Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Pain; waking at 5 A.M., and (<) stomach, with dryness and burning along oesophagus and throat; at 5 P.M., with ineffectual urging to stool; after coffee; (>) emission of flatus; as if everything would be torn out. Flatulent pain, (<) motion; F. and tensive, in morning on waking, (>) sleep, with itching about genitals; at night, moving about abdomen, with griping and with night, moving about abdomen, with griping and with light, interrupted sleep. Labor-like pain when riding in a wagon; L. pressure downward during stool that was not hard, or during emission of flatus, necessity to press with her hands. Pain when walking, as if everything were loose, too heavy and would fall out. Loose feeling in morning after waking, half an hour later pasty stool, with flatus. Feeling as before diarrhoea.

Soreness all night. Sensitiveness along linea alba. Constriction towards evening, she must bend up, (>) walking; C. after dinner, then emission of flatus and hard, scanty stool, with burning in anus, lasting nearly all the evening; with desire for stool, stool hard and painful; and about umbilicus, with stoppage of breath, then sticking from small of back into thighs; jerking, in morning in bed. Tension; all the forenoon, (>) afternoon by emission of offensive flatus; with incarceration of flatus; flatulent, (>) eructations. Heaviness during menses. Burning; (<) pressure.

Upper. Distention, with sticking in stomach, which on deep breathing extended up under sternum. Rumbling; with diarrhoea; with yawning. Griping. Pressure. Heaviness transversely across below pit of stomach, with tightness.

Hypochondria,. Flatulent, colicky distention, (>) emission of flatus. Sticking below last r. ribs in morning on waking, (>) dinner, returned in evening on going out, (>) returning to the house; in region of spleen in forenoon, (<) walking; below last r. ribs on entering the house, with frequent yawning; in I. on breathing; below last r. ribs r. on yawning; in I., (<) rapid walking; in r., with heaviness and fulness; below r. ribs, then desire for stool. Griping in r. Pinching in flesh, first below short ribs, then below umbilicus. Boring in I., then headache. Pain in a spot beneath r. false ribs, with tension; P. below last I. ribs as before diarrhoea, walking her at 5 A. M., with vertigo and nausea; P. in r. extending to back, (>) emission of flatus, but returning, with tension and with rumbling in abdomen; flatulent, low down in r.; drawing, as from a round, rough substance, extending from deep in r. towards back; burning, towards evening. Tension deep in I., extending Flatus, in afternoon.

Hepatic Region. Sticking; daily at 2 or 3 P.M., when sitting; after dinner; with sensitiveness to pressure. Digging deep in. Pain; frequently through the day; extending backward through it when walking, (>) bending forward and towards r. side. Drawing pain; extending downward, then griping below umbilicus. Scraping. Stiffness on bending trunk to I. side.

Sides. Rumbling in I.; and about umbilicus with gurgling. Pinching in r., (<) lying on I. side. Intermittent cramplike pain in I., (>) emission of flatus. Dragging towards genitals in morning, so that she must lie down gently to avoid prolapsus of uterus. Compression in I. when walking and lying. Painful tension in r.

Umbilical Region. Umbilicus protruded and sensitive to touch. Painful distention below umbilicus, (>) emission of flatus. Sticking above umbilicus; to r. of U.; in parities to r. of U. in forenoon; between 6 and 7 P.M. on entering house; in parietes to I. of U. alternating with sticking in middle of anterior surface of thighs. Sticking twisting during stool, and in hypochondria. Cutting; all day, (<) pressure; intermittent; intermittent, in evening in bed, with nausea, vertigo and thirst. Griping; with ineffectual desire for stool; drawing, in I., extending to rectum and anus; sticking, above U. Pinching at night. Boring all day, with palpitation. Pain above umbilicus, (>) pressure; cramplike, in umbilicus, extending into small of back, in morning on rising, rising, extending as sticking in hips and thighs; drawing, extending into thighs. Sensation as if walls were pressed outward by a hard substance. Pressure outward o r. of umbilicus, as if par of a child were pressing there, and whole abdomen tense and distended. Constriction; (>) emission of flatus; (<) night, (>) diarrhoea, which with the pain returned eight times during the night.

