Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Aching; all day; in morning on waking, lasting till towards noon (Nux-v.); morning after waking; morning on rising; mornings, (>) rising; morning, after smoking, (>) dinner and drinking coffee; at 4 P.M., and on taking hold of forehead sensation as if everything in head were beating; at 5 P.M.; at night on waking, with sweat; externally at night when lying on occiput; from sneezing or coughing; (>) compression; from violent motion; on turning body; during rigor (Chin-s.); on touch, in a spot bruised six years previously; from cold air; caused by vexation, she feels every step in head, with loss of appetite, sticking in upper part of l. chest, heaviness of feet and weakness; (>) walking; (>) yawning; in middle, with compression in skull; as if it would burst; stupefying, from morning after waking till noon. Throbbing pain all day (Ferrum), (<) l. frontal region; T. with heat of head and face, nausea and vomiting. Pain that seemed to press out the eyes, (>) pressure upon eyes. Sick headache from morning till noon; in afternoon, obliged to lie down, and on rising threatened to vomit and faint, the slightest step hurt the head, pain suddenly (>) 8 P.M., but weakness of head remained; (<) from afternoon till sleep, with pressure in forehead.

Dullness; in morning; with vertigo, heaviness of head and pressure outward in forehead and temples; in morning on waking; in forenoon, also with vertigo; at 10 A.M., with heaviness and on stooping vertigo; from 5 till 6 P.M., with vertigo; in afternoon, also with vertigo; in afternoon, with sudden pain above eyes, in afternoon, with pain in temporal bone and root of nose; in afternoon, with throbbing in occiput; in evening, with vertigo; at night on rising; on waking, with heaviness and vertigo; on waking after a restless night disturbed by vivid dreams, with heaviness of it; after thinking; after eating; after a long walk; after menses, with heaviness as from rush of blood; (<) pressure, with pain in temples; (<) stooping, with pain (<) temples; with pressure above eye and in temple; with ringing in ears; as if sleepy; as before coryza, in morning; causing peculiar feeling of resolution, even in regard to indifferent things; soon becoming a pain in one temple, with dry heat in head; as if stupid and as if not his own.

Feeling as if in a net. Constriction of brain in morning. Fulness after black coffee; F., which seems to press out eyes. Tension in brain after an affecting farewell. Feels thick and swollen internally. Seems mellow (Soft). Brain seems loose, and on shaking head sticking in temples. Feeling in brain in forenoon as if something in it were disturbed, (<) turning head. Weakness as after much turning in a circle. Emptiness, with apprehension. Heaviness; all day; in morning; in morning on waking, with dizzy confusion;in morning after rising; (<) talking or thinking; with compression in brain from all sides; with drawing pain upward from root of nose; in attacks so that he must lie down, (>) sweat after lying down; repeated H. and congestion, amounting in evening to sticking in r. side of forehead and in eyeball, (>) towards 9 P.M., then restless night, and on waking heaviness and Dullness of head. Stupefaction. Pulsation at night, with heat in body; P. at base of skull. Rush of blood; at noon, with sweat of forehead.

Vertigo; all day; in morning after rising, (>) lying down again; in morning, (<) rising, (>) cold applications; waking her at 5 A.M., with nausea, the V. (>) lying with head high, returned on rising, (<) stooping, (>) cold applications, (<) afternoon; on walking; on stooping; on stooping and rising again, with obscuration of vision; on rising from bed and on waking; on turning around; before sleep, with nausea and trembling; (<) forenoon; (>) quiet; with dullness of head and flickering before eyes; pressing head downward, when sitting; in attacks, also towards 7 P.M.; intermittent, (<) moving head, like a thrust from vertex to forehead, depriving him of his senses; as if everything in front of her turned in a circle, on walking; as if the stones were sinking under his feet when crossing a stone bridge; like a faintness in morning on rising in bed, her senses vanished and often she was obliged to lie down.

