EDITORIAL. For the patient who is sure to get well, little doctoring is needed. for the one who is not, much can be done to ease his mental and bodily burdens. What other branch of medicine offers the field and scope of the homoeopathic one for these poor suffers? These patients need a good physician more than any other class and they deserve it.


EDITORIAL. The policy of isolationism that we have so tenaciously enforced for such a long time is bearing its obvious. deadly harvest. If the Monroe Doctrine has had its merits in the history of the United States, it has been superseded since World War II by the “One World” idea and principle. It is high time for us to revise these antiquated policies in the homoeopathic field.


EDITORIAL. Allopathy is defined in Websters Collegiate Dictionary as the “theory or system of medical practice which combats disease by the use of remedies producing effects different from those produced by the disease treated. Also, erroneously, the system of medical practice making use of all measures which have proved of value in the treatment of disease”.


EDITORIAL. There is strong evidence, he told National Institutes of Health scientists the other night, that bacteria and viruses become dangerous only when the setup is fixed for them. Otherwise even the most virulent of them are harmless. Every person, Dr. Dubos said, carries in the body throughout life a host of supposedly deadly “microbes” which live in blood and tissues as harmless guests until something happens to start them on a rampage.


EDITORIAL. There are some who maintain that the salvation of Homoeopathy in the United States depends upon the re-establishment of Homoeopathic medical colleges such as were maintained at the turn of the century. With this point of view, the writer would agree, were conditions to-day the same as those which existed fifty years ago.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy not only heals mans physical body, it strengthens his moral fibre, and brightens his mental processes; it touches that which is deepest and best in his nature, the divine fountain of love. Love and gratitude for the Giver of all Good, love, understanding and charity for his fellows regardless of race, color or creed.


EDITORIAL. From the dawn of recorded history to the present moment there have been either wars or rumors of war, and every major conflict has been followed by pestilential disease. Cholera, bubonic plague, typhus, typhoid and influenza are some of the well known epidemic maladies, but there are many other which have been associated with deeds of valor in ages past and present.


Medical education has become such a tremendous study that in the standard course of from two to three years premedical, and four years actual medical education, the student acquires only a good working knowledge of the fundamentals of medicine and surgery. Upon graduation he is supposed to take from one to three years hospital training, or to enter upon research and postgraduate work with the ultimate aim of perhaps specializing in some particular branch f medical art.


No propaganda is so insidious widespreading and harmful to human health, as are the advertised nostrums acclaimed over many radio stations; nearly every hour of the day and far into the night the vicious and venal tirade keeps up.


It is freely conceded by homoeopathic physicians that the only remedy for the given case is the similimum which, to be more explicit, is that remedy whose pathogenetic symptoms are most similar to the symptoms presented by the patient. However, in order to arrive at the similimum one needs to follow a definite procedure.


Would suggest a complete blood count and chest x-ray in addition to a careful check on the weight trend, urine and blood pressure. Careful inquiry should be made into the patients eating habits and mode of life and corrections made according to indications. The possibility of a tuberculous process must be considered. A case of this kind could easily have an emotional etiology.


Alexis Carrel in his book, Man the Unknown, states that medical science has succeeded in saving more infants and protecting the youth from the ravages of acute self-limiting disease,but that more people are dying in early middle life of chronic degenerative diseases, cancer, kidney and heart diseases, than ever before.


Last and not least prescribe not merely for the acute attack but more especially for the general constitutional state of the patient. Even extreme cases of enlarged tonsils can be reduced to normal in the vast majority of cases. Most certainly the predisposition to tonsillitis can be overcome in at least ninety- five percent of all cases without operation.


The homoeopathic physician is fortunate indeed to have a clearly defined law of cure to guide him in the practice of his profession. He need not tremble as he approaches the amazing labyrinth of a fully equipped modern laboratory. Nor need he worry if he saves his patients some of their hard earned money by omitting unnecessary and expensive laboratory studies.


A temporary immunity is developed against the particular strain of gonococcal infection but there are plenty of other strains available. After a lapse of time, a person may even retrieve his own infection from the person upon whom he originally conferred it.


What happened was that Hahnemann unwittingly demonstrated Maupertius Law of Least Action: “The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in Nature is the least possible: the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.” Hahnemann expressed the same idea when he advised that the chosen remedy be given in the smallest dose that would cure.