Hypogastrium. Fulness. Protrusion of hernia. Rumbling in I. flank, and emissions of flatus; R. in evening, with flatulence. Cramplike contraction after micturition. Cramp above symphysis pubis, in morning. Sticking in I.; r. side above symphysis pubis, to wards groin; alternately on crest of r. ilium and in I. inner canthus; tensive, above symphysis pubis, extending toward r. groin. Cutting; in evening; before stool; with urging to stool, then copious pasty stool, an hour later a watery stool; sticking, in anterior superior spin of r. ilium, extending partly over trochanter towards anterior and outer surface of thigh, partly across back to vicinity of scapula when sitting, shaking the whole body, next morning a similar C. starting groin. Pain every morning; P. before stool; in ring when coughing, extending into testicle, as if spermatic cords would be torn pieces; towards rectum, as if flatus stopped it, before stool; wind colic; wind colic at night after usual bee; as from indigestion; with griping and sensation of generating flatus, which is passed offensive; sore, before stool or emission of flatus; drawing, in ring extending to testicles; constricting, labor-like, with weakness. Sensitiveness. Labor-like drawing extending into thighs. Intermittent constriction a 4 A.M. Feeling of a tight band on deep breathing. Tension, (<) r. groin. Anxiety at night caused by constant. ineffectual desire to urinate. Heaviness; on walking.

Groins. Swelling of glands. Sticking in r.; pinching drawing, in I. Cutting on urinating and at dinner, during menses, with burning. Griping in r., worse by paroxysms. Ulcerated feeling in r. when sitting, and on coughing it seemed as if a part of the intestines become incarcerated. Pain on rising from a seat and on rapid walking. Sprained pain, and in upper part of thigh; S. pain in I. Cramplike drawing in bend of of r. thigh towards evening. Tension in r.; T. in evening.

Clinical General weakness and sinking of the abdominal muscles and viscera, extending down into pelvis; women have to sit down, apparently to prevent prolapsus (Sepia).


      Protrusion, with burning in anus and discharge on much bloody matter, and inability to sleep at night on account of the pain (Sulphur). Sticking; (<) afternoon; with soreness, so that he could not sit; through R., with ticking in anus; itching, in evening in bed. Griping, with urging, but emission of only flatus and mucus. Pain. Scraping during hard stool. Contracted sensation during stool, stool difficult, head, causing tearing in anus, so that it bleeds and pains as if sore, then stools, constipation every other day. Sensation of a foreign substance or rough hard faeces, with constant looseness of bowels. Sensation as after taking cold, a night on waking, with involuntary, scanty, slimy stool. Ticking. Itching, (>) scratching. Burning; at night; when walking. Dragging after stool. Desire for stool after eating. Urging, waking suddenly at night, then thin, pasty stool, then painful flatulent distention above pubis and exhaustion; U., with unsatisfactory stool and flatulence; with feeling as if rectum would be forced out, stool hard, crumbly, then sticking in anus, (<) walking; all day, as before diarrhoea; colicky; as in violent purging; frequent, with scanty discharge. Ineffectual urging; after stool; frequent.


      Haemorrhoids, with moisture and stinging; H. swollen painful to touch; painful, protruding in evening. Redness about. Tetter. Twitching. Sticking; in sphincter; when not at stool. extending up rectum; from ascarides, with biting and itching; burning, at 10 A.M., (<) walking, with sore feeling. Burning pain. Spasmodic constriction. Seems swollen and sensation of plug it, constantly driving him to stool. Soreness; about A. and between nates; biting, after a thin stool. Biting after stool; B. and scratching Scratching after stool. Itching; in morning when walking; after a bloody stool; sudden, extending to neck of bladder and prostate gland, in morning on waking. Feeling as if bubbles of air passed through it. Burning, and in I. testicle; B., (<) a vexation; during pasty stool; after a hard stool; after soft stool.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, painful, stinging, oozing glutinous moisture. Herpetic eruption about anus.


      Watery; and copious; half liquid, copious, with biting in anus; partly, party, copious, after urging; partly pasty, an hour later a small thin stool. Diarrhoea; in morning; and small, in morning and after dinner; after dinner; at 11 P.M., at 3 A.M. he woke with urging to stool that was yellowish-brown, pasty and offensive, then distending of abdomen with rumbling and ulcerative feeling and on turning around noise like the croaking of frogs, general weakness and uneasiness, tongue and palate stiff and dry, at 7 A.M. weakened again by urging and diarrhoea with flatulence, rumbling and ulcerative in feeling in abdomen, repeated at 11 A.M.; slimy; frequent; frequent, with colic, after ineffectual urging; scanty, with tenesmus; painful; painless, in evening; profuse, two days, no stool third fourth days, scanty, delayed fifty day; sometimes D;, sometimes no stool; sometimes D., at times soft stool, at other times hard.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.