Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Organized homoeopathy has, especially in the past, accomplished many things to its advantage and credit such as for example, the control of certain state insane and other hospitals and the establishment of separate examining boards in various states of the Union; these boards however, have of late years either disappeared altogether or have had their powers so curtailed by legislative or other enactments that, so far has homoeopathy is concerned, their influence is practically negative.

Courting the Old School-Homoeopaths, early in their efforts to convince established medicine of the truth of their principles, were by force of circumstances compelled to be sectarian. Sectarianism was not therefore, of their own choosing and its sin, if such it be, should not be laid at their door. Ostracism, both social and professional, was suffered by the pioneers, to a degree, be it said, which is quite unknown today, except in a few perhaps, of the English provinces. In America, all this bigoted persecutions has happily long since passed away, but in its place has come a spirit of easy tolerance and fraternization which, though very agreeable when superficially looked at, does not necessarily denote the acceptance by established medicine, of the principles of homoeopathy.

Organized homoeopathy has, especially in the past, accomplished many things to its advantage and credit such as for example, the control of certain state insane and other hospitals and the establishment of separate examining boards in various states of the Union; these boards however, have of late years either disappeared altogether or have had their powers so curtailed by legislative or other enactments that, so far has homoeopathy is concerned, their influence is practically negative. New York State is a glaring example of this nullifications of all homoeopathic interest or advantage, for although the licensing board contains one or two homoeopaths among its members, these men have no opportunity to do anything constructive for the cause of homoeopathy itself. The State Board of Regents does not require of candidates for license to practice medicine, an examination in materia medica, hence, so far as the board is concerned, or the State which it represents, it is a matter of indifference whether a candidate be from the colleges of the old school or of homoeopathic persuasion.

Sectarianism is thus broken down in itself a good thing, but with its abolition comes the real danger of a loss of interest in the tenets of the homoeopathic school. Hence it is, that in keeping with this spirit of catholicism in medicine, but two homoeopathic medical colleges remain and numerous homoeopathic hospitals have lost their pristine homoeopathic medical colleges remain and numerous homoeopathic hospitals have lost their pristine homoeopathic characteristics., In its laudable desire to convince orthodox medicine of its of its right to exist and of its educational and professional equality, organized homoeopathy often stands so erect, that it is imminent danger of falling over backwards.

We in these United States, dearly love noise and show and are much given to hysterical fervor meeting; we are fond of fooling ourselves and of being fooled and thus exhibit a naive which for the foreigner at least, is difficult to understand., We invite to our national medical conclaves and banquets, men prominent in the professional and official life of the old school and then pat ourselves vigorously on the back, for the glory of our achievement. But do we really active anything worthwhile by these press-agent methods? Does all this diplomatic tomfoolery bring us anywhere? We doubt it and look in vain for evidence, Has any O.S. college seriously taken up the study and investigation of homoeopathy? If so, we have not heard of it.

On the contrary, the juggernaut of established medicine continues to roll relentlessly on and to flatten our all doctrinal differences. In keeping with every other department of American national life, we are undergoing a process of standardization, which is killing all individuality. We have become good fellows, who applaud vociferously every compliment thrown at us, but in our eager running after the glittering chariots of the old school, are divesting ourselves more and more of such shreds of principle as are left to us. The end is easy to foretell, unless we bestir ourselves at once and engage in a campaign, the object of which shall be the demonstration and acceptance of homoeopathic principles. Organized homoeopathy now represents itself, too often by means of the methods of the three-ringed circus; the tail is wagging the dog and the poor hybrid is threatened with an incurable palsy.

Perhaps we will do well to study the progress of homoeopathy in Germany. where chairs have been established in two universities; perhaps the German methods of thoroughness and devotion to principle, can be copied with advantage to ourselves.

If so, by all means let us adopt them; but in any event, let us adopt them; but in any event, let us cast aside the ridiculous camouflage which deceives no one, not even the professional booster from the precincts of Babbitry.

Ceanothus Americanus-In the present issue we publish a case report by Dr. Grace Stevens, reciting the successful use of Ceanothus. In this case, however, Natrum mur, was also prescribed and the author raises the question of just how far Ceanothus is to be credited with the favorable outcome of the case.