Medical literature and radio talks are full of over- statements, but we feel the above comments are founded on fact and will be just as potent one hundred years hence. From careful study of hundreds of case records, we state without fear of successful contradiction, that in the hands of its masters in scientific medication under Similia similibus curantur, todays drugging with the sulfas, penicillin and vitamins leaves much to be desired.


Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard, the new President, asked for suggestions for the coming year. She asked for and it was voted that she was to appoint several committees to carry out various plans during the coming year for the advancement of homoeopathy and the I.H.A.


This position strengthens the spine and favors early use of the arms, neck and shoulders. It helps to prevent flattening of the occiput in children suffering from disturbed calcium metabolism. The prone position is a good one to cultivate at all ages and stages of life. In advanced years it prevents passive congestion along the cerebrospinal axis.


Specialty or no specialty or no specialty or anything else, there is not the slightest chance that homoeopathy will be employed “on a wide scale within our military forces.” Whatever employment of such methods any individual physicians may undertake will be solely on their own initiative and definitely on an illicit or bootleg basis.


Kents Repertory is surely a valuable book to carry with you in your car. Recently I was called to see a young man who had a severe pain in stomach > lying on his back. He was told that he had ulcers in his stomach, so I gave him a dose of Calc.c. 1M. and pain vanished in less than a minute.


All right if it will make the doctor or the patient any more contented in mind. Small-pox is such a rare disease under conditions of cleanliness and modern sanitary facilities that the best and most sensible thing is to just forget it.


In the state of Arkansas a test case is being fought by Dr.C.F. Ellis against compulsory vaccination by scarification. This has been carried through the lower courts and has been appealed to the Supreme Court, where it will be tried this month. Many of the I.H.A. men are assisting in this expense of this suit, and we trust Dr.Ellis will be successful.


Sat at the sons bedside for six weeks, where he was placed in a restraining sheet, having gone violently insane, acute. She had not slept in that time, and when she broke down herself, could not sleep; sugar appeared in the urine; one symptoms I have never found was nausea from wearing her false teeth. Cocculus Ind. 30x., one dose. She was completely cured of the insanity and the diabetes.


If the vital force of each human being is paced within certain limits and must remain within those limits, why is it so often necessary that a patient, instead of receiving a single constitutional remedy must have a series or succession of two, three or more?.


When a patient complains of a feeling as if the heart were swollen to enormous size, as if the whole chest were distended, and as if the heart suddenly fell into the abdomen, think of Cenchris contortrix. This patient will also complain of a profuse, bland foot-sweat, corns that are troublesome in wet weather, and his hands chap very easily.


In what” Surely not in medicine. Do any of us know of any drug that affects a single part or organ to the exclusion of all others” Then he who confines himself to a medical specialty in any part of the human anatomy is a man of very limited knowledge of medicine and is therefore not the superior but decidedly the inferior of general medical man and therefore his services are worth much less.


Numerous thoughts arise in criticism and comment upon this novel brand of homoeopathic practice by one who evidently considers himself to be a homoeopathic physician, for does he not speak of the allopath as one who is evidently of quite another sort? We, however, in our ignorance no doubt, fail to see any difference between the two.


The circulatory system furnishes well-known arguments for condemning tobacco. It effects on the heart and vessels are doubled. There are at first evident marks of irritation by poisoning, and finally a generalized fibrous degeneration of the heart and vessels, similar but in a less degree than the intoxication by alcohol and lead. In advanced cases there is a marked arteriosclerosis especially of the coronary arteries.


When a baby (or a kitten) presents the symptoms that little Wilmarys kitten did, see what the same remedy will do. Fits; flat worms; vomits everything it eats; heavy, drowsy, exhausted, especially after vomiting; loose or watery, green, faecal discharges; cries as if hurt whenever picked up. AEthusa cynapium 10M (Fincke), one powder, cured.


Homoeopathy does not, and will not, lend itself to the spectacular, hence does not appeal to the ignorant. And, as has been stated, 90 percent of the people are ignorant, it is going to be a man sized job to educate them. Especially is this so when our own members openly declare they are “tired of hearing about pure homoeopathy”, while others think the doctors could be educated in a proper environ.


Dysmenorrhoea, especially in rheumatic cases, headache before menses, severe pain in the back during menses, down the thighs and through the hips from side to side, with labor-like pains, nervousness and weeping mood. Pains double the patient up almost throwing her into convulsions. Ovarian pains up the sides. Debility after and between menses.


