Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Thirst (Arsenicum, China); all day; at night; especially for wine; (>) drinking water; but scarcely any desire to drink; but aversion to wine and beer, beer had a flat, watery taste; unquenchable; almost unquenchable, with frequent profuse micturition; lost.

Eructations; after eating (Nux-v.); after eating and after diarrhoea; after bread; with rancid heartburn; of beer, so that it comes through the nose, through made of hops; incomplete; bilious. Sour E. afternoons after eating, with burning rising from stomach; S. of food; of liquids, late in evening; and scraping; of food. Empty E.; in morning; in forenoon, with discomfort in stomach; after drinking much water; after eating. Hiccough; after eating; alternating with yawning; violent.

Nausea; in morning; in morning on waking, with pain in stomach; in morning after rising, with vertigo and empty eructations; in morning after milk, with trembling of limbs, vertigo and blackness before eyes; in pit of S. every day from 7 A.M. till noon; every day at 8 A.M., with burrowing in pit of stomach; all the forenoon; in forenoon, with burrowing in pit of stomach, chilliness as if dashed with cold water, vertigo as if everything turned in a circle with her and as if she would fall forward, and head so heavy that she could scarcely walk; towards noon; towards 4 P.M., after a little coffee, with empty eructations; in evening in bed, with hiccough and yawning; after breakfast; after dinner; after walking in open air after dinner, with yawning, thirst, salivation and mental and with cramp in chest; after a pleasant drink, (>) lying on r. side; when yawning; as soon as she presses the painful spot; (<) inspiration, with heartburn and pressure in stomach extending to back; (>) a cup of broth; with salivation; with vertigo; with twisting and turning in stomach; with heaviness and griping in stomach like beginning heartburn; with pressure in stomach as from a stone (there was a remarkable connection between this affection and the tearing in tip of index and thumb); with fulness and tension in hypogastrium; with tendency to diarrhoea; even to faintness; as from an empty stomach; as from ravenous hunger, towards noon. Shuddering nausea at thought of the drug; S., with rumbling in abdomen and frequent yawning. Attacks of N. in morning, with weakness, pallor and necessity to lie down; in evening, with pain in stomach; before supper, with chill during every attack, the chill (>) going to bed, at night waking twice with acute drawing pain back and forth in forehead and throbbing between the attacks; after eating, with heaviness in head and empty, bitter eructations.

Retching in throat; ineffectual R.; ineffectual in morning, after a warm, pleasant drink. Vomiting.

Distention; after eating; in epigastric region after eating and drinking; after dinner, with pressure; at praecordium after eating or drinking, with pain; D. and rumbling in epigastric region and abdomen. Sticking; in pit; in pit in morning; at r. side every day at 2 or 3 P.M.; in pit, (<) motion. Sensation as if a foreign body were sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum. Cramp from towards evening till next morning; constrictive, towards 5 P.M., with coldness in back and stomach. Griping in it after eating.

Pressure; in epigastric region; in a spot in epigastric region; in forenoon, (>) eructations and emissions of flatus; in pit in forenoon; till towards noon, with emptiness and yawning; in evening, with tightness of breath and sensation as if diaphragm pressed against lungs and prevented their expansion, with frequent yawning and rumbling in abdomen; after eating; from eating, then waterbrash, then nausea, then vomiting at first of food, at last of bile, with colic; (>) yawning; in pit, with sensitiveness to touch; in pit, extending downward, with sticking; extending towards pharynx; extending into chest, four and six hours after dinner; cramplike, all the evening and next morning, extending across hypochondria to back and shoulders, with burnt coffee, and opaque, no change in color of skin; as from a stone, also with much yawning; as from something hard in pit, often causing deep inspiration; as if something heavy were in it in morning, with trembling of hands and feet; sensation of a hard swelling in pit in afternoon, with tightness transversely across hypochondria.

