Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The diagnostic side of medicine has emerged as an orderly science. Its processes are easily standardized once the appropriate instruments are made and the technique of their use mastered. However, since no two people are exactly alike, therapeutic standardization is not so simple.


Even “officially” these newest methods of treatment are considered as still in the experimental stage. This fact in itself constitutes a pretty poor endorsement of either their safety or effectiveness. Eighteen months to two years is regarded as the present minimum time to effect a “cure.” Suppression would probably be a more correct word.


Homoeopathy can look forward to a future of innocuous desuetude unless we all determine that it shall not. The national organization has a definite responsibility in relation to our progress as a school of medicine. If it is unable or unwilling to undertake leadership, then let the job be delegated to some other more aggressive organization. Individually, each of us must get behind and push, for without cohesion and cooperation we are lost.


Kents Repertory is surely a valuable book to carry with you in your car. Recently I was called to see a young man who had a severe pain in stomach > lying on his back. He was told that he had ulcers in his stomach, so I gave him a dose of Calc.c. 1M. and pain vanished in less than a minute.


Homoeopathic methods are to attractive from a commercial standpoint. The True Art of Healing does not readily lend itself to exploitation. It has no appeal for the greedy nor for those who envision a Utopia of politically controlled medical and surgical practice.


This position strengthens the spine and favors early use of the arms, neck and shoulders. It helps to prevent flattening of the occiput in children suffering from disturbed calcium metabolism. The prone position is a good one to cultivate at all ages and stages of life. In advanced years it prevents passive congestion along the cerebrospinal axis.


The chief difficulty encountered was the obtaining of suitable persons as provers. In this instance only two people were considered sufficiently fitted for this experiment. One was a young man of 26, the other a married mother age 31. I, myself, refrained from taking the drug because at the time I showed enough symptoms of a chronic nature that I felt a true picture of the drug action could not be obtained.


The chief point to be stressed in concluding this paper is that a thorough knowledge of homoeopathic principles and practice is an essential requisite in the Hahnemannians armamentarium. Without it he is helpless, not only to cure his patients, but also to answer the question, “Doctor, just what is homoeopathy?”.


While it may be true that electronic examination of vaccine shows tuberculosis and syphilis, that knowledge is not necessary to the management of the case because the family history indicates exactly the same thing. It does not matter whether the vaccine gives them a little bit more. They still have it. If you are able to recognize, you can ignore the vaccination.


he latter by all means. The tapering off process is the hard way and usually results in failure to achieve the end desired. It is always easier to break a habit entirely once and for all than to keep a string tied to it. Any unfavorable results from the abrupt discontinuance of harmful things is purely imaginary in most cases.


One of the greatest needs of these turbulent times is the general recognition and assumption of individual responsibility and the realization that there is no such thing as immunity to the operation of natural law, that the law is absolutely impersonal and, in the fullness of time, wholly just.


The meeting of the International Homoeopathic League will be held in Rome, September 1,2,3,4,1930. The scientific program is most interesting for homoeopathic physicians, and the social and for all the strangers who will come to Rome on this occasion. For the success of the meeting we have interested in our cause several authorities of our government and of our best aristocracy.


This rule is almost free from exceptions if the remedy is an antipsoric. What must the physician do who has not the knowledge of dynamic medicines? He must sometimes see sick images come back without changes of symptoms, though I believe it is seldom.


This question is within the province of each state to determine, as the question of the health of the citizens comes within the police power granted to each state by the Federal Government. It is interesting to note that Iowa and Michigan have tried such cases in their courts, and that decisions have been handed down in these states that the internal administration of Variolinum in potency was a legal vaccination.


Generally I have found Calc. phos. very efficacious. Cham., Ceonanthus, Merc. sol. and Sulph. are also useful in many cases according to the symptoms. There are a dozen cases on record where Nat. mur. and Sil. have proved useful. With a few hydrogenoid babies Nat. sulph. has helped. With children under three I always first try Calc. phos. because I have generally observed gastric derangement.


I am glad to note in the October number that many cures are laid to electric forces as I have contended for years; for how else could a severe pain a man had in his left breast, due to an extracted rifle shell hitting his breast and causing a fibroid to develop, stop instantly the moment a dose of Conium CM. was placed on his tongue?.


