You will very frequently find perversion of the affections in heart conditions.
In insomnia use vast amounts of lettuce in the diet. – E. UNDERHILL, JR.
It is to be remembered that if a disease is the result of the abuse of any article, such as dyspepsia from chewing tobacco, the cause must be unconditionally removed in order that the effect may cease.
Rhus radicans is antidoted quickest by Sanguinaria.- BUTE.
In poisoning of the abdomen and knees by poison ivy I have seen palliation by Rhus tox. 200, but rapid cure by Graphites 200.- J.C.M.
Ammonium muriaticum has coryza with stopping of the nose, hoarseness and burning in the larynx.- LIPPE.
It also has sore throat with viscous phlegm, so tough that it cannot be hawked up.- NEIDHARD.
Diarrhoea and vomiting during catamenia, try Ammonium muriaticum. LIPPE.
Consider it when after every stool there is a sore, smarting, burning pain in the anus, lasting 36 hours, on board of a ship.- MONTAGUE.
Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of the catamenia, Ammonium carb. Under certain circumstances Veratrum is indicated.- C.G.R.
Ammonium muriaticum. Pulmonary disease with coldness between the shoulders (recommended by Lippe. I have found it good also.)- J.C.M.
Ammonium carb. A small knot, like a pimple on the breast bone, when slightly touched it feels as if a splinter was therein.- HERING.
Ammonium carb. Childrens noses stopped up, starts from sleep; rattling of phlegm in trachea and bronchi, several cases.- LIPPE.
Ammonium carb. Nightmare every night, sometimes in a sweat when waking.- BERENDS, JR.
The above is a symptom of heart disease, for which Ammonium carb. has frequently been found useful.- H.N.M.
Thuja has stinging in the abdomen as from needles, only while sitting. -RAUE.
Verbascum. Difficult hearing, as if the ears closed, as if something had fallen before the ear.
Verbascum. The cough is lessened as soon as the patient succeeds in taking a deep breath.
Viola odorata. Exhalations painful.
Zingiber. Hot, painful, sore feeling in the anus; continually during pregnancy.
Zingiber. Complete cessation of the function of the kidneys, up to fifty hours dilution, in reconvalescence from typhus. Compare Stramonium.- C. HERING.
Antimonium crudum. Cough from irritation in the abdomen.- RAUE.
Antimonium tartaricum. The tongue is red, mostly in streaks, or triangular, pointing back. – C. HERING.
Causticum. Cough worse on bending forward.- RAUE.
Causticum. Tinea capitis occurring in the occipital region.- M. MACFARLAN.
Sulphuric acid. Pressing pains in different parts, increasing slowly and suddenly disappearing. Compare Stannum.
Sulphuric acid. After intermittent fever, spleen enlarged and hard, hurts when coughing.
Zincum. Cough worse after eating sweet things. Similar to Spongia.- C. HERING.
Pulsatilla. Cough from irritation in the pit of the stomach.- RAUE.
Suppurating herpes with violent burning pain is characteristic of Arsenicum.- R. KOCH.
Itching and burning, with eruptions, give me the index for success with Graphites. Three doses of the 200th recently cured, by these indices, a bad cases of urticaria (?) with vesicles, suggestive of herpes, in a young and sensitive woman (who has to weep from the distress she endured). There was also retarded menstruation from wet feet. Rhus poisoning is also met by Graphites.- J.C.M.