Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Thigh. Painful distention of hamstrings when sitting. Twitches. Sticking in I. at night; in I. when riding in a carriage; in I. near scrotum. Tearing r. after riding in a wagon. Drawing pain, extending to knee, (<) walking; D. pain in bones to malleolus (<) leg, and ascending steps it seemed as if some on were pulling her back; intermittent, in r., extending to knee. Tension on walking, with pain; T. above knee on ascending steps, with feeling as if lower limbs were too short; drawing T. in middle of anterior surface of I., preventing walking.

Knee. Cracking in evening on walking. Sticking in I.; in r; in hollow of I.; in r. patella; in r., slowly appearing and disappearing ward in inner side of I. about 1 P.M. Pain in I., impeding walking; sprained, in I. on walking. Drawing pain when sitting; sticking, above and below knee when sitting. Compressive pain as from fatigue, and in ankles, then drawing in whole of lower limbs. Tearing drawing in hollows, (<) walking; paralytic D. in I. knee in evening. Sensation as if tendons of hollow were too short; in forenoon; in I. n forenoon, (<) rising from a seat; in. in afternoon when walking; on rising from a seat and on walking, increasing from morning through the day; in I., and in three last r. toes. Sensation on ascending steps as if some one were striking hollows, with trembling of knees whenever she stepped up a step. Bubbling as water beneath skin of I. Weakness in evening. Stiffness of one or other after rising from a seat.

Leg. Swelling from middle downward in evening and next morning, with feeling as feet were filled with lead. Tremulous unsteadiness of calves when walking, standing and sitting. Cramp at night;. in I. calf; in calves. Sticking now in r., now in I. tendo-achillis; cramplike drawing S. in inner surface of I. leg. Tearing in calves; drawing below head of I. fibula. Cramplike pain in I. tibia as if tightly bound, in evening; in r. tibia, extending towards malleolus, in afternoon when walking, it seemed as if drawing were to light. Pain in r. tibia, with feeling on walking as if were loose at one point, so that he began to walk with anxiety. Cramplike constriction in calves when walking. Bruised pain in spot in I. calf and nates as if he had fallen upon them. Drawing in I. tibia; sticking, in r. tendo-Achilles; paralytic, in r. leg, at last extending into thing, with scarcely any power on standing. Tension in calves; as if muscles were too short, when walking; as far s knees when walking. Throbbing in I. calf. One leg difficult to put over the other. Heaviness, and on ascending steps bruised feeling.

Ankle. Sticking in r.; r. inner malleolus, then in r. tendo- achillis. Tearing in r. malleolus, increasing from morning till evening, preventing sleep at night, with pain in back; drawing pain; in r. Sore pain above and about I. malleolus. Ulcerative pain in malleolus extending into calf on touch, but when sitting there is only tensive pain. Throbbing, cramplike pain above I. external malleolus towards tendo-achillis, during midday nap. Paralysis, or like an internal falling asleep, when sitting and walking.

Foot. Cramp in soles in evening. Cramplike contraction in I., (<) muscles of calves. Sticking in corns in corns in morning on walking; in corns all the afternoon; in corn all night; in I. foot at 7 P.M. on lifting it when walking, with shuddering pain extending from along axis of thigh; cramplike in I. as if sprained, on stepping upon the whole sole; as with a glowing needle in forepart of. in evening; itching in heel; gnawing itching, in r. heel at 4 A.M.; itching, on back of I.; rhythmical with pulse (after a thin stool). Tearing in O. Gnawing in heel in evening; in bone of I. heel. Boring in a corn. Pain on walking; P. in r. extending to middle of tibia; cramplike, in I. Tension; in I. in afternoon, (<) inner side of thigh. Throbbing. Uneasiness from 10 till 11 P.M.; U. (>) walking; (>) 10 P.M. by walking, with sticking; in F. and legs, (>) 11 P.M. by walking. Weakness; of r. on waking, especially beginning in knee; on standing, so that she falls; paralytic, of r. in evening; (<) evening after beer, with uneasiness (she always has these sensations before menstruation, which was due in a week); next day felt very light. Falling asleep.

