“I dont seem to git nuthn outen this”, said the old Irishman, after we had spent several mutually interesting moments while he was mumbling the thermometer about with his lips.
We wonder what our readers are getting out of the pointer department. Are you finding anything of which you could say
“Value received”? If so, do you add the materia medica items to your lists in the repertory where they may await their turn for resurrection, excavation, or assimilation like the eterno- temporal molecules of the earth or perhaps bolt into attention like a grouse from the thicket? Do you feel that these isolated hints are but inordinate fragments, some of them, at least, or are they even worse so far as you are concerned, simply amorphous and of “no account”? Have any of them led to a tenstrike or snapped in as a link that was missing in the chain?.
If not, they should.
Pointer symptoms are like the parts of a puzzle picture; they must have intelligible relation to the completed picture.
We have seen some funny things happen in the practice of homoeopathy because facts were not put in their relative places.
We have seen a beautiful mirage composed of hospitals, medical white wings and all sorts of entracing paraphernalia dissolve away with the morning mists while the surgical villains who had camped there during the night slunk back to their lairs with no gall-bladder to their credit, just because Burnette or Clarke or somebody had been mean enough to extol in print the pacifying virtues of the English daisy-ha! ha! long may the little flower lady gaily swing and nod at the rollicking breezes!. We have seen an angry appendix wilt so fast over night after Bryonia that in the morning as soon as the visiting surgeons back was turned a portly steak passed by, apparently unnoticed.
We have seen a sciatic impasse not movable with remedies be quickly crunched into place by manual adjustment so that in about four minutes the patient had taken up her bed and walked; though we believe she did put the bed down after a few steps.
We knew of a rapidly growing abdominal tumor (was it-? No, it was not our case that time) that underwent spontaneous and unexpected expulsion at the end of the well reputed nine months, effected by treating the patient, not the disease.
We have been privileged to see a sky scraping diagnosis of hyperaesthetic neurosis, together with a most beautiful word diorama, the cause of homoeopathic failure, in the patient, of course, collapse! while cure rose from the ashes by the magic of some too familiar but correct remedy.
We have seen spoofy monsters that were supposed to be the outgrowth of grandpas (or grandmas) mistakes, refuse to be smoked out with the CM or MM of some nosode, but turn tail and vanish around the corner in a jiffy from a single pinch of Aconite.
We have seen imposing and dignified memorabilia of urates, phosphates, red and white corpoblasts and multifarious findings glitter like gold in the sunshine of hope for a short and easy cut to the similimum, only to oxidize and disappear from inevitable neglect, quickly forsaken and forgotten.
We have seen the x-ray reveal an intact clavicle and a negative diagnosis inscribed and undersigned therewith though the fragments were easily movable with the examining fingers and displacement visible to the naked eye.
Why! even before we trotted off the stage with the lamb-skin parchment we had seen an adorable microscopic view of cancer tissue, so the old professor said, composed entirely of cigar ashes.
So must it sometimes be.
How frail, oh Lord! are the tendrils of human certitude (as seen by others)! but strong as Gibraltar is human belief. What assaults that will stand? How prone man is to believe; how feeble in knowing how to know! How fragmentary that which he thinks he knows, how lacking in correlation.
Correlation! thats the word! Lets correlate more! What is correlation? Why, it is seeing the relations of any problem so that its parts take their proper place to form a whole.
So also, is the human organism, a unity. The toe nail responds to a wave from the solar plexus; a certain headache comes from the collective effect of an empty stomach; a tooth may suffer from the same affliction as the liver though its expression be modified according to its anatomical and physiological functions, while both represent an imponderable though real,ethereal or psychic disharmony, etc.
Correlate! excepting mechanics, isolate only for synthetical purpose. In union there is responsiveness; and the more comprehensive the correlation therein the more powerful the response.
Who can find a better pointer? -R.E.S. HAYES.
Carcinoma 10M. (Finke). Constant dull, nagging pain in region of sigmoid of many months duration, worse at night, forcing patient out of bed. One dose. No return of pain in 6 months.
Crot.h.500. Bleeding from right nipple.
Ignatia 200. Pain in right thigh as if the bone were broken, with great sensitiveness to touch, restlessness, chilliness, cold hands and feet, desire for heat which does not relieve pain. Attacks every night between 7 or 8 p.m. and midnight. Pains very intense, of a boring, dislocating and breaking character, causing agonized moaning. vide Guiding Symptoms.
Ignatia 200. Whooping cough. Cough followed immediately by inability to breathe or swallow. Paroxysms is preceded by a sensation of bubbling in larynx. Cured in 20 days.
Kali c. 200. Severe pain in upper part of right arm, the painful parts sweats. Vide Kents Repertory.
Lathyrus s. 200. Infantile paralysis. Right side affected. The picture looks like Bell., but that remedy fails. Cure in one week.
Lobelia 200. Hay fever. Sensation of constriction of lower chest as if bound with a cord. Nausea and profuse flow of saliva.
Phaseolus nan.30 Heat failure. Weak, intermittent pulse. complete collapse. Vide New, Old and Forgotten Remedies. In punctured wounds with great pain applied locally it is equal if not superior to Ledum.
Primula 30. Frequently found curative in primrose poisoning.
Rhus tox. CM. During a milk flu epidemic where most of the cases ran to Rhus the following tonsillar case was encountered: Thick, yellow deposit on both tonsils. Deposit was width of a little finger nail and one inch in length, had a leathery appearance and was surrounded by a darkish red inflammation. Other characteristic Rhus symptoms present. Membranous deposit entirely gone after 14 hours. Vide Guiding Symptoms.
Syphilinum 50M. After this remedy a constipated patient passed a formed stool two feet in length.
Tabac. 1M. Hiccough after eating.
This list of unfrequently met symptoms have been verified by cure.-C.L. OLDS.
-Indented tongue, Ars., Merc., Rhus tox., Cup. If coated white shading into bluish, Ars., Cup., also think of Cup. ars.- H.C.SCHMIDT.
-Severe backache, has had suppuration of kidneys, worse left, twisting pain from left kidney to heart, twisting pain from heart to surrounding upper part of left femur. Benz. ac. 45M increased flow of urine and rendered hard tense muscular tissue of body flabby within 24 hours.-H.C.SCHMIDT.
-Hard tense muscular tissue left shoulder, painful, extremely sensitive to touch, very irritable, two cold spots in back led to Spirantes, which cleared up the whole complex.-H.C. SCHMIDT.