Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum


      Redness of white; and lachrymation; with inflammation and feeling as if balls were too large and compressed. Inflammation in slight wind, with lachrymation. Dim and weak. Jerking; frequently during the day, then itching. Sensation as if sand were in them in morning. Sticking in r.; in l. in morning on waking, with pressure and agglutination; itching, below l. Boring. Pressure; in r.; in evening, (<) r., at twilight; in r. towards 11 P.M.; on looking intently at anything; as from a foreign body. Smarting. Sensitiveness. Tension. L. feels smaller than r. On blowing nose in afternoon it seemed to blow into l. eye, and a spot on upper lid by inner canthus seemed distended with air, he thought, especially the first time, that something had come out of the eye, later soreness of the spot, (<) touch. Itching. Dryness in evening, with pressure in inner canthi; D. as after long weeping, when riding in a carriage. Burning in evening; B. and increased mucus, agglutination and sensitiveness to lamplight; B. point; (dry B. in evening when writing).

Lachrymation; in open air; biting, in morning; acrid, making canthi red and sore; burning, and mucus in eyes. Jerking tearing in l. ball in evening. Sticking in r. brow, extending horizontally through brain. Twitching on lower margin of r. orbit. Bruised pain on outer margin of l. orbit. Sticklike itching on margin of l. orbit (towards external canthus) in evening.

Lids. – Redness of margins and of conjunctiva; of margins, and in morning agglutination, with scabs; of margins, with burning, (<) evening when reading; of lower, with ulceration. Pimple on margin of lower, not in Meibomian glands. Soreness of r. lower. Agglutination in morning. Trembling. Twitching of r. upper in morning; of l. upper after dinner, with trembling. Spasmodic closure in morning on rising, in the twilight and at night, even when she closed the eyes she felt the contraction. Spasmodic drawing in r. and when she wished to go to sleep pain, then trembling of upper lid. Irritability of margins and of their conjunctiva. Pain. Heaviness; of upper; of r. upper. Difficult to open at night when awake. Sensation in r. lower as if skin were rough. Biting in upper in afternoon, and they seemed moist to touch. Margins and canthi ((<) external) burn all day and secrete an acrid fluid, with pain in eyes as if inflamed, and on reading foggy vision.

Canthi – Stye in r. inner. Jerking in l. external, (<) evening. Sticking; in l. inner, alternating with the same on crest of r. ilium; as from sand in l. external. Tearing, with darkness before eyes. Burning in r. inner, provoking rubbing. Dryness in evening, provoking rubbing. Itching in l. inner; in external; in inner, with lachrymation; sticking, in l. inner.

Eyes give out; on writing; on reading, with pressure in r. eye extending into head and (>) walking about the room. Letters and stitches run together. Objects become confused on looking at them. Sudden darkness at 6 P.M. on looking long at anything, (>) looking at another object, with sleepiness. Only one-half of an object is visible. Dim vision; all day; in morning; from 10 A.M. till 3 P.M.; in afternoon; when walking in open air; as if eyes were covered with mucus; as if through feathers when looking at white objects; as if looking through rain. Intermittent feeling of a mist before eyes when standing. Short-sighted. Far-sighted. Vision of fiery points; when walking in open air; fiery zigzags about everything. Many points of light and shade.

Clinical A large number of affections of the eyes, resulting from muscular asthenopia; it is curative when the symptoms are aggravated by any use of the eye, especially when there is burning or smarting as from salt, when the vision becomes blurred after reading a little, or if the patient wakes in the morning with headache and soreness of the eyes from having read the night before. Blepharitis ciliaris. Ulcers on the cornea. Pustules on the corneas and conjunctiva. Granulations of the lids. Ciliary neuralgia. Insufficiency of the internal recti muscles, even amounting to strabismus. It has been indicated in a number of cases which have been abused by the local application of nitrate of silver, especially in entropium and and pannus. It seems to have cured dermoid tumors of the margins of the lids. Stricture of lachrymal ducts and fistula. Styes. Morbus Basedowii.