Toes. Redness of first joint, with coldness and on touch pain like a boil, and when standing and walking tearing and sticking. Cracking in metatarsal joints. Sticking in root of nail of r. great; in flexor surface of r. second at 7.30 P.M.; in l. great in evening; sudden, in r. great when sitting; smarting; burning, on back; itching, in r. great at 4 A.M. Drawing pain in great. Intermittent. Drawing beneath l. great, with tension.

Clinical Paralytic condition of the lower extremities after fever, diphtheria or excesses.


      White spot on l. sole, towards middle toe, painful when stepped upon. Redness of an old scar, with pain; in spots in epigastric region, with sticking on touch, obliging rubbing, becoming itching pustules; dark red mottles spot by nail of l. third finger; red itching spot on chin, that ulcerated after rubbing; R. itching elevations on inner side of r. forearm; red swelling and sore pain on pressure, on l. third and fourth fingers where hang-nails had been cut. Brown spots on back of hand as if bruised. Pale, dry, but elastic.

Hands dry and cracked; (<) about fingers and nails. Hang-nails. Wharts on palms, with pain on pressure. Scurfy. Rash on outer side calves and over thighs; on forehead, only noticed on touch; over whole body, with sticking. Itching gritty eruption behind ear; on chin; on knee. Itching eruption on margin of hair at nape, temples and in brows; over whole body, as large as millet- seeds on neck and arms, as large as peas on abdomen, nates and thighs, becoming red and hard on scratching, the itching prevented sleep, but was transiently (>) scratching; E. in groups on legs, with corrosive itching, (<) touch. Urticaria violent motion Whitish hives on arms and hands, becoming red after rubbing; red H., with itching over whole body and on neck.

Red tetter in hollows of knees; T. on thigh and leg, with red areola, cutting itching, and on scratching painfully sore; round, itching T. on arms; red; itching, on lower end of inner side of l. forearm, next morning the spot had a raw look; itching, moist, on scrotum and opposite on thigh; T. which she usually had on hands became worse, with biting and burning Herpetic eruptions on calves. Herpes circinatus in various parts; H. C. over whole body. (Ringworm on thighs, abdomen and arms disappearing here and appearing in other places, (<) between breasts, and itching (<) warmth, then ringworm extends over whole body.)

Pimples on face; on forehead and nose; behind l. ear; on abdomen and lower limbs; here and there, with ulcers; white, about nose; hard, in middle of forehead and on nape, with burning pain on touch; painful, below septum of nose; burning, beneath septum of nose, with sensation ass if acrid water were running from nose. Soreness of thigh near scrotum; between nates from walking. A sore became more painful and inflamed, suppurated profusely with swelling and with irritable disposition, so that sore could not e touched without weeping. A small puncture begins to bleed again several days in succession.

Pustules on hand; on back; itching, on back Boils on l. cheek; on neck; knee; above eye, discharging matter; painful discharging matter and blood, on lobule of l. ear. Ulceration of breasts and pain on touch. Vesicles behind l. ear; on forehead and nose; on hands, then desquamation; painful, below septum of nose, burning next day, and it seemed as if she had a moist nose, afterwards they became confluent and covered with a scab, which left a red spot; filled with bloody serum, on nape near hair; discharging bloody serum, on l. sole; smarting, on root of nose, becoming covered with scabs; itching, on hands and l. wrist; itching, on little finger; red, itching, here and there on arm; a denuded spot on r. hand became inflamed and formed a V., under which pus collected.

Sticking in various parts; (<) chest. pit of stomach, wrists and thighs; (<) lips, chest and under shoulder; S. beneath skin in hepatic region in morning; sudden, here and there, (<) toes, r. index, lips, glans, prepuce and axilla, all day, with itching; here and there, as if nettle-rash would break out; as from electric sparks here and there, (<) middle of anterior surface of r. thigh, then coldness; itching, here and there, with internal creeping heat.

Prickling of fingers, (<) tips; of hands on putting them into pockets, with asleep sensation in them. Itching gnawing in tip of r. thumb. Smarting in old warts. Sensitiveness. Crawling in tips of fingers; in tip of r. thumb; tip of r. index. Sticking crawling n tips of fingers; tip of r. thumb; third phalanx of r. index in afternoon; tip of r. index alternating with itching in anus; in r. sole.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.