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CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS. Its purpose shall be to combine the interests of all homoeopathic institutions of the world, to stimulate the teaching of homoeopathic medicine and to maintain true professional brotherhood among its supporters. In order to keep this organization constantly active, all that will be of common interest shall be brought to the knowledge of everybody with a to cooperating, combining and standardizing.


The World Congress of Homoeopaths is the first intercontinental organization whose purpose is:

a-to unite all homoeopaths, to obtain official recognition of homoeopathy as scientific principle and a therapeutical method;

b-to draw closer the intercontinental bonds, so that in each country research and study centers dealing with the biochemistry of the individual, the research and study of new medicinal substances, the verification of our traditional medication by modern scientific processes, encephalograms, metabolism, electrocardiograms, endocrinological examinations (particularly with regard to iodine, potassium, sodium, cholesterol, folliculin, etc.), may be created;

c-to endeavour to obtain the establishing of teaching facilities in all countries where homoeopathy is not recognized by the Public Powers after the manner of Brazil, where at each school of pharmacy a course of homoeopathic pharmacology is included in the program;

d-to increase scientific exchanges among continents and to prescribe any rivalry whose effect can only be that of impeding the development of homoeopathy, both on a local plane and on a world-wide plane;

e-to combine, concentrate forces and efforts, goodwill and constructive work, as this is the key-note of the World Congress of Homoeopaths;

f-to work for understanding among governments, peoples, professional organizations going hand in hand with the political, social, educational and professional development;

g-to achieve that physicians, pharmacists, dentists, veterinaries of all countries of the world will be able to recognize the World Congress of Homoeopaths as an advisory agency for studies and resolutions, for personal and collective problems;

h-to see to it that, despite the fact that each country has it own regulations concerning medicine and dispensing and that certain of them do not officially acknowledge homoeopathy, the World Congress of Homoeopaths will endeavour to introduce Hahnemanns doctrine in the entire world to the greatest benefit of mankind.

In keeping with these principles, the organizing president of the WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in October, 1954, has worked out the following resolutions which will be submitted to the Assembly for approval.



The assembly of the delegates shall bear the name “WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS”.


Its purpose shall be to combine the interests of all homoeopathic institutions of the world, to stimulate the teaching of homoeopathic medicine and to maintain true professional brotherhood among its supporters.

In order to keep this organization constantly active, all that will be of common interest shall be brought to the knowledge of everybody with a to cooperating, combining and standardizing.


The Congress shall be composed of delegates of all homoeopathic institutions in the world.


The Congress shall meet every three years, at the latest, at the places and on the dates fixed at the time of the assemblies by the delegates or the executive commission.


Art. 1-The Board of Directors shall be composed of the Organizing President of the actual Presidents (all presidents of homoeopathic associations, in the world who will be present or represented at the Congress), Vice-Presidents, International Directors for Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, and America, a permanent Executive Secretary and a permanent Archivist and Honorary Presidents.

Art. 2-These Members form the Executive Commission.

Art.3-One or more Regional Directors for each country shall be appointed. These shall be chosen by the International-Continental Director according to requirements.


Art. 1-The prerogatives of the International Directors and of the Regional Directors shall comply with the following rules:.

Art. 2-The International Directors shall correspond with the President; and the Regional Directors with the International Directors.

Art. 3-All Organizing Presidents of the WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS are Honorary Presidents. By reason of their prerogatives in the Executive Commission the Honorary Presidents form an Intercommunication Commission to which all matters shall be referred by the President for study and final decision.

Art. 4-During his administratorship the Vice-President shall lend help to the President, shall work for the organization and the efficiency of the organization in harmony with the Presidents instructions.

Ans. 5.-The International Directors supervised by the President and the Executive Commission are entrusted with the work of organizing the Congress on their respective continents. They shall direct the work of the Regional Directors in their jurisdiction and shall constantly keep in touch with all homoeopathic organizations institutions in the countries which are under their direction. They shall periodically discuss the handling of the said work and its progress with the Organizing President.

Art. 6-Under the direction of the International Director the Regional Direction shall be entrusted with urging all homoeopathic institutions and interested parties to take part in the WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS and with making out an exact list including even the smallest homoeopathic institutions and all pharmacists, dentists, veterinaries and physicians. A copy of this paper shall be forwarded to the Executive Secretary. The Regional Directors are entrusted with collecting the required for carrying out the activities of the Congress.

Art. 7-The Executive Secretary and the Archivist shall receive from the International Directors information concerning all organizations of homoeopathic institutions of their Continent and an exact list of all schools of medicine, schools, libraries, newspapers, medical societies and associations, organization of mere followers of homoeopathy, pharmacies, homoeopathic laboratories, physicians, pharmacists, dentists and homoeopathic veterinaries. They shall revise these communications and send a summary of them to the President and to the members of the Board of Directors. They shall keep the program of the meetings of the WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS and a summary of the reports which they have received from the former Organizing Presidents.

Art. 8-The Organizing President shall submit a summary of the activities of the previous Congresses of the Congress in session.


a-ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS: All International Directors excepting the Executive Secretary and the Archivist, shall be elected at each Congress by the delegates present.

b-The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY is permanent. The former Organizing Presidents will automatically become Honorary Presidents of the Congress. The Regional Directors shall be appointed by the International Directors.


The candidates to eventual vacancies from one Congress to the other shall be nominated by the President.


The Board of Directors shall be formed by an Organizing President, an Organizing Vice-President, an Honorary President, an International Director and an Executive Secretary. This Board shall be of an executive and advisory nature. It shall direct and acquaint the other Direction with problem which may arise and may not be provided for in the Constitution and the proceedings of the Congress in session.


The subjects and matters of the Congress shall be discussed by the delegates. Each participating homoeopathic institution shall be represented by its President and its Secretary or by two other members elected by vote.



QUORUM: Any number of delegates shall form a quorum valid for the Congresses which will be held.


SPECIAL SESSIONS: There shall be no special sessions outside of the regular congress. All activities from one Congress to the other shall be supervised by the Executive Board of the WORLD CONGRESS OF HOMOEOPATHS.


The delegates to the Congers are sovereign authorities, so far as intercontinental proposals, regulations and activities are concerned.


The Congress will not take into account local distensions or rivalries which may exist among towns, countries and continents of its jurisdiction. Its purpose is to maintain relations of friendliness, of harmony and of brotherhood among homoeopaths in the interest of homoeopathy itself.


As soon as the chairmanship has been established, and before sessions are held, the Organizing President will publish the members of the various Commissions and 1) the rules, 2) the resolutions, 3) the constitution and the by-laws, 4) the ways and means, 5) the future congresses, 6) the social and diplomatic relations. 7) the scientific commissions for judging the papers. These commissions shall be also advised by letter within a term of 10 days.


Each homoeopathic institution or organization affiliated with the Congress shall make out an annual report. If there is no delegate, this report will be read in his absence. Such a report should contain suggestion about the activities of the Congress or should submit a problem of a very special interest concerning a regional or continental group. Suggestions and resolutions as well as problems which will be submitted shall be preferably considered new subject after they have been studied and approved by the Resolutions Commission or by a special commission designated by the President. One and the same person can be a delegate of one or more institutions.


OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS: All expenditures attaching to the Congress shall be covered by the annual dues to the International Directors by the institutions taking part in the work and in the benefits of the Congress. Contributions of institutions, of schools, of pharmacies, of hospitals, etc., and individual contributions are to be remitted to the Congress.


The work of the Congress shall be done as follows:

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.