Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In what” Surely not in medicine. Do any of us know of any drug that affects a single part or organ to the exclusion of all others” Then he who confines himself to a medical specialty in any part of the human anatomy is a man of very limited knowledge of medicine and is therefore not the superior but decidedly the inferior of general medical man and therefore his services are worth much less.


The principles of pure homoeopathy have been vindicated, but the knowledge and practice of our art have not kept pace with the valid claim. If the be fault, we as individual proponents, are culpable. The harvest is ripe, solute us take account of our personal assists.

Let us consider our meeting at Cleveland in June, as having prior claim. Let us both give the receive of inspiration, as we gather about the memorial tablets, dedicated by memorials to our gallant pioneers. We cannot afford to miss the scientific meeting in the change of thought, which give promise of inspiration and help.

We need the united strength of our Association., Our Association needs the support and help of each one of us. Let us assemble with our heart and eyes singe only to the consumational and realization of our ideal. As a strong united body of believers in and exponent of Hahnemannian homoeopathy. Let us do all in a manner becoming our high calling.

As a personal favor to homoeopathy and your president, will you not make every possible endeavor to attend our meeting, take an active part in the scientific and secular proceedings, and make of the year 1931 the best yet? Thus we shall usher in the dawn of the day of better understanding and more harmonious team-work in putting homoeopathy, the International Hahnemannian Association, and every believer in Hahnemannian humanitarianism upon the map of life, with the solid rock foundation-Similia Similibus Curantar. May we all meet and unite forces at Cleveland, June 21-24, inclusive! -PLUMB BROWN, PRESIDENT.

If is with a grave sense of loss to the world fraternity of homoeopaths that we receive the notice of the death of Swedens veteran homoeopaths. Dr.Petrie N.Grouleff. He was Vice- President, for Sweden, of the International Homoeopathic League, and a pure Homoeopaths of the first water, whose abundant and genial personality rejoiced, as did his patients, in the wonders he was able to perform with his beloved CM potencies in

single dosage., Our lament at the loss to homoeopathy and the passing of this international figure is warmly tinged with personal regret which personality whose contagious love of homoeopathy we trust has kindled a similar spark in an ample following of Scandinavian disciples-E.W.H.



We have received, with delight, the distinguished program of the meeting of the International Homoeopathic League, which is to be held the second to the fifty of August, 1931, in Geneva, Switzerland.

We wonder how many of our readers are fully cognizant of this most valuable centralizing and vital organization of true homoeopathy. Those of our members who had the great privilege of attending the Quinquennial Homoeopathic Congress in London in 1928 could not fail to be keenly aware of the importance,dignity,and presage of this organization. Its yearly meetings in a different country each time are attended by many of the most distinguished colleagues of our world-wide Homoeopathic brotherhood. It forms a unique opportunity for meeting the elite of our professional nd for the most stimulating contacts, homoeopathically speaking, which we have ever encountered.

The president for this year is Dr.Pierre Schmidt of Geneva, who received his main homoeopathic training in the United States at the devoted hands of Dr.A.E.Austin of New York City and Dr.Frederica Gladwin of Philadelphia,Dr.Schmidt and his wife-who is a graduate pharmacist and botanist, a second Me. Hahnemann in he untiring work for, and deep knowledge of, homoeopathy-came to the International Hahnemannian Convention in New York in 1925 and are well remembered by our fellowship.

Dr.Schmidt ranks easily as one of the very few leaders of pure homoeopathic thought and practice. He is also one of the editors of Le Propagateur de 1 Homoeopathic. His laboratory includes the latest machine for the making of potencies and his library is one of the rarest homoeopathic collections in the world.

The provisional program of the Congress includes an address by Dr.Fergie Woods of London (one of Dr.Kents students on the Tyler Fellowships;a nd for many years secretary of the International Homoeopathic League); the residents address upon a text from Hahnemann,”When dealing with the sacred art of healing, neglect to learn is crime”; a Hastier of the I.H.L. by Dr.George Burgord of England; the Import and Future of the I.H.L. By Dr.Roy Upham of the U.S.A; an address on the Management of the I.H.L. by one of its recent presidents, Dr.Tuinzing of Holland; and the main oration of the Congress on Confirmation of Hahnemanns Doctrine in the Treatment of Disease by Dr.John Weir of London.