Forehead – Sticking; in upper part; above F.; above brows; in evening; at night; above arch of l. brow after dinner, lasting till evening; with burning; in l. side, with loose feeling; extending to occiput, taking away her appetite; now in r., now in l. half, after dinner; now in r., now in l. side, in open air, (<) entering house. Cutting from l. half to occiput. Drawing boring in r. half. Burrowing deep beneath l. brow Feeling as if it would burst when coughing. Heavy and pressive pain above eyes. Pain; above brows; in r. side; in l. half; all day; at 7 P.M., with vertigo and weariness; during and after sneezing; on rapid motion; in open air, and in temples; (<) wrinkling it, then sore pain in bone on touch; in afternoon extending to temples, (>) yawning, with Dullness and with stoppage of ears; now in l., now in r. half; and in eyeballs, so that opening lids was painful and difficult and he could read no longer, (<) dinner, so that he must lie down, then lachrymation, the same symptoms returned after two hours and followed the same course; dragging; as from a swelling above r. eye, (<) raising brows; sore, in and above F.; in F. and eyes as if head were asleep, when learning it upon arm. Compression after supper. Confusion. Throbbing in morning on rising, with drawing back and forth. Sensation as if brain beat against F., (>) night, but returning in morning, and on ascending steps towards 11 A.M., with trembling of lower limbs and feeling as if feet were swollen and insensible, returning again about 3 and 5 P.M. Sensation as of some one beating with the finger above brows, if she made an effort to think or talk much.

Temples. – Sticking; anteriorly in r.; in l. from after dinner till evening. Pain; interrupted by sudden pain in l. half of head; sudden, extending from r. T. to half of forehead and r. eye, from 5 till 9 P.M. every second day, (<) touch and light, with sensitiveness of eyeball, (>) drinking much water, but not entirely disappearing till after a hearty supper; cramplike, in r., extending into teeth; in T., forehead and ears as if brain were forced out; jerking, in l. bone, extending towards outer canthus and at last to eyeball, towards evening, in open air. Pressure as if in a vise. Compression. Tension in l. as if full, more in evening than in morning. Pulsation in l. extending towards occiput.

Vertex. – Sticking; (>) resting head on something; with burning; extending through brain into palate. Pain; after dinner; like a soreness of scalp. Pressure on V. and in temples.

Sides – Sticking in parietal bone; in evening on eating; in l. side of head at night; through l. half of brain, alternating with pressure and heaviness above orbits; cutting S. back and forth in r. side at 3 P.M. Boring, and in occiput. Pain from sides of skull, (<) r., (<) working and writing; P. in l. half of brain woke him after midnight; in r. half, extending towards vertex; in l., extending into eyeballs, with sensation as if a nerve were drawn tense and suddenly loosened; drawing P. externally, extending across cheek to eye-tooth; bruised P. in parietal bone on touch.

Occiput – Sticking; between r. protuberance and styloid process. Pressure; and in l. side of nape. Throbbing. Heaviness; in afternoon, with pulsation and stiffness in nape.

Scalp. – Falling out of hair; and of beard. Scurf. Raw on temples. Itching eruption. Smells musty and hairs stick together. Movement from nape towards forehead and back again. Contraction on vertex; on side of vertex. Sensitiveness. Itching; and of nape; and of beard. Impatient scratching of his head.

Clinical Vertigo (>) lying down, things seem to turn around, she has a tendency to fall forward or to the left. Headache in morning on waking, with constipation, salty taste, aversion to food, tremulousness of the heart, indistinct vision on trying to read, etc. Persistent frontal headache from straining eyes, especially from muscular asthenopia, thus often useful in the headaches of school children. Periodical headache comes on with menstruation. Supraorbital neuralgia, with soreness (Ced.). Neuralgia of r. side of head recurring at 10 A.M. every morning, with vertigo, flickering before eyes, faintness and sinking, relief on perspiring. Sick headaches of the menstrual period, beginning before the menses and continuing throughout, desires to be alone, does not want to be spoken to. Sick headaches in the forehead, with creeping chilliness, vomiting, blinding of eyes, etc. Sick headache, bursting with throbbing, stitches extending to neck and chest, with nausea, vomiting, heat of face, during and after menstruation, disappearing with perspiration. Headache in vertex, like a weight, (>) pressure. Throbbing headache every morning on waking, (<) talking or reading. The headaches are usually frontal, but a few occipital headaches have been cured when the other symptoms were extremely prominent. Eruptions on scalp, exanthematous or impetiginous, usually at the border of the hair, especially at the nape and behind the ears, the discharge glutinous, the skin sore and red. The eczematous eruption on scalp exudes a glutinous moisture, which mats the hair.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.