A man of middle age was subject to the sensation as of a wedge or plug at the base of the brain and said that this would come on like a wave without any warning and stay with him until he could get something to eat or else take a brisk walk in the open air.


An interesting sequela to this boys experience was the complete change of personality. Where previously he had been rather dull and stupid, preferring to stay by himself than to take part in the play of other children, he now became a normal, happy child ready for any sort of fun or mischief.


Remedy, Belladonna CC in water, teaspoonful doses every 15 minutes during pain. No pain, no medicine. She improved and dropped asleep in a couple of hours. Pain resumed about 2 p.m. and lasted for about an hour when it suddenly ceased. Monday morning she passed a monster stone which measured two and seven-eights inches in circumference.


A Homoeopathic Physician is one who adds to his knowledge of medicine a special knowledge of Homoeopathic Therapeutics and observes the Law of Similia. All that pertains to the great field of medical learning is his, by tradition, by inheritance, by right.


Homoeopathic literature, because of the basic laws underlying homoeopathic practice, holds an entirely difficult place in the field of medical literature. So careful and painstaking was the work of he earl authors, that the only limitations today on the work of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Hering, and the other standard-bearers, is that of additional remedies that have been developed since their works were published.


Sudden momentary giddiness; tendency to fall to the right side; to the left side; comes suddenly and goes as suddenly. Giddiness on carrying a heavy package; on rising the arms level with the shoulders; on exertion; on turning in bed, the room seems to turn around; on rising from a seat.


One of the priceless aids to the study of peculiar symptoms of the whole patient (as differentiated from the special repertories for special organs) is Holcombes Sensations As If. This work is too little known among the younger generation of homoeopaths, but its value in pointing out strange subjectively symptoms is inestimable.


Much has been written about, and great stress laid on, that greatest of all requisites to an accurate homoeopathic prescription, the symptom totality; but little seems to have been known, or really understood, as to just what that totality embraces. If such has been known it was never clearly, intelligently and concisely presented.


Fair, thin, frail, mentally active little girl of ten years had been ill with glandular swelling and high fever for several days. On the fourth day, when I was called, her temperature was 104.4 degrees, throat, sore, with great difficulty in swallowing; left cervical glands swollen and exquisitely sensitive to touch. The child seemed anxious to tell me of her most disturbing symptom, a sensation as if the bed were tilted on end and that she was STANDING ON HER HEAD.


The normal reaction, if decided, shows the psoric tendency of the constitution, for example, the Mercurius or Psorinum patient walks in hot weather with a shawl over his head and shoulders. When such a patient becomes ill, say with inflammatory, rheumatism, the normal reaction passes away, changes, and we get a transient warm bloodedness, a manifestation of the acute symptoms.


India is a huge country, as large as all of Europe with the exception of Russia, and with a population of 319 million, three times that of the United States. There are many homoeopaths in this great country, some well trained, many poorly trained, some true followers of Hahnemannian principles, many with no understanding of the meaning of homoeopathy–homoeopaths in name only.


Naja has intense depression of spirits. Even with full perception of what is to be done, he is unable to resist inclination not to do it. It is worse during motion; better from alcoholic drinks, better from smoking; better by sleep; worse from deep inspiration.


We need the united strength of our Association., Our Association needs the support and help of each one of us. Let us assemble with our heart and eyes singe only to the consumational and realization of our ideal. As a strong united body of believers in and exponent of Hahnemannian homoeopathy. Let us do all in a manner becoming our high calling.


The Indian homoeopaths always look upon you as their sincere supporter in their struggle for the cause of homoeopathy, so I am writing to ask if you will have this published in the pages of the Recorder. We have decided to start forthwith a homoeopathic society entitled The Indian Institute of Homoeopathy. As soon as it is matured I shall send you a full account of the same.


When a patient complains of a feeling as if the heart were swollen to enormous size, as if the whole chest were distended, and as if the heart suddenly fell into the abdomen, think of Cenchris contortrix. This patient will also complain of a profuse, bland foot-sweat, corns that are troublesome in wet weather, and his hands chap very easily.


