Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Chilliness in various parts frequently during the day. Cold skin; in evening in bed. Cold feet; and hands; in forenoon; arms; vertex, with sensitiveness of scalp and closure of lids; lower limbs, with rush of blood upward to stomach, chest and head. Burning C. on r. patella. Chilliness in back; in evening, with cutting; at night, with restlessness. Creeping coldness over back; at time with cold sweat on forehead, anxiety and shuddering; over small of B. at night.

Heat in morning after thirst and drinking of warm milk, with trembling; H. after midday nap, then shivering till evening; at 11 P.M., and uneasiness of feet, so that he could scarcely stay in the carriage. At night, with uneasiness and much drinking; at N., with anxiety to uncover-herself, profuse flow of menses and vivid drams; after appearance of menses, with thirst and sleeplessness; preventing sleep, without thirst, with labor-like pain in hypogastrium; of body, then sweat, (<) head. Heat of blood after a little wine; H., with sweat under arms and on soles; of body alternating with creeping coldness and shivering over back, without thirst; as if dashed with hot water, in afternoon after coffee, then r. ear burning and scarlet. In flushes; and easy sweat. Orgasm of blood at night waking him.

Heat in head; vertex; in afternoon, and in face; in afternoon, on entering house, with redness of face and rush of blood to head; at 6 P.M., with anxiety, then sweat, next day sweat at the same hour; in evening, then sweat; at night in bed; with inclination forehead, with headache; internal, (<) forehead; in flushed in. evening, with anxiety and nausea, even to vanishing of senses, object seem entirely changed. Heat in face; in evening during menses; and on abdomen, arms and lower limbs, then red spots of the size of the head of a pin over body, with itching and after rubbing redness of whole body. Heat in l. (weak) ear evening; of ear of or of lobule. Burning in feet on walking; in a corn at night; internal and external heat in r. upper arm; in l. scapula as if dashed with hot water; biting, in axilla, with swelling after scratching; itching, as from nettles on l. hand.

Sweat; during the day; morning; during midday nap; at night; before midnight; about midnight, (<) chest; on slightest; sour, in morning; so saline as to excoriate parts where the skin was thinnest; on head in morning on rising; on head at night on waking; on hands; soles; S. on feet that had disappeared was brought back. Dryness of body.

Clinical Intermittent fever, chill beginning at 10 A.M., with thirst, pains, fever with thirst, drinking does not relieve; profuse sweat relieving all symptoms; throbbing frontal headache generally accompanies the chill and fever. In malaria there is something profuse water stool, with great oppression of breath, coldness about the heart, headache, great prostration, irregular pulse. Intermittent fever, the onset of the paroxysms characterized by intense itching over the whole body, during the chill the patient shakes violently. Intermittent fever, sometimes the chill begins in hands and feet, without much shaking, preceded by headache, with grows worse during the chill. Malarial fever characterized by stitches in hepatic region during the apyrexia.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.