Ceanothus was called by Burnett an organ remedy, which it undoubtedly is, since its chief sphere of action is upon the spleen. It is in splenic affections, hypertrophy and pain, usually of malarial origin, that this remedy is likely to be of service. Hence quite naturally, Natrum mur,m which is so pre- eminently useful in gun by Ceanothus. A little remedy, as the latter, has its own district place,but is rarely sufficient to work a complete cure; the more deeply acting antipsorics as a rule, must be depended upon.

There are very many little remedies in our vast materia medica, wonderfully effective at times; the difficult is, to retain them all in mind, more especially as they so often are distinguished by one or two striking symptoms only, whereas of the large remedies, we have broad general mental pictures. In spite of all the efforts at simplification of the materia medica and in spite of the fact of the great usefulness of the repertory, memory still plays a most important part in practical homoeopathic therapy. Drug proving along pathologic lines may perhaps, some day change this; we do not know, though even then, a good memory for symptoms, will always be an asset of great value.

Simple and Effective-In repairing a shingle roof, a man struck his had below the thumb, with a hammer; the thumb and dorsal region of the hand swelled rapidly and became very painful. Applications by a nearby O.S. physician were resorted to, chiefly strong, hot solutions of Epsom salts. No relief followed, but on the contrary the pain increased and inflammation of the cellular tissue began. Arnica 30th 1.4 hours, was now given and the inflamed hand was swathed in gauze saturated with a 1 to 8 solution of calendula tincture and glycerin.

In two days the trouble was over and the pain practically gone. A simple treatment and effective; glycerin is hygroscopic and being such, removes swelling and inflammation; in this case perhaps, the calendula was not needed; the use of arnica, internally, needs no defense. Calendulated glycerin has served a most useful purpose in many similar cases.

Causticum-Things that burn are suggestive of Causticum and to be sure, of Arsenicum, Phosphorus and Sulphur. All four are types and possess their distinctive peculiarities and spheres of action. An old burn, recalls Causticum and so does a paralyzed muscle., Burning sensations and paralytic weakness suggest Causticum and the Causticum patient as in the case of most of the potashes, is weak and on the road to paralysis. A paralysis of the vocal cords may need Causticum; a laryngitis with burning and rawness down the trachea, most certainly will, especially if the cough is non-productive and the patient is most uncomfortable in the morning.

An old tabetic may be palliated with Causticum, if his bladder is unreliable and his urine escapes mir nichts, dir nichts, at unconventional times.

The facial distortion of Bells Palsy, due to exposure to a dry cold wind, may need Aconite, if seen early enough, but the changes are that old man Causticum will be required before you get through with it. The costive youngster who wriggles and squirms in vain to have a stool, but defecates while on his feet and running around, will probably reveal the need of Causticum.

Causticum, like Asarum, Hepar and Nux vom, is aggravated in dry weather; moist weather seems to mollify and soothe. At this writing however, with the thermometer at 84 degrees F. and the humidity at the saturation point, we do not feel the need of any of these remedies-a glass of iced tea suits us better.

Causticum has much lumbo-sacral backache and weakness, reminding us of Kali carb., for instance. Ptosis of organs may be indicative of Causticum, especially when the upper eyelids are affected.

The heat is terrific, dear reader, so turn to your materia medica and read there, ever so much more; but do not forget that Causticum grows little, pedunculated warts and may thus be classed as an antisycotic, as well as antipsoric.

Seeing the Remedy-We are all in agreement that prescribing homoeopathically is an art and one which, incidentally, very few physicians ever master. Even the most expert among us have rests upon many things, chiefly however, upon a knowledge of materia medica and of natural disease, as expressed in the common language of the patient. To educate the physician in many of the medical sciences, pathology especially, is often to ruin a good prescriber, who is then too apt to think in terms of pathology cannot see the woods on account of all the trees! This, of course, should not be so, but the human brain is so constituted, that it spills over, if it be filled too full. Too much knowledge then becomes a hindrance, rather than a help.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.