      Discharge; with swelling of meatus auditorius. Swelling of l. concha, with redness, heat and burning pain; and after some days itching behind ear; S. of l. external meatus, with sensitiveness to touch. Shock in l., then ringing. Sticking in r. meatus; S. in forenoon when sitting still; burrowing, in r.; drawing, in r.; itching, in lobule of r. Aching in and behind l.; behind r. in evening on drinking rapidly; intermittent; in r. as if something were jerked out with a hook at 6 A.M.; drawing, in r. Drawing in extending to shoulder-joint, with sticking. Stoppage in afternoon. Crawling in r., with bursting as of bubbles. Itching within r.

Hearing difficult. Singing in l. Ringing all day after 11 A.M., at times alternating with sensation as if bubbles of air were in it; R., (<) a cup of coffee, with noises, and on rising sensation as if her were falling; sudden, harsh R. in r. Cracking on chewing (Acid nitricum); in l. on swallowing; in l., with sensation as if tenacious liquid were flowing from it. Roaring; in morning in bed and when sitting. Humming in morning on waking. Fluttering as of a butterfly in l. during dinner. Ticking as of a watch in l. in evening. Rushing in l. in bed; sudden R. through ears.

Clinical Chronic catarrh of the ear, with deafness and various noises, especially cracking when chewing.


      Swelling of l. wing towards evening, with heat and sore pain, the last (<) touch; swelling of l. half, with inflammation and pain as if nostril were contracted, with soreness on touch and itching. Tip red, hot and painful, then a group of vesicles filled with transparent lymph, at last confluent and forming a scab. Internal soreness (nitricum acidum, Silicea); with swelling inside and pimples upon nose; of l. nostril, with difficult passage of air. Twitching in l. side of root. Sticking deep in r. nostril at 4 A.M; S. deep in root, extending towards r. frontal sinus. Boring in bones, root and towards r. cheek. Pain (<) blowing; P. at root. Dryness (Lycopodium). Stoppage (Lycopodium, Nux-v). Sensation of coryza every morning. Burning, and in eyes. Crawling in nostrils; in r., with pressure in r. eye as before sneezing. Itching in nostrils all day; l. in r. as if a worm were boring through it. Insensibility in one nostril, with deadness.

Sneezing; at 10 P.M.; ineffectual attempts at. He easily takes cold in head, must wrap it up, if it is uncovered during the day he has stoppage of nose at night (Nux-v.). Coryza and tickling cough, as if he had taken cold; coryza, with loss of smell and taste; violent C. for one day, with sneezing; stopped. Fluent coryza; with at times stoppage of l. nostril; and discharge of thick mucus; after several days affecting eyes, throat, trachea, with dullness of head, prostration, short, dry cough and dryness and soreness in chest, the nasal secretion ceased without becoming yellow or thick; burning; then stopped. Water drops unnoticed. Watery mucus now in r., now in l. nostril, in a carriage on exposing nose to open air. Bleeding; at night; on stooping; blowing out of clotted blood.

Clinical Coryza, fluent or changing to stopped, with feeling of dryness or with occasional sudden discharge of clear water, also with constant lachrymation from obstruction of nasal duct. Loss of smell and taste. Nasal catarrh, with very profuse, thick, yellow, mucous discharge (Pulsatilla), with complete loss of smell and taste (cured after Pulsatilla had entirely failed), the complete absence of taste seems to be decisive. Coryza, with dry, cracked lips, especially swelling, with eruptions around mouth of vesicles or of hydroa (a good symptom, but not characteristic in intermittent fever). Hay fever, with watery discharge from eyes and nose, loss of taste, etc. Chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh, especially with morning aggravation, loss of taste, general weakness, elongated uvula. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, especially with morning aggravation, loss of taste, general weakness, elongated uvula. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh which is generally worse at the seaside (this, however, is true only in persons who are very susceptible to the action of salt). A great variety of chronic nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs which have been abused by local applications, especially of nitrate of silver.


      Red in morning on waking; L. cheek, (<) afternoon; cheeks, in open air, pale in house. Pale; and lips; (<) morning and after dinner, with sunken look. Earthy. Yellow, with pain in hypogastrium. Shining as if greasy. Beard falls out and afterwards hair on mons veneris. Confused look. Sickly look. Jerking of muscles. Pain in malar-bones and and by ear; in l. side in evening, (<) region of eye, nose and temple; drawing, in r. cheek-bone, extending to l. teeth and thence to all teeth, it seemed as if he could not bring the teeth well together. Bruised pain in r. zygoma; in zygoma, (<) touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.