Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Jaws – Sticking in joints; l. joint at 4 A.M. Tearing in lower, extending into temple and into parotid and submaxillary glands, (>) binding up cheeks, with intermittent boring and pinching in the indurated glands, (<) night. Gnawing in J. and l. lower teeth on smoking. Pain in lower on touch; drawing p. in lower. Sensation from r. lower to temple as if flesh were scraped from the bone or were being torn from the bone, from below upward, in afternoon, constantly (<) from 4 till 7 P.M. Cramplike tension in joint. Compression in l. joint, (<) opening mouth.

Lips – Swelling, and of l. side of face; of lower, with burning, then a vesicle, next day a scab and desquamation; of lower, and of tip of tongue, with burning on it, waking him at night; around lips, with vesicles upon it, the red of lip sore and ulcerated and tongue covered with smarting vesicles. Pale. Peeling on red margin of upper. Dry; and cracked (Graph). Painful fissure in middle of upper. Bleeding easily. Eruption on red of, with smarting; E. in corners. Pustule in r. corner, with pain, (<) touch. Blister on red of upper began to dry towards evening; B. on red of lower, that burn and smart when moistened; on red of lower, becoming covered with scabs; about mouth, forming a kind of tetter, becoming covered with a scab that left a red spot on lower, containing much lymph; ulcerating, painful to touch, in r. corner. Ulcers in corners; U. on inside of lower, with sore burning on touch. Ulcerative pain inside of lower, (<) touch. Tearing sticking from upper across cheek into ear. Sore feeling in corners on opening them. Dryness in evening, with desquamation, pain and on sneezing crack in the middle. Burning; on margin of upper. Numbness, (<) evening, with crawling.

Clinical Neuralgia of face occurring periodically in place of the ague paroxysm (Nux-v.).


      Teeth. Looseness; of incisors, with pain. Bluntness. Rapid decay. Sticking in decayed; S., now in one, now in another every forenoon; in first and second molars, with painful drawing where an upper tooth had been. Pain as if something were sticking in them. Pain in first r. upper molar as if something sharp were thrust in and out, and on pressing finger upon cheek at this point cutting in the root of the tooth. Tearing during menses if cold air enters mouth, with stitches; T. extending to temples; now in r. upper, now in l. lower. Boring. Acute pain on drawing in air. Pain in r. upper; in a hollow; on touch of tongue and on chewing; in l. molars and their gums, waking after midnight two nights; in hollow and neighboring T., (>) touch and hard pressure; with swelling of cheeks; extending into ears, with stitches. Pain as if pulling and breaking in hollow molar, extending into throat and pharynx, so that she could neither open the mouth, swallow nor speak a loud word, and extending into ear, with heat of face and swelling of gum and elongated feeling in teeth. Drawing; in r.; after eating and at night, then swelling of cheeks; every other day, extending into eye, with stitches. Sore pain. Feel elongated; as if they did not fit together, and numb on pressure. Sensitiveness; to the brush; to cold; to air, (<) r.; to air, (<) r. lower.

Gums – Swelling about a hollow tooth; S. in morning, so that she could not chew on that side; with inflammation and with swelling of cheeks; with sore pain; back of upper incisors, with sore pain. Painful swelling; of molars; behind l. upper middle incisor. Painful ulcer; on inner side of lower, (>) eating; on inner side of l. towards tongue, (>) eating. Bleeding. Sticking on touch of tongue. Drawing pain now and above, now below, with swelling and pain on touch. Sensitiveness to touch; S. to cold and warmth. Affected about l. eye-tooth.

Tongue – Blisters (nitricum acidum); with burning pain on eating. Red and shining. Coated white; (<) about root; C. whitish-yellow; yellow, and flat taste. Swelling under T., with sticking. Trembling sensation in tip. Dryness; without thirst. D. and stiffness of T. and of hard palate. Sore sensation. Astringent feeling, papillae seem blunted. Heaviness. Crawling as if asleep. One half numb and stiff. Difficult speech like a weakness of organs of speech coming from hypochondria.

Mouth in General – Blisters and soreness. Ulcers, and on gum and tongue, in which food and drink cause biting. Open blister on inside of r. cheek felt during dinner, with burning pain in it from warm food. Sore spot on inside of r. cheek, with burning pain on touch of warm food. Obstructed by mucus; mucus on inner surface; M., (<) morning. Dryness; of palate; of hard palate. Hard palate felt burnt, and on touch painful. Breath offensive. Breath hot. Salivation; in evening in bed, on account of which he choked and this caused a fit of coughing; at night, also waking him frequently; with dry sensation in mouth; with nausea; with retching; with frequent ecptysis; with shivering and shuddering, nausea and burning in stomach; then liquid vomiting; sudden. Constant spitting; at night. Discharge of saliva from mouth at night. Fine stream of saliva spurted from mouth in evening when chewing. Saliva salt; watery; sour-tasting; bloody; bloody, running from mouth at night.