Such a comparison reveals the individual character of the drug much better than the fashionable and pretended scientific lists or registers of temperaments. Individual symptoms do not restrain the sphere of activity of the drug. All the symptoms are individual in so far as they reflect more or less completely the dynamic relation of the drug to the organism of the prover.


Hahnemann has instructed his followers to hunt or and remove all possible obstacles to the action of the homoeopathic remedy. Many such obstacles can be found in the diet, and some of these have been suggested in an earlier editorial. Let us consider another possible obstruction to cure-the vitamins in the diet, or rather the lack of proper vitamins in the diet.


Reared in the rural part of Connecticut, from an ancestry rich in family traditions and with the true New England love of learning, she spent herself in preparation for the work of teaching; then grasping the wonderful truths of homoeopathy, she pressed on and made herself a physician where she attained great success in her profession. She studied under Kent and became one of his greatest followers.


We have several remedies which may be indicated in periodic headaches. In considering “Sunday headaches” it may not be amiss to think of the relationship to a Saturday night bath, following a busy day when the patient has been trying to get ready for Sunday. Sulphurs well known aggravation from bathing may show up more sharply when the patient is tired from the weeks work.


The history of the case would indicate syphilis as the probable cause. Recently he has complained of a tickling sensation in the larynx and pharynx which, at times, causes a cough. Physical exertion, talking and laughing always brings on wheezing cough which continues for some minutes and brings up a slight amount of tough mucus with some relief.


Once compulsory enforcement of medicine under state militia is established for cattle it will be easy for it to get the rest of the way to us. All the wolf of fabled fame asked was to be allowed to get its nose into the crack of the slightly opened door, for it knew that the rest would be easy.


The mentality is like that of an individual who has lost all that is dear to him and has little ambition to survive, whose life becomes a patient duty, merely to be borne, until release occurs. Hence the absence of fear or of aversion to illness; indeed, many wish for this in the hope of passing out, and make no fight for recovery.


Cimicifuga is a great womans friend; it is as full of hysteria as Ignatia and as full of rheumatism as Bryonia or Colchicum. It is one of our most valued remedies in diseases of females. In retarded menstruation when there is oppressive, heavy headache, melancholy and palpitation, it will act well and is similar to Pulsatilla and Senecio.


Malandrinum and Variolinum are used widely as prophylactics for smallpox. In India, and especially northern India, we always face the epidemic mostly at the end of the winter season and to some extent after the rains at the approach of winter. This is especially true on the plains. Malandrinum has proved very useful in localities which are damp, due to excessive winter rains, or where the summer rains are short.


Homoeopathy does not, and will not, lend itself to the spectacular, hence does not appeal to the ignorant. And, as has been stated, 90 percent of the people are ignorant, it is going to be a man sized job to educate them. Especially is this so when our own members openly declare they are “tired of hearing about pure homoeopathy”, while others think the doctors could be educated in a proper environ


No repertory is necessary in prescribing this homoeopathic sulphur, as here it is prescribed not in accordance with the homoeopathic symptoms presented by the patient, but for the pathologic condition for the glycosuria, just as iodine is prescribed by the allopath for a thyroid condition, or digitalis for a cardiac condition.


The history of the case would indicate syphilis as the probable cause. Recently he has complained of a tickling sensation in the larynx and pharynx which, at times, causes a physical exertion, talking and laughing always brings on a wheezing cough which continues for some minutes and brings up a slight amount of tough mucus with some relief.


Another milestone is passed and the Recorder is at the beginning of its fourth year. During the past three and a half years, under the able editorship of Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard, it has increased in size, now numbering eighty pages in each issue; it has improved the format and general set up, with the kind co-operation of our printer; it has instituted several new features, and, all things considered, has shown a great advance in the literary content.


What is really needed is an endowment for the Recorder but until such is given or developed it is urgent, if this unique organ is to continue, that the editorial side have a minimum of a thousand dollars a year. If twenty of our subscribers would give a hundred dollars a piece the I.H.A. could then plan the next two years of the Recorder in fruitful security.