Sore pain after eating (Nux-v.). Bruised pain in l. side near pit, on touch. Scraping; all day, with white, dry tongue, without thirst; at from something indigestible. Constriction; in morning, then cutting and rumbling in abdomen; in evening in bed; with cutting and with pressure before dinner and frequently recurring till evening; spasmodic; spasmodic, in cardiac orifice. Tension, with great appetite. Oppression pit when standing. Dull, disagreeable sensation, (>) stooping. Anxiety in pit. Throbbing in pit; in pit while eating; in pit, (<) after eating.

Sensation as if hanging by a thread, then emptiness till towards noon. Emptiness; in morning; in forenoon, with coldness; as if hungry, but he had no appetite. Faintness in forenoon. Flatulent sensation in region. Digestion disturbed, tongue coated, taste bitter, flat (morning). Weakness. Trembling. Coldness; in pit at 7 P.M., sticking extending upward and backward into chest; and painless diarrhoea four times. Burning; in external parietes in evening;in pit (between S. and parietes of S.) in evening in bed; paroxysmal, in pit; peculiar, extending over chest, then towards abdomen, (<) umbilical region; with shivering over surface of body; in part in pit, in part coldness; cool. Heartburn; in evening; all day, (<) evening.

Clinical Thirst is a general accompaniment of Nat. mur. symptoms; there are generally sour eructations, heartburn, especially waterbrash, sometimes vomiting of food. There is very frequently a feeling of great weakness and sinking in stomach (Sepia).


      Distention; in evening; at night, with incarceration of flatus and heaviness; after eating, with heat of face and slumbering, then herby taste, with stupefaction and intoxication in head; after eating, (<) drinking, with sensation as if everything in it were loose; after dinner, also with emission of flatus; after breakfast, (>) soft stool and emission of strong smelling flatus; from water and beer, with swashing in it; with burning about umbilicus; flatulent.

Rumbling; in morning after coffee; all the forenoon, with gurgling then four pasty stools; in evening, then diarrhoea; during breakfast, with screwing-up cutting; after breakfast, of coffee, (<) during rest, with gurgling and cutting; when drinking coffee, after drinking the pain ceased, but returned from 9 till 11 A.M., and after dinner; after eating; after eating, with movings, then two watery stools, almost without pinching in abdomen; after thin stool; with movements, gurgling, griping, urging to stool, forcible, copious, almost watery stool, much flatus, an hour later a less prolonged and less violent stool, with burning in anus, repeated after four hours.

Gurgling; and feeling as of the bursting of air bubbles. Croaking; all the evening, with cracking. Emission of flatus; after dinner; copious, with feeling as if liquid escaped; frequent; frequent in forenoon, also in evening. Fermentation. Flatus moves about without being emitted, with heaviness of head, roaring in vertex and ears and stoppage of nose. Flatulence; in forenoon when walking, with feeling as before diarrhoea, at 3 P.M. urging to stool, stool scanty and hard; causing tension and stitches.

Sticking; on waking, (<) below last r. rib, with general chilliness. Cutting; mornings in bed; morning on rising; in morning after rising, (<) below r. ribs, also after coffee, with ineffectual urging to stool; in morning after coffee, and diarrhoea twice; in morning after coffee, with tenesmus, often returning in forenoon; in morning, (>) stool and emission of wind; at 4 A.M., with desire as for diarrhoea, but stool in two hard pieces, then tenesmus; every day about 5 A.M.; towards evening; every night; before midnight, with uneasiness and anxious constriction in epigastric region; on rising, then profuse diarrhoea without tenesmus, then C., (<) about umbilicus and liver; after dinner; (<) forenoon; (<) afternoon; intermittent; as with a two-edged knife in morning after coffee; as if everything would be drawn forward towards umbilicus in morning after rising, with anxiety, C. again after breakfast of coffee, after dinner and in evening; griping, after eating and drinking.

Griping; and in small of back; in morning in bed, with soreness, then pressing and sore feeling in back and scapulae, (>) rising; in morning after rising; in morning after coffee; every afternoon; with coldness; as from worms in evening; as in diarrhoea in morning after stool, without results; as before diarrhoea in morning on waking; as before diarrhoea in morning after rising. Pinching, with pasty stools; P. as from worms, in evening.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.