The cutaneous eruptions alone are sufficient to show the uselessness of those lines of demarcation. For years past I have ceased to consider the similarity of the cutaneous symptoms as of any consequence. How could a drug produce a herpetic eruption in a prover, if the herpes did not already exist in him? A remedy cures herpes, if it suits the whole organism, not otherwise.


This discovery of the physiologists serves to augment and abet the teaching of our system of medicine more than any other that has been demonstrated since the time of Hahnemann, that all parts of the body are affected by conditions and drugs, and that the totality and unity of the whole personality must be considered; this has been solely the province of the homoeopathic physician.


The history of the case would indicate syphilis as the probable cause. Recently he has complained of a tickling sensation in the larynx and pharynx which, at times, causes a physical exertion, talking and laughing always brings on a wheezing cough which continues for some minutes and brings up a slight amount of tough mucus with some relief.


Dr. John Wyckoff, professor in medicine at the New York University, and director of the third medical division of Bellevue Hospital, in an address before the recent congress of physicians at Yale University, has issued a warning against the use of digitalis in the treatment of labor pneumonia. He stated that digitalis was widely used in the treatment of this disease in the belief that it aided the heart action. With this in mind, Dr. Wyckoff analyzed 735 cases of lobar pneumonia, and he reached the decision that the use of digitalis tended to increase the morality.


Remember that exophthalmos may signify chronic nephritis, that heterophoria is a frequent accompaniment of intractable headache, that early presence of tubercle bacilli may be found in the larynx with a cotton swab before it is found in the sputum.


The tapeworm immediately begins to feed on this, which produces a soporific effect upon the worm, and his tentacles let go their hold. Once they have let go, they do not anchor themselves again, and the worm is expelled in entirety. This I call mechanical removal, because it is his inability to use his anchorage and he must pass out with the natural peristalsis.


The toe nail responds to a wave from the solar plexus; a certain headache comes from the collective effect of an empty stomach; a tooth may suffer from the same affliction as the liver though its expression be modified according to its anatomical and physiological functions, while both represent an imponderable though real,ethereal or psychic disharmony, etc.


Hahnemann, while translating articles on materia medica, was so struck with the action of Cinchona that he decided to take large doses of it and note its actions or effects on his own body. He was surprised to find how the symptoms thus produced on his own healthy body corresponded to the symptoms of the intermittent fevers he was recording.


In an attenuated remedy this envelop or container is so broken up that the little that remains acts instantly by its container being immediately broken open and the entire power being freed all at one time, its contained power acting and passing off instantly so that all that remains is the continued result or effect of that action which must be met quite differently from that of the pre-action of the so-called crude drug.


Reproving of some of the remedies is important, and the work should be undertaken with many of the remedies; this is especially so with those remedies which have never been proven in potency, because it is in the proving of the potentized remedy that we obtain the finer shades of the action of the remedy. Of course the provings should always be made upon human individuals, of both sexes and differing ages.


What have been the greatest sorrows of your life? How do you bear the griefs, reproaches, or mockery of others? Are you truly happy? Are you better or worse after anger, indignation, mortification, consolation? How would a fortnight alone in the mountains suit and agree with you? When do you think of death? What are the criticisms of the members of your family and your close friends concerning you, and do you think that they are justified and true?


Impotency is often a symptom of this natural decline, but may be premature and in all likelihood, then depends upon one or several causes. Among the latter, pathology of the generative organs may be present to such an extent, that internal remedies, homoeopathic in character, are quite unable to overcome it, in which case other measures, often equally unsuccessful, may have to be resorted to.


Organized homoeopathy has, especially in the past, accomplished many things to its advantage and credit such as for example, the control of certain state insane and other hospitals and the establishment of separate examining boards in various states of the Union; these boards however, have of late years either disappeared altogether or have had their powers so curtailed by legislative or other enactments that, so far has homoeopathy is concerned, their influence is practically negative.


This fact was frequently pointed out by the lamented Albert E. Hinsdale, who more than anyone else up to the time of his death, had made use of the information to be found in the field of industrial medicine. Hinsdale also demonstrated, albeit on animals, the objective effects or gross pathology of many of our drugs. Witness, for example, his experiments with the bichromate of potash in the production of duodenal ulcer.