Is it forgotten that the tracing of pathological alterations of structure to a remedy is very uncertain? There might be some certainly in this if men and animals could be dissected after they had been poisoned, in which case many things are found which are either useless or doubtful, inasmuch as we cannot know with certainly whether some of them had not existed previously.


Most violent aggravation when keeping still, like Rhus; great aching that increases so long as he keeps still; he is very often compelled to keep to the bed, and then the constantly moves and turns. Now Rhus is of no more value than cold water, and why? Because Rhus does not ave the nature of the disease; it will not bring back the discharge and will not control the disease satisfactorily; it will not bring relief in a few hours time.


At one time I had case which seemed to show that at last I had found a break in my theory. The patient was feeling very badly and I could not get the correct reaction. I suggested that perhaps his polarity was down, and sure enough it was, way down. We gave him a dose of Nux vomica which was indicated by his symptoms. We then tested his secretion within a minute and his polarity was completely reversed.


The tapeworm immediately begins to feed on this, which produces a soporific effect upon the worm, and his tentacles let go their hold. Once they have let go, they do not anchor themselves again, and the worm is expelled in entirety. This I call mechanical removal, because it is his inability to use his anchorage and he must pass out with the natural peristalsis.


Remember that exophthalmos may signify chronic nephritis, that heterophoria is a frequent accompaniment of intractable headache, that early presence of tubercle bacilli may be found in the larynx with a cotton swab before it is found in the sputum.


In pneumonia, as in the provings, digitalis affects the unstriated muscle fibre, and what affects the heart affects the smaller arterials and cells of the whole unstriated structure. It is only when the whole condition of the man who is sick is considered, and a remedy exhibited in a dynamic form to meet the conditions of the whole man, that we can except a remedy to be curative in a disease that is dynamic in its manifestations.


Kali nitricum has produced conditions simulating sinus trouble on the right side of the face, with sense of pressure and hypersensitiveness to touch. The Aranea diadema patient has a sensation as if the hands and forearms were intensely swollen and heavy, and he will rise from his bed and get a light to see what happened to them.


The so-called characteristic symptoms are based upon individuality, that is to say, they are the peculiar or unusual symptoms that by themselves or by their close relationship to other symptoms form a symptom-picture that differs from every other symptom-picture in the materia medica. This is more striking the better the remedy is proved and the greater has been its clinical use.


The Recorder does, and should, increasingly come into the hands of allopathic practitioners dissatisfied with their results. Even our masters have novitiates whom they refer with trepidation to the schools where at least some homoeopathy is officially taught, and into whose hands they would gladly put an epitome of intrinsic homoeopathy. To all of these groups, and many unenumerated, a simple yet comprehensive outline of homoeopathy with suggestions for ampler study and, of course, with bibliography, would be a boon.


The toe nail responds to a wave from the solar plexus; a certain headache comes from the collective effect of an empty stomach; a tooth may suffer from the same affliction as the liver though its expression be modified according to its anatomical and physiological functions, while both represent an imponderable though real,ethereal or psychic disharmony, etc.


Our repertory makers dont seem to have found this symptom brought out by the provers but they have found another symptom produced in much the same way. In vomiting the abdominal muscles are suddenly and violently contracted, causing pressure on the bladder-either might cause the involuntary urination. Remedies that produce involuntary urination from coughing or laughing would be quite likely to produce it from vomiting.


He will then be able to discover the differences and characteristic peculiarities of the antipsorics which seem to be so much like each other, precisely because they correspond to a vast number of diseases of a similar origin, and will not be obliged t choose a new remedy all the time, whereas it is so essential to let the antipsorics act a long while.


What have been the greatest sorrows of your life? How do you bear the griefs, reproaches, or mockery of others? Are you truly happy? Are you better or worse after anger, indignation, mortification, consolation? How would a fortnight alone in the mountains suit and agree with you? When do you think of death? What are the criticisms of the members of your family and your close friends concerning you, and do you think that they are justified and true?


No logical reason could be given why so-called drugs acted. Doses were scientifically and intelligently (?) graded and gauged according to age, but no attention whatever was paid to existing conditions, and it was that a strong constitutional child was in better condition to cope with, react against and throw out a large dose of drug than a weak, worn-out adult whose resistive powers were away below par.