Taste – Bitter (Pulsatilla); in morning (Puls); to food; to beer; to tobacco when smoking; and slimy; and slimy, but food has a natural taste. Salt; on lips; on lips and palate. Bad; in morning; to water. As if she had eaten tallow. Sour in morning; S. till evening; after eating; on lip when touched by tongue; and flat, with salivation. Watery in evening, with loss of thirst and lack of urine; W. and flat to beer in evening; W. and flat, with loss of appetite, but food tastes tolerably well. Pasty; and nauseous; and sticky, but good appetite and good taste to food. Taste of the food for a long time after eating, or she smells it in the nose; after-taste of food, especially acid, for a long time after eating. Bread tastes better than anything else, he can scarcely eat enough of it. Loss of taste.

Clinical Gums scorbutic, bleeding. General dryness and heat of mouth, with catarrh of the pharynx, fluttering of heart, etc. Mapped tongue. Vesicles on tongue and mouth. Aphthae of mouth and cheek, with burning; relaxed uvula (compare Alumina).


      Submaxillary glands swollen, stiff and painful; painful on stooping; painful as if swollen or crushed. Tension in l. sterno- cleido-mastoid after a walk, with roaring in ears. Tonsils, root of palate and uvula red. Uvula swollen and elongated, forming a loop by contact with r. tonsil, with congestion of throat. Ulcers on pharynx, with sore throat, inflammation and dark red swelling of gum. Mucus; green, from fauces in morning. Hawking of mucus; in morning; in morning; in morning after waking; in morning on going out, from posterior nares; when smoking; (when smoking, with nausea); of salt mucus; of watery; bitter, in morning; scanty, gray, lumpy, compact; that is more easily expectorated than usual. Chokes easily when swallowing; C. when laughing while drinking, so that the drink regurgitates through the nose and she almost suffocates.

Sticking in uvula; in r. tonsil; S. at night on swallowing; in l. side on swallowing; behind r. tonsil when yawning, extending to ear; and burning like an inflammation, with elongation of uvula and impeded swallowing. Tearing about parotids when drinking. Sensation of a plug on swallowing; on touch, in region of thyroid cartilage, and on drinking a jerking there; sensation of a plug, (<) night, waking him, with sore pain and anxiety as if throat would be closed by a swelling; with rawness, burning pain and anxiety as if everything would be closed by the swelling. Pain on coughing, and in chest. Soreness, (<) morning and evening; S. as from swelling of submaxillary glands, without swelling. Rawness. Scraping; in pharynx; in evening; at night, with salivation, hawking of blood and sleeplessness; sourish, in fauces. Scraping heartburn. Biting in pharynx as from inflammation and tightness, on swallowing.

Drawing in l. tonsil, with cramplike pain and roaring in l. ear. Tightness of pharynx, with difficult swallowing. Constriction in r. side caused by frequent yawning, extending to nape, which thereby becomes stiff. Dryness after eating; posteriorly in pharynx after eating; in posterior nares. Heat in pharynx, so that warm drinks seem cold. Cramp in oesophagus on swallowing, she could not get the morsels up or down, so that it seemed as if she would suffocate.

Clinical Follicular catarrh of pharynx.


      Appetite. Great; waking him in morning, with restlessness; towards noon, and after eating weariness and sleepiness; at noon; in evening; with but little taste to food; constantly, but inability to eat more than a few mouthfuls; painful, but satiated immediately on eating; alternating with loss of appetite. For coffee. For cold things in afternoon. For sweets (at the time she usually wanted beer, which to-day she disliked). For beer. For wine only, all day; for wine, all wine seems sour. For fish in evening, but aversion at the first mouthful, the aversion (>) black coffee, he relished white bread. For bread only, he ate four pieces, with constant drinking and involuntary motion of masticatory muscles, afterwards swelling of abdomen prevented further eating, then sound sleep, woke at 1 A.M. with pasty taste and thirst. Diminished; at noon;;but return while eating; for coffee. Returns after drinking wine several times. Lost; in afternoon after drinking water, with sensation of hunger in stomach; in evening; in evening, with nausea after eating; caused by a small piece of herring eaten in the evening, with moving, and distention in abdomen and restless sleep, often interrupted by drinking; but there is a relish in mouth on eating, also with full feeling; for smoking he could not smoke at all; for meat; for beer. Lost for coffee after rising; for C. in morning, and nausea after drinking it; and after drinking it cutting in region of spleen; but desire for wine and soup. Satiety in afternoon. Aversion to eating; to meat (Mur-ac.); meat and bread; black bread; coffee (Nux-v.); salt; wine and beer (later effect); beer and tobacco in evening; smoking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.