Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Muriaticum

Itching over whole body; I. here and there, (<) calves; on lobules of ears; on l. wing of nose; in beard; hypogastrium; chest; back and thighs; lower limbs; on small of extending to abdominal and hepatic regions and to thighs; internally in hips; r. calf, later on l. inner malleolus, then on r. calf; on back of foot; feet and (<) inner sides of calves; on toes; all day, (<) morning, on forehead where she parted the hair and in brows; in morning, about neck and under chin, (<) sides of neck, not (>) scratching, with red swelling and burning, during the day the I. extended down breast and arms, then to lower limbs, finally I. and burning in legs and feet, after black tea the I. and burning began again in neck and passed down to soles and he had walked on hot coals, he walked the floor barefoot in agony, feet felt swollen but were not, this suffering lasted three-quarters of an hour, in night I. of body repetition of these symptoms for there days, always (<) after tea; in afternoon, in r. palm; evening, on pubis; in evening in bed, over whole body, also on small of back, also on fingers; at night, on l. leg; on going to bed, on calves; chest,(<) open air; on first phalanx of l. third finger, with crawling; (<) l. side of chest, on head, arms, neck and thigh, and in the latter sensation as if flesh would be loosened from the bone; behind r. ear, then burning; then vesicles after scratching, also on inner margin of wrist; on various parts, (<) l. knee, after scratching nettle-rash.

Biting itching on lower limbs in evening; (in l. palm); near genitals, with smarting after rubbing; on various parts, and on several parts herpes circinatus, usually disappearing with desquamation in from light to twelve days, only to give place to another tetter. Itching on calves as if asleep. Sticking itching on margin of lower jaw; in tip of r. index; on back of r. index and on lower margin of r. orbit in evening; between scrotum and l. thigh. Sudden voluptuous irritation when sitting, (>) walking.

Clinical Greasy skin. Eczema of eyebrows; behind ears Purpura haemorrhagica. It has cured warts in palms of hand Herpes circinatus (Sepia). Eczema on hands, (<) water (Sepia). Urticaria in the bend of the knee, with itching and smarting, skin very sore from the oozing of an acrid fluid, which forms crusts and cracks.


      Yawning; in morning, (>) towards noon, with empty eructations; at 6 P.M., when riding in a carriage, then hiccough; with stretching; with lively mood and inclination to joke; spasmodic, after sound sleep; spasmodic, (>) drinking wine.

Sleepiness; during the day; in afternoon; in evening; in evening, but sleep restless, with many dreams; before eating after eating; after dinner; after dinner, with inclination to lie down and inability to think; but inability to sleep. Sleep in afternoon always on sitting down; after 5 P.M., when sitting; when reading; when unoccupied, but walking every moment. Long sleep; and sound. Sound sleep after dinner; in afternoon, with vivid dreams. Light, after dinner. Deep sleep after midnight, and full dreams.

Sleeplessness; after midnight; after 2 A.M.; from 3.30 till 4.30 A.M., then anxious dreams; after 5 A.M., she seemed anxious, if she slept she dreamed and woke immediately, with internal heat in head and pain in abdomen as before diarrhoea, form internal restlessness. Late falling asleep; and early walking; and witching in limbs, and electric shocks through body, once it seemed as if heart and knees were knocked together. Frequent waking; caused by vivid dreams; in anxiety; with uneasiness; every half hour. Early waking. Waking at 2 A.M. in sweat and with as if shut up in a dark cellar, (>) seeing a light through the window; at 3 A.M., then sleep, and at 7.30 difficult waking; at 4 A.M., as if he had slept enough, afterwards sleep till 7; at 5 A.M., with thirst; from fright, thought here were thieves in the house and dared not go to bed again, with oppression of chest and palpitation.

Talking in sleep; screaming out; sobbing. Twitching in sleep; of lower limbs, waking him from midday nap; in limbs, as from an electric shock, on falling asleep at noon. Shocks through r. half of body on attempting to fall asleep jerking S. coming from heart in midday nap. Starting up; in evening on falling asleep, when one came into the room, so that it caused palpitation. In the beginning of sleep he arouse from bed, woke in the room, lay down in bed again and fell asleep.