Medical papers of merit have appeared in unbroken succession over his signature for near half a century and publishers have gladly given to the profession, extensively read volumes from his pen. Editing the Iowa Journal for so many years and being connected with the Institute and the Institute journal for so long a period, it is doubtful if, in the long list of able leaders, any other name in all this time is better or more favorably known.


What remedy has sensation of heat in the forearms and hands on coughing, on moving them in the attempt to each for anything, and at night while lying in bed? The case is one of bulbar paralysis. Tongue, throat and soft palate were first involved, then gradually the legs and arms which can still be moved with a strong effort of the legs and arms which can still be moved with a strong effort of the will.


This will eventually be the first one in Norway and it will be of great importance for the future work in our country. We have to seek help throughout the world and we hoped that some American Homoeopaths will help us. In those days we are sending out our petition to all parts of the country. the question is now; Shall Norway get its Homoeopathic hospital or not?


Students reflect the quality of what is put before them and if this stops short of being ideal their disappointment inclines them toward empiricism and lowers their aims many will awaken to the actual need of a really curative therapy and may begin to investigate pure Homoeopathy, realizing that at best the refinements of their previous work either have a sharp edge that cuts both ways or are brutal beyond belief.


Vesicular eczema beginning with a red spot on open emoting an extremely acrid, corrosive fluid causing vesicles wherever it touched,and a line from the ear to the shoulder where it had run down the neck during sleep,and spots on the left side of the where the child had touched the face after touching of the sores.


All this verifies the result of our own homoeopathic provings and for this reason, has important interest for us. Among certain curative effects, these experiments noted, that after some months, certain cases of psoriasis improved. From our homoeopathic standpoint, Antimonium tart. has never been looked upon as useful in the treatment of psoriasis patients.


First menses at fourteen years with uneventful establishment. Menses every twenty-eight days, copious for four days, last six days in all. Sadness before the menses and spells of weeping; feels better after onset of flow. Appetite is fickle, is very fond of pickles, but has no other marked cravings. Bowels constipated unless some mineral oil preparation is taken. Late in falling asleep, legs jerk; talks and cries during sleep and wakes terrified; frequent nightmares. Skin cold and clammy; sensitive to cold in general; no abnormal sweats; as an infant perspired freely on the head.


The record of this case of evident poisoning has interest for homoeopaths. Bismuth subnitricum is not often prescribed homoeopathically, possibly not as frequently as it should be. The homoeopathic provings record the symptoms of abdominal colic. Clarke, under “Characteristics,”mentions” black borders on gums; loosening of the teeth.” This symptom corresponds with Resnicks finding.


All the serums and vaccines developed by these agencies have been used, and all to little or no avail. The epidemic sweeps on, taking its deadly toll, until it comes to an end spontaneously. There are those, candid and open-minded observers, who not only admit that the serums are a failure, but declare that in some instances they actually hastened the death or killed the animals to whom they are administered.


A religious fanatic of fifty-eight years, and of course unmarried, who resorts to fervid praying upon slight provocation, complained that she was losing her temper without cause and that she would then curse people roundly, much to their astonishment. For our edification she gave us a few choice samples of her expletive vocabulary, which we would designate as most artistic and suggestive of the waterfront along South Street.


Hypertrichosis means the presence of superfluous hair on the human body. Woman suffering from this condition affecting exposed parts of the body are easy victims for advertising “specialists.” Many of these so-called “specialists” are using and widely advertising Roentgen or X-rays as a “new” treatment for this condition.


Found under Sepia only: Shrieking unless she holds on to something. Unconscious while kneeling in church. Pain in waves in forehead. Shooting pain in forehead > eating; over eyes to occiput. Tearing pain in left temple to side of head. Burning pain in eyes from cold wind. Pain in right eye as from sand. Sore, bruised pain in eyes after a walk evenings.


This symptom has been variously expressed and interpreted; clinically,it is unquestionably dependable and has many times been verified. Presumably the remedy is palliative in angina and in cardio-vascular conditions in general. Severe palpitation of the heart is frequently present, occurs both day and night and is aggravated by lying on the left side