In Arsenicum iodide we have a pain in the forehead directly above the nose; the frontal sinuses are involved; the patient feels weak, dragged out; the nasal discharge is hot and watery burning and much of it passes down by way of the posterior nares. The head in general feels heavy and dull. The patient himself feels better in the warm room.


The tonsils are much inflamed and swollen, with a purple appearance of the throat. From the nostrils there is a thin, bloody and ichorous discharge. The tongue is dry and cracked, and sordes appear upon the teeth. Altogether the picture of Ailanthus is that of malignancy, hence the remedy should be though of in desperate cases of scarlet- fever, particularly when the throat presents the appearance of diphtheria.


A married woman in the fifties came to us with a history of chronic arthritis of the rheumatic variety. We dread these cases. for reasons obvious to all prescribers, and felt that here was another case in which we were likely to fail. The usual symptoms presented themselves; the modalities were time-honored, but one stood out most prominently-general aggravation from high winds.


This symptom has been variously expressed and interpreted; clinically,it is unquestionably dependable and has many times been verified. Presumably the remedy is palliative in angina and in cardio-vascular conditions in general. Severe palpitation of the heart is frequently present, occurs both day and night and is aggravated by lying on the left side.


EDITORIAL. Woods Hole has three scientific marine institutions to which many come in the summer months for employment and study. Besides, there is the usual amount of summer tourists to a sea-side resort, altogether swelling the population so the already over- worked doctors are run ragged.


HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET. Sometimes something of this sort is required to jolt one out of ones feeling of self-sufficiency, bringing one to a level where one can analyze and learn from ones mistakes. This case has taught the writer a much-needed lesson; may it serve to prevent others from falling into similar errors of judgement and self- satisfaction.


REGULATION OF THE FIRST WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS. The purpose of the First World Congress of Homoeopaths is to get together all homoeopathic physicians, dentists, veterinaries and pharmacists of the entire world with a view to cooperating more closely for the scientific development and the spreading of Hahnemanns doctrine.


COMMUNICATION. Belladonna and Aconite are seldom indicated in cases where there is no fever. But the former has cured violent palpitation with stabbing pains coming and going quickly in the region of the heart, with no temperature at all; and Aconite, the after effects of a fright sustained twenty years previously.


The suggestive synthesis of the notions and ideas emerging form the modern development of the notions and ideas emerging from the modern development of physics, biochemistry and physiology lead s deliberately to the dynamic aspect of medicine which is still struggling for dominance. The adaptation and integration is still struggling for dominance.


ANNIVERSARY IN DEHRA DUN. Under the auspices of the District Homoeopathic Association Dehra Dun, the 199th birthday of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy, was celebrated with great eclat in the local Town Hall on the 10th of April at 5:30 p.m. under the presidency of the District Magistrate, Mr. V.C. Sharma, I.A.S.


MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. To the very distinguished members of the Pan American homoeopathic Medical Congress. In 1948 I was first honored with the Presidency of the Pan American after serving a one year apprenticeship as Vice-President and having had the pleasure of attending the Pan American meeting with you in Oaxaca, Mexico, in October, 1946.


A CHRONIC MALARIA CASE. If this gentlemen could have had homoeopathic treatment again, the chances are that he would still be living, Or, on the other hand, if he had had the conventional allopathic treatment for the malarial condition which I treated, he probably would have gone on to his fathers at that time. Dallas, Texas.


A repertory is an index of symptoms arranged systematically. They can be arranged alphabetically, or schematically, according to the parts of the body, or arranged according to certain guiding principles. The purpose of a repertory is as a reference and guide in looking up a particular symptoms leading to a similimum, or that may make a distinction between two or more remedies in a given case.


CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS. Its purpose shall be to combine the interests of all homoeopathic institutions of the world, to stimulate the teaching of homoeopathic medicine and to maintain true professional brotherhood among its supporters. In order to keep this organization constantly active, all that will be of common interest shall be brought to the knowledge of everybody with a to cooperating, combining and standardizing.


CONVENTION NOTES. Automobiles are allowed but cannot be operated under their own power. There are some 500 horses on “The Island” which give the street cleaners and English sparrows plenty of work. In the village area, the equine aroma is pronounced, bringing back pleasant childhood memories to those of us brought up in the pre-auto era.


