nails. Drawing sticking pulsating pain in metacarpal joint of I. Tearing in first joint of I, as if it would be torn out. Pinching in second phalanx of I. Sprained pain in I.; in second phalanx of R.; in first joints. Cramplike pain in r. at 11 P.M.; in metacarpal, as from a r. Clawing in tip of r.; with crawling, as from a needle. Sensation of a hair upon inner margin of I. towards wrist.

Lower Extremities

      Reeling on walking. Trembling from weakness on rising from a seat, (>) continued walking. Spasmodic contraction of I.,(<)muscles of calf. Lameness in morning; sudden L. after writing, (>) rapid walking. Drawing pain extending down; spasmodic, in I. and foot. Strained pain in tendons of I. Uneasiness at 11 P.M., (<) laying hands on a hard substance; U. at night; when sitting; late in evening, as if joint were bandaged, frequent necessity to stretch. Dread of walking. Weakness of r.; W. in morning, (<) knee, (>) towards noon; (<) morning; paralytic, of r. in morning, (>) rising. Heaviness; in evening. Falling asleep of I. during midday rest. Tearing sticking above nates, extending to groin and hip. Drawing pain in nates.

Hip. Unsteadiness, with wavering of thighs. Cramp. Cramplike pain in. joint, (<) walking. Sticking in r.; in joint, move when walking than when sitting; from horizontal ramus of pubis through r. hip-joint in evening on walking, afterwards when sitting less severe in a spot on I. side. Electric shock extending downward and inward from r. joint at 7 P.M., when walking. Drawing tearing in region of ischiatic notch of I. Sprained pain in I.; n r.; soon extending into small of back, (<) rising from a seat and by deep breathing, and preventing straightening himself and walking. Sensation as if the head of the bone slipped out of the joint on morning or turning body. Bruised pain in I.; in hip, knee and ankle, so that she could not lie on r. side at night. Tension as if everything were too tight, necessity to loosen the clothes; T. in joints almost as if sprained; painful T. in joint, with soreness on touch. Rheumatism in I., preventing walking. Heaviness, extending along posterior surfaces of thighs to bends of knees, with weariness. Paralyzed feeling.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.