Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Clinical Pruritus of vulva. In vagina, feeling of dryness and soreness, with great weakness, etc. Sterility, with early and profuse menstruation in girls. Dysmenorrhoea from getting feet wet. Profuse acrid, greenish Leucorrhoea, with itching smarting, constipation, etc. Chlorosis in girls, with delayed menstruation and dysmenorrhoea preceded and accompanied by headache, weakness in soreness in abdomen, sometimes with diarrhoea, colic, thirst, dry mouth, etc. Subinvolution. With the uterine troubles of the drug thee patient is generally relieved by lying on her back, on a pillow.

Respiratory Organs. Larynx, sticking extending in. ear, with at night times pinching; drawing pain in region; scraping, with rough voice; scraping as after rancid heartburn; soreness on coughing and in trachea; peculiar pressure on posterior wall of larynx and fauces, extending along Eustachian tube and toward tonsils; dryness in morning on waking. Hoarse whistling in bronchi on expiration. Hoarseness; in morning; in morning, with much mucus in throat and cough. Voice rough, stopped coryza and sneezing. Voice husky and monotonous, resembling that of a women addicted to ardent spirits.

Cough. Day and night, with loss of breath; in morning; in evening in bed; at night, with bruised pain in all all, limbs; at night, with scraping in chest in morning; from tickling in throat; from tickling in pit of stomach, with dyspnoea; (<) night; (<) from 8 till 11 P.M.; with tickling in chest; with vomiting of food; with short breath and tightness of chest and as if a stick of dry wood were down her throat. Violent, almost to vomiting. Hacking, raw, hoarse. Dry, from 6 till 7 P.M., from tickling in larynx; D., hacking during the day; hacking, tickling at night; short, at 5 P.M., with tickling in larynx; racking, at 10 P.M.; tickling, scraping, at night; tickling, paroxysmal. Cough, with expectoration, day and night; with E. of blood; of offensive taste in morning, and pain in chest as if it would be to open; purulent, in one attack; of frothy mucus on waking at 2 A.M., with tickling in larynx, the inclination to c. (<) lying on back, yawning alternating with thee C., tickling C., (<) morning, with hawking of mucus; paroxysms of tickling C. towards evening, ending with E. of salt mucus; paroxysm of tickling in evening, with scraping in throat, ending with expectoration of tenacious mucus; choking C., with rales in chest and expectoration of mucus; choking C., with expectoration of bloody mucus that seems to come from a dry spot in larynx. Irritation to. C., caused by empty swallowing; I from talking, with oppression of chest.

Expectoration of blood and blowing of blood from nose.

Respiration.-Dyspnoea; during the rigors; on rapid walking, with short breath. Difficult; in afternoon; at night. so that she must rise from bed; on ascending stairs, also with palpitation; when walking; (<) between 5 and 7 P.M., also when she was quiet; with pain in chest; with trembling of hands and feet. Impeded, with palpitation, also after eating. Frequent deep, with pain in abdomen. Rapid on standing, (<) walking. Short; and chest oppressed; paroxysm of. at night, with palpitation. Want of breath in evening on lying down. Tightness, with stacking in sternum, then in hepatic region.

Clinical Bronchitis from tickling behind sternum, extending up to pit throat; the cough causes bursting headache (Bryonia), involuntary micturition, lachrymation and palpitation; it may be (<) night in bed. Cough; with stitches in chest and sides.


      Bones of r. prominent. Mucus causing tightness, dislodged on walking in open air. Gurgling in r. side; in I. side near stomach; with rumbling. Cracking in sternum on motion. Twitching below I. axilla; T. in I. pectoralis major; beneath r. arm, extending down side.

Sticking in sides; in middle; behind sternum; along sternum; in middle of sternum; beneath nipples; in r. half at 3. P.M.; in region of sternum on every breath; in r. side on walking, (>) pressure; in r. side, (<) walking,(>) bending up; in r. side, with oppression; in r. side, with hoarseness; in I., with tensive pain under arm; beneath sternum, extending along margin; from ensiform cartilage to back in forenoon, (<) afternoon; a times extending from deep in C. towards back, (<) deep breathing through pectoralis major to shoulder-joint; from I. pectoralis major to clavicle in afternoon; backward beneath clavicle at 4 A.M.; outward in I. clavicle along side of chest; upward on r. margin of sternum; in attacks transversely through lungs; tearing from. upper into shoulder-joint; in I. in evening, taking away the breath, (>) open air; cutting stitches inward, crossing each other, at 11 P.M., with tightness of breath; as from an electric spark in r. pectoralis major, an hour later in region of r. nipple. then tightness as from a band about lower third of C., with difficult breathing; drawing, beneath upper part of sternum in afternoon.