EDITORIAL. Let the profession unite in vigorous efforts to save the Art of Homoeopathy from destruction by utilizing the tools for teaching now at hand, putting aside the past and the dreams it engenders for the brightness of a future which determination will make a sparkling reality.


COMMUNICATIONS. In the cradle of Homoeopathy, Germany, the Homoeopathic physicians designated a SIMILIMUM a medicine, drug, remedy, (1) the sick-making characteristics of which closely COINCIDE with (2) the characteristics of the feelings and behaviour of the sick person and his organs. It is this COINCIDE which MAY make a remedy, drug, medicine (Arzenimittel) a SIMILIMUM; nothing else can.


DO YOU REPERTORIZE. A repertory is an index of symptoms arranged systematically. They can be arranged alphabetically, or schematically according to the parts of the body, or arranged according to certain guiding principles. The purpose of a repertory is as a reference and guide in looking up a particular symptom leading to a similimum, or that may make a distinction between two or more remedies in a given case.


Perhaps I have spent too much time on unimportant symptoms to the neglect of more useful ones. However, I have spent too much time on unimportant symptoms to the neglect of more useful ones. However, I have attempted to cover in some detail those pertaining to the female organs of generation, for it is here, I believe, that this remedy exhibits its greatest powers.


So many severe aggravations appeared following the use of the indicated remedy in crude form that he was led to the procedure of dilution in an attempt to eliminate these untoward phenomena. Yet even in the higher dilutions the indicated remedy will show an accentuation of the disease manifestations, though in a mild degree, within a short while after its administration.


THE USE OF SYPHILINUM IN ACUTE CONDITIONS. This brief paper is intended as a warning against routinism and sloppy prescribing of which the author is perhaps more guilty than most. Only by strict adherence to law can perfection in the difficult art of cure be attained; and while it may not be given to all to reach this goal, at least all may continue to seek it.


The symptoms of meningismus are those which are wont to be associated with the various acute meningismus. These are so familiar that it should be unnecessary for them to be discussed in detail. Suffice it to say that any or all the symptoms of true meningitis may be present in meningismus, though in general there are less apt to be focal symptoms in the latter.


QUESTION AND ANSWER DEPARTMENT. Quiet likely the actual proving of such substances would produce more or less immunity and it would be far safer to prove a vaccine under expert supervision than to receive a single shot in the arm of the original commercial product. When vaccines and serums are introduced through the skin something of unknown complexity has been turned loose within the body.


SULFANILAMIDE–A FRAGMENTARY PROVING. Ever since para-amino benzene sulfonamide, or Sulfanilamide, came into general use as a therapeutic agent I have had a desire to make a proving of this substance. When Dr. Roberts asked me last fall to prepare a paper for the Bureau of Materia Medica, I determined to begin this project and to report my findings to this Bureau.


TIME OF AGGRAVATION OF REMEDIES. In regard to the repetition each fourteen days of Lachesis, you will find one or two, or possible three, ways. Let us take a characteristic Lachesis case and leave it alone, and if you follow that case through-it has to b e a chronic case naturally- for fourteen days and see it again you will again see the indication for Lachesis sticking out.


EDITORIAL. The brain, heart, liver, spleen, blood, kidneys, muscles and bony system all have good seats as they watch the destroyer sulfanilamide, and its hundreds of derivatives, rush to attack the invading host of streptococcus, as they search out like blood-hounds on the trail every last cranny of the prostate and urethra, that they may come to death grips with the sneaking yet powerful foe, the gonococcus.


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy not only heals mans physical body, it strengthens his moral fibre, and brightens his mental processes; it touches that which is deepest and best in his nature, the divine fountain of love. Love and gratitude for the Giver of all Good, love, understanding and charity for his fellows regardless of race, color or creed.


COMMUNICATIONS. Hahnemann could not cure scabies with his potentized remedies. Does it not seem strange that after so much talk about suppression and constitutionally of diseases he advises a local and crude remedy: the lavender oil? With his potencies he cured the accompanying troubles, such as boils, eczema, erythemas, which cleared the way for the action of the ethereal substances of the lavender oil.


VERIFICATIONS AND COMMENTS. Blow to lower extremity of the fibula with but slight pain. Five days later the foot swollen, cold, oedematous, dusky redness, very tender could not step; abrupt demarcation of the swelling at a line above the ankle. Hamamelis 1M. Resumed his walking job in forty-eight hours.


