Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Soft; towards morning; after dinner; and scanty, after dinner; with tenesmus, then sticking in rectum; but difficult; and copious, and in an hour and a half a thin, profuse stool with biting in anus; and unsatisfactory. with much pressure, next day none; partly S. and scanty, difficult from inactivity of rectum. Pasty; morning and evening; relieving abdominal symptoms; and urgent; and dark brown, offensive after urging; and orange- yellow, after dinner; and yellowish-brown, offensive, mixed with small whitish-gray lumps (looking almost like masses of tubercle).

Constipation; every other day. Hard; during menstruation; after dinner; after dinner, with tenesmus; and crumble, painless; and indolent; and unsatisfactory (Magnesia muriatica); and unsatisfactory, difficult, with pain as if rectum would burst, then bleeding of haemorrhoidal vessels and pain in rectum, with frequent micturition; and difficult; and difficult, every other day; every two or three days, with exertion and often with ineffectual urging; and delayed; like sheep-dung, with sticking in rectum; at first, then soft, with tenesmus, then burning in anus when walking; at first, then soft, with feeling as if rectum were protruding, then stupefied sensation and nausea, then vertigo and almost loss of consciousness.

Clotted blood passed with the natural stool (Alumina). Contained blood. Dark brown, profuse, and in half an hour a tumultuous, copious, watery one. Slimy after inner, with tenesmus and burning in anus; tenacious, slimy, four times in forenoon. Copious. Scanty though it seemed copious; scanty in morning, profuse and pasty at noon, at noon, a fluid one towards evening with distention of abdomen. Unsatisfactory; and irregular; with pressure, with sticking in anus; and delayed, difficult; and delayed, then bleeding of haemorrhoids. Difficult; and irregular, with itching and burning in rectum. Only after ineffectual urging for some time. Involuntary discharge of some drops of slimy liquid from anus. Frequent; and small; the last times very tenacious. Irregular, sometimes two or three a day, then constipation.

Clinical Dry and hard stools, which fissure the and cause bleeding. Constipation, with feeling of constriction of the anus, stool is difficult to expel and causes fissure, bleeding and soreness (compare Silicea). Chronic diarrhoea, watery, profuse, with burning in anus during the passage, general emaciation, especially of the neck, and greasy of the skin. Ascarides.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in bladder on urinating; pinching S. transversely through base of B. when walking. When urinating pressure upon bladder an in hypogastrium. Urging; at night; after dinner, with frequent micturition; with pale, watery urine; with pressure in rectum; and inability to retain the copious urine; and on retaining urine crawling along ureters, with heaviness and pressure in I. frontal region; constant, urine scanty, acrid, depositing much uric acid; frequent urging, urine copious, and waking him at night; at night, and much pale urine; after dinner and till evening, urine clear, pale; and copious colored urine; and scanty urine; suddenly, with copious, thin urine. Ineffectual urging; at night.

Urethra. Discharge of thin liquid after urinating, that causes itching and biting; yellow, purulent D., spotting lines like gonorrhoea, without pain on urinating, only with tension in inguinal glands, which are not swollen; of a drop of thin, glutinous liquid that sticks to the linen; of prostatic fluid, with lascivious thoughts, without excitement of fantasy or of sexual organs and without erections; milky, after micturition. Constant moisture at orifice, with drawing in spermatic cord. Sticking along; S. in navicular fossa; when not urinating; after micturition, after coition; itching, when not urinating. Cutting after micturition (Cantharis); and burning, with discharge that leaves stiff transparent spots on shirt; C. towards close of micturition, then thin moisture from urethra; (after an emission). Pinching, then whitish, turbid urine. Sore to pressure. Periodical sensitiveness, with constriction in it and in rectum, urging to stool and urine, when the urine was passed the urging to stool usually disappeared, but several soft, painless stools a day. Drawing after micturition. Biting on urinating. Itching in orifice; at time like a sticking, with agglutination. Burning in morning after an erection; at night on urinating, as after new beer; when urinating; in navicular fossa, also when urinating; in orifice in evening when walking, with itching.