Cutting in I. on coughing. Pain in I.; above r. nipple; beneath sternum; in middle of sternum and in back Below. shoulder; in sternum at 3 P.M., in open air, (<) touch, (>) motion and towards evening, with bruised sensation, returned next forenoon, (>) evening; in I. half when walking; after standing or talking much; below I. arm on moving arm and on breathing; in middle of sternum, (<) deep breathing; paroxysmal, in sternum; intermittent, in spots in r. side; sprained, in r. pectoralis major on motion. Bruised pain externally; B. pain in sternum; in a sport in sternum; in a spot in I. side; in I. on bending forward and on breathing; in I. lower ribs, (<) touch of vest and by pressure. Sore pain. Sensitiveness of external in evening; S. of breasts.

Pressure upon C.; on forepart; on sternum in afternoon; toward morning; at night, (<) towards morning, so that she must sit up to breathe; periodic, (>) night, with arrest of breath towards morning and need to sit upright. Constriction; with burning in hands; spasmodic, impeding deep breathing. Tightness on lying down in bed and in afternoon. Oppression; in evening; on becoming erect after siting bent over; on motion, with pressure in middle of sternum; (>) open air, with weakness. Tension in morning; T. on stretching, and soreness on inspiration. Tensive pain in clavicle extending to cervical muscles, even painful ouch; T. pain in muscles in forenoon, so that he must walk bent forward, with pain on other motions of trunk. Heaviness.

Apprehension. Anxiety, (<) deep expiration, with pressure in pit of stomach. Scratching in middle. Weak sensation on walking in the sun, obliging him to speak softly. Disagreeable warmth in morning on walking.


      Sticking; after reading aloud; an hour after a moderate dinner; in evening, when walking in street; in apex in afternoon; not afternoon by respiration. Pain (<) night; in morning; jerking, in praecordial region. Bruised sensation in morning in bed. Constriction, with intermittent pulse and oppression in lower parts of chest as if lungs had not room enough to expand. Tension when lying. Pressure below H. as if some one were pressing from abdomen towards heart, till sleep, (<) lying on I. side, (>) turning to r., with palpitation, which was less rapid violent. Coldness on mental exertion. Intermittent beating during midday rest. Fluttering (Lil-tig.). Palpitation; on ascending steps; when standing; on motion; after dinner, with rapid pulse; (>) pressure of hand, with pressure downward a heart; with anxiety; anxious, without anxious thoughts; waking him, (>) a glass of cold water.

Clinical Palpitation, the pulsations are violent, shaking the body, Particularly valuable in hypertrophy of the heart, attacks (<) lying down, especially on I. side, the patient is weak, has faintlike sensations, feels the need to lie down frequently, has cold hands and numb extremities.


      Rapid; all day; after dinner, with anxiety and oppression of breath; when sitting upright, and full; and intermittent (Digitalis); and full; and full, soft; and small, weak; (<) drinking, with rapid respiration. Intermittent; after dinner.


      Swelling of I. glands; of glands, with tension of nape. Sticking externally down neck, even through the night; S. in nape at night; in nape, extending into occiput rhythmical, in r. muscles. Pain in glands on touch; in muscles on touch and on turning head; in nape, so that she could not turn it; in muscles on coughing; in glands and low down in chest on coughing bruised or weary, n nape; intermittent paralytic, in nape, extending over shoulder to middle of forearm, till evening; drawing, in nape towards occiput, repeated in evening. Painful rhythmical throbbing in r. muscles. Tension in nape in evening. Stiffness of r. side; S. of nape; of nape and throat; nape and occiput; nap, extending to occiput, with pulsation.


      Tearing downward n spine. Pain in spine at night on lying down, (<) lying on back; P, as if broken; in I. side as from pressure upon an inflamed spot; bruised, in B. and between scapulae when sitting, (<) lying, (>) frequent turning; D. pain extending upward. Jerking sensation in B. and nape extending towards head. Tension obliging him to stretch; T. in side. Lameness in B. and small of B. in morning on rising. Paralytic weakness in B. and small of B. in morning on rising, at times extending across abdomen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.