THE COMPARATIVE VALUE OF SYMPTOMS IN HOMOEOPATHY. At a time where our school is threatened in its very existence by socialized medicine, I feel that it would go a long way to attract the physician of the “old school” if we could make our materia medica more practicable and translate it in a “scientific terminology” that is more understandable to him.


HOMOEOPATHIC PSYCHIATRY. Hahnemann was the first to stress the importance of mental symptoms and states in all sickness, either mental or physical, as well as to use them for the selection of the indicated remedy; and a century and a half of homoeopathic applications and trial by him and his disciples have confirmed the truth of the observations.


QUESTION AND ANSWER DEPARTMENT. The materia medica includes all the Twelve Tissue Remedies and homoeopathic physicians prescribe these medicines on the same basis symptoms similarity as they do all other drugs in their armamentarium. To prescribe two or more drugs at the same time or in rapid sequences is to render it impossible to know when he succeeds and when he fails. The best prescribes always try to find the one similimum.


The American Foundation for Homoeopathic operates such a school, and has done so almost continuously for eighteen years. Each year a six weeks course in good homoeopathic philosophy, materia medica and prescribing, as taught by Hahnemann in the Organon, is given. This effort deserves the active support of every homoeopath, both as to prospective students and financial aid.


It is conceded by the proponents of this method that not much dependence can be placed on it when the disease is more than forty-eight hours old. Another way of stating this is to say that after the third day of the disease there is less and less likelihood of successful results from the use of specific sera or sulfapyridine.


From the dawn of recorded history to the present moment there have been either wars or rumors of war, and every major conflict has been followed by pestilential disease. Cholera, bubonic plague, typhus, typhoid and influenza are some of the well known epidemic maladies, but there are many other which have been associated with deeds of valor in ages past and present.


QUESTION AND ANSWER DEPARTMENT. Patients with the history of severe rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria or any other disease causing heart complications through suppressive treatment must be conservatively handled and if there is an actual lesion present the potential for trouble is very great. In heart cases sudden increase or decrease in weight are both dangerous and a sudden stepping up of physical exercise is simply asking for the worst.


Will you kindly give your readers this postscript to my letter in the November Recorder? Referring to Case V: Having made such a good report there of Vipera torva I was shocked four weeks after the prescription to find that the remedy did not cold.


Interspersed with a musical program to attract and compel attention, the public must absorb by the process of mental suggestion, accomplished by constant repetition, a mass of distorted statements, claiming great benefits for many common ailments by the use of these advertised products and all for a trifling expenditure with the saving of the expense for a physicians care.


They envision research, plenty of it, for instance: into reasons for the action of homoeopathic potencies; into relationship of homoeopathy to other sciences, arts and philosophies; into fuller drug proving. Such work should be done by physicians and laymen together. A detailed outline is in existence.


This incident should be of interest to all homoeopaths as substantiating in some measure our contention that there are inherent dangers in vaccination. One wonders exactly what happened to little Margaret Ann to deprive her of her sight. One thinks first of meningitis or a meningo-encephalitis as being the most likely condition producing unconsciousness in a child of one year five days following vaccination.


The danger of medico-legal entanglements is exceedingly slight. There is no law to compel any physician to prescribe according to any set formula. Regimentation in medicine is at present limited to psychological pressure. Compulsion by legal means is as yet somewhat remote. Medical freedom is still worth a good fight.


Repeated trial through the hundred years since his time only confirms his results to further establish the laws of drug application in disease. There are others, but his is the outstanding contribution. Details of technique worked out by Hahnemann and others rival that of the marvelous developments in electricity in its many forms. No simple task.


These two examples connote a law of drug action. Innumerable case records corroborate these statements. So what? Can our cases be managed without these pitfalls? Is it possible by drugs plus cage management to bring recovery from skin disease, metrorrhagia, exanthemata to bring recovery from skin disease, metrorrhagia, exanthemata or most any curable disease with no hang-over?


My husband was a practising physician of homoeopathy in Southern Illinois for fifty years and accumulated a large medical and surgical library in those years. He died two years ago and I would like to dispose of the book and also his splendid collections of instruments and drugs. He was a subscriber to your Homoeopathic Recorder and I have taken your name from that publication.