The scientific sessions will include papers of an essentially international character on Homoeopathy-its history, development, advantages, scope, and specialities-such as can be utilized as means of propaganda; papers on the homoeopathic pharmacopoeia, provings, et.; and miscellaneous dissertations on materia medica and clinical subjects.

Homoeopathic physicians are hereby invited and urged to present papers to President Schmidt before May 31, 1931, each paper to be typewritten, not to exceed ten or twelve pages, and to be accompanied by a summary in at least two others languages (English, French, German, Spanish).

Every homoeopathic physician is invited to this International meeting. The official hotel of the Congress is a beautiful but reasonable pension, La Residence, II, Route de Florissant. (We lived there for nine months and have never more greatly enjoyed a hotel.).

Aside from the privilege of meeting the masters of homoeopathy and participating in the invaluable scientific sessions. Geneva will be found an enchanting city not only for scenery, climate, quaintness and cleanliness, but also owing to the interests of the League of Nations and to its central position among the beauty spots of Europe.

The International Homoeopathic League is our American affairs as much as it is Europes The interrelationship must be more strongly knit and the International Hahnemannian Association is urged to send official delegates and to strain every point to participate in the success of this great homoeopathic occasion- E.W,.H.

At a recent convention of chemists in Indianapolis, Dr. Oswald D. Avery of the Rockefeller Institute reported that n enzyme had been discovered and developed from the peat and cranberry bogs of New Jersey, ,which raises the resistance of animals to a married degree against Type III pneumonia. This was developed in the attend to raise the resistance against disease, and in the experiments to raise the resistance against disease and is the experiments with mice it was found to raise the resistance form 10 to 100 times.

The work of the enzymes is essentially that of a digestive field and it is claimed that this substance partially digests the pneumonia germ, leaving it to the body resistance to do the rest. this is interesting, but it is questionable how valuable this discovery might be in the care of sick human beings.

The well equipped homoeopathic physician knows well how much benefit the pneumonia patient receives from the well selected remedy, which is prompt and safe method and one that effects its work, not by the action of the digestive fluids, but following the indications for the application of the proper remedy and affecting primarily the vital energy to the point where it is lifted rapidly, smoothly and gently to a state where the body can resist the onslaught of disease.

This method is so far superior to any digestive process that may be devised by the chemist that it seems a waste of time and energy with the records that we have in pneumonia, for the chemist to conduct so much needless research for chemical substances to use in curing the sick. It is not by crude chemistry that healing may be accomplished, but by setting in motion the rehabilitation of the vital energy by infinitesimal curative measure on the sound basis of symptoms similarity, so that the human being may extract from the substances that we eat and drink and breath the essentials that enable the vital energy to keep the physical body in a condition where it functions normally _H.A.R.

The question often arises in the minds of all physicians in regard to the question of immunity of individual units and individual families, why is that of a number of people, al living under exactly the same external conditions, one group will succumb to contagious disease and infectious diseases and are subject to certain types of chronic diseases, and there se families and individuals never have anything in any other phase of disease conditions except according to type. Some have a natural immunity against infections disease, or contagious disease, and some have against contagious disease at one time and not at another. These are problems which constantly come to the fore and demand solution.

Dr.Earnest Risley Eaton,A.M., M.D., of New York has written an article on “Chronic Arthritis in its Relation to Allergy and Skin Sensitization.” In giving the analysis of this work. Dr.Eaton refers to the causes of chronic arthritis, one cause frequently being exposure to cold; then he asks, why, of two persons occupational exposed, one develops arthritis and the other does not. He also speaks of the effect of the endocrine glands, and asks in his observation, why, two patients having similar.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.