Anxious sleep. Unrefreshing sleep. Restless sleep; after going to bed early she woke at 11 P.M., with vertigo, nausea, weakness, trembling of limbs and giving way of all nerves, at midnight she had to get out of bed, on rising vertigo even to falling and she went back to bed, soon vertigo even to loss of consciousness and three times vomiting of food tasting of red wine, then general chilliness, about 2 A.M. many dreams that she quarrelled and disputed.

Dreams. About which she was busy long after waking. Sad. Heavy. Peevish. Vexatious. Exciting. Troubled, (<) after midnight, specially of illness, with interrupted sleep. That he had been poisoned. Of conflagrations. That he reproached himself for past mistakes. Confused, of crimes, for which he was held. to answer, after authoring a little more supper than usual. Lascivious; or of ghost. That she herself pulled out a fine tooth. On closing eyes for mildly nap she saw many person, large cities and large bodies of water pass before her. Unremembered, in morning sleep. Vivid; all night, and confused; on falling asleep, with inclination to composed verses, which on waking seemed ludicrous; (<) after midnight, disturbing sleep; and conked; and unpleasant; and remembered; and pleasant, remembered; of people near to him; of long journeys; of a dangerous sail in a small boat; of burning thirst that was not quenched by beer, and on waking the tongue was dry. Anxious; in afternoon; with weeping; and walking; about the room in a somnambulistic state; so that he cried out; with frequent waking; and sleep only after midnight; of battles, on waking she was in an anxious heat and sweat; that she would be beaten, so that she sat and remained anxious all day. Terrible, which seemed real after waking. Horrible, disgusting. Frightful; death, fire etc.; of scenes of murder; of murder and of being taken a prisoner, waking in sweat, and next morning exhaustion. Nightmare, as if abdomen were constricted, with anxiety, she tried to cry out, but could not open the eyes nor move a limb.


      Chilliness; during the day; in morning sleep, then sweat shortly before waking; every day about 3 A.M., with languor. headache and dyspnoea, then heat and thirst, then sweat; from 8 A.M., till noon, then heat till evening with sweat or theorist, with unconsciousness and headache; in forenoon; in afternoon; afternoon; with thrust. Evening; after drinking; after lying down on rising from be; till sleep; with thirst; then at night sweat and itching; fever, with headache on waking from a nap, C., then heat in paroxysms, but heat predominated; between; 4 and 6 P.M., between 4 and 7 P.M., with external warmth on face; from 4.30 till 7 P.M., (<) warm room, (>) open air; 5 till 7 P.M., with external heat and yawning, alternating with hot twitches; between 6 and 7 P.M., with sleepiness, the latter (>) rising and walking about the room; at 7 P.M., gradually spreading over whole body, then heat for an hour, with sticking in skin and frequent sneezing, then sour sweat till 2 A.M., when the paroxysm ended suddenly. At night, with languor, headache and dyspnoea, then heat and sweat. Only in a warm room, (>) at 5 P.M., on going into open air, with frequent yawning; in bed after being much heated, with roaring in head and weakness; after an emission, with weakness of joints. Weakness before dinner so that he must lie down, the chill in bed, then heat, then sweat. C., but sweat on motion; with weakness with sharp pan in lower incisors; over whole body, with heat in forehead, pressure in region of root of nose and thirst; C. at one time, at another head and sweat.

Internal chilliness in afternoon, with yawning and pallor; l. in afternoon on going out; with rapid pulse, ill humor and disinclination to talk. Creeping C. frequently about 5.30 P.M., then heat and sweat till 7.30; down, with heat in head and general warmth of skin to touch, then burning of hands, less of tossing about, inability to sleep for an hour, then uneasy sleep, with dreams of strife; during stool, with tenesmus. Cold and hot creepings over body.

Shaking chill; in evening, with aggravating of pains, then heat, (<) head, and redness of face; with sleepiness, he slept and became warm while sitting and perspired. Shivering; in afternoon and burning of hands in evening; in afternoon when sitting, (>) 5 P.M., on going out, returning in evening when sitting; in evening, also with rapid pulse; in evening in bed, so that hands and feet trembled and teeth chattered with yawning; with yawning and nausea; with sensation of gooseflesh; internal from 4 till 7 P.M.; sudden, through whole l. side of body; over back towards evening then thirst; in back, (<) sitting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.