Micturition. Involuntary when walking; I. and scanty. In a weak stream and only with great pressure. Dribbling after micturition, and pressure in rectum so that he could not sit down. Frequent; all day and even at night; all day, urine turbid and yellowish- red, always followed by sore burning in vagina; at night, and ineffectual urging; after eating; (<) after dinner; with sticking forward; along urethra; and urine pale; and urine turbid and dark; and urine watery; and urine pale, clear, of strong odor and sweetish taste; and copious, hot urine.

Urine. Clear, pale. Dark. Dark green. Yellow, scanty, causing burning in urethra. Clay-colored, sediment red. Turbid; and of strong odor, acrid. Milky in morning, depositing a whit sediment. Hot. Scanty; and acrid, corrosive, like brown beer, depositing a red adherent sediment (during menstruation). Copious; during stool; micturition frequent, urine clear., greenish, reaction feebly acid, frothy on shaking, albumen in the morning urine in afternoon, no tubular casts, a few epithelial a fat globule and some crystals of lithate of containing a ammonia. Increase of chloride of sodium. Brick-dust sediment (Lycopodium)

Clinical Polyuria. Involuntary micturition on coughing or sneezing. Haematuria. Gleet, especially after injections of nitrate of silver, with cutting and burning after micturition, with glutinous moisture from urethra; the whole of the urethra is sore.

Sexual Organs

      Papules on mons veneris. offensive odor. Weak feeling. prepuce retracted from glans, causing dry sensation that is (<) by walking whenever the glans touched the clothes; P. retracted and smegma had the odor of Chenopodium vulvaria. Itching of corona glandis, with moisture; I., with crawling; prickling I. Glans, red tip; (red elevations); jerking, also when not urinating; sticking towards glands; rhythmical throbbing sticking in evening, with sticking in orifice of urethra; itching, and in region of fraenum; itching on tip; itching on tip, then desire to urinate, urine light-colored. Erections in morning; at night, and also glutinous discharge; painful at night and morning, afterwards omitted or infrequent; none, and no emissions.

Sticking in r. spermatic in evening, extending into testicles. R. spermatic cord sensitive on motion. Swelling of scrotum, with sensitiveness of it, and with tension, (<) motion, extending from small of back towards groin during the stools. Scrotum relaxed. Itching of scrotum and prepuce; of S. or between S. and thigh; in a red, inflamed spots on and under S. and on I. thigh. Pinching in testicles. Pain r. testicle.

Sudden voluptuous irritation when sitting, (>) walking. Desire increased; with erections and unusual voluptuous sensation during, later corresponding depression during coition, later corresponding depression; D. is rather physical; weak; slight and emission delayed during coition; lost. Aversion to coition. Coition fiery, with speedy emission; C. weak, emission speedy and rather cold; inefficient, and yet some emission towards morning; much affected by C., to which he had not been accustomed for a long time, then exhaustion emission in deep sleep at night. Emissions; with the usual morning stool; every night; towards morning; in sleep without erection or voluptuous sensation; soon after coition and third night afterwards; with biting on glans; profuse in one impotent, with much desire, then all night almost painful erections; lacking, on abstinence from coition for five weeks.

Female. Itching on mons veneris. Biting in pudenda when urination. Leucorrhoea; in morning; in morning, preceded by constricting and pressing colic, pressing downward as before menses; at night; profuse; greenish. (<) walking; with smarting; causing itching of pudenda. Impotency after menstruation, with aversion to coition and with dry, painful vagina on coition. Aversion to coition and to men.

Menses. Too early; and scanty, and on coughing, stooping or sneezing, pain as if head would burst; and rather profuse, painless (usually she had some pain); M. that was expected shortly appeared instantly and profusely, the secondary action delays it and makes it in evening after anger; returned after a suppression of six months, in a woman of fifty years; suppressions for eight-five days, returned with heaviness in lower limbs; afterwards delayed. Delayed; and during this time heaviness of feet and prostration, at last M. came on with pain in pubic region and nausea. Lasted only three days, then dullness of head and rush of blood to it. Period shortened, then lengthened. Scanty; first and second day, next day profuse, with colic-like soreness. Profuse; and dark; and blackish; with less afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.