11. How does a Hahnemannian homoeopath treat poisoning cases such as poisoning by nitric acid, mercury, arsenic, etc., and how do the results of such treatment compare to the usual routine results? —J. N. HAZRA.
12. Would you kindly publish in the Recorder the different seasons and the different months in these seasons in the western hemisphere. Also will someone give the earths declination in regard to the sun in each of these months. Is it possible to give remedial aggravations and ameliorations month by month? Such data would be of great value to those practising homoeopathy in other parts of the world, especially to me in India.—J. N. HAZRA.
–Case of Miss G. W., severe headache with menses. Please refer to the July issue, page 535. On line 5 from the bottom please omit words ” and lying”.
–Medorrhinum MM when a person stays well nourished, grows large and rather gross, and has many complaints, think of Medorrhinum and other anti-sycotic remedies. Headache beginning near sunrise and ending at sunset; beating, thumping headache; sub-normal in general; secretiveness related to gonorrhoea in all stages leaves its shadow. The above symptoms form the basis for the prescription of Med.—J. W. KRICHBAUM.
–Kali carb. appears to have the most individual similars.– R. E. S. HAYES.
–I have cured two of these obstinate cases. The remedies have been the same in both cases. The case above differs in some particulars, yet the indications, pathologically and symptomatically considered, call for the same remedies. I believe that Nat. sulph. in the 200th and Mag. sulph. in the 6x, during the attack, would be the remedies and potencies.–M. NOVAK.
–The following rubrics were worked out by the Boenninghausen method: Coldness in general, desires open air, troubles during menses, throbbing internally, nausea and vomiting, worse eating, worse at beginning of menses, better biting hard substance, worse during day, left ovary, better pressure, worse lying, worse noise, worse talking, worse crowds, < among strangers, worse singing, better standing, thyroid, swelling neck glands. Twenty rubrics. The following remedies appeared:.
Nat. carb.–51–15 out of 20 rubrics.
Sepia–62–15 out of 20 rubrics.
Sil.–50–15 out of 20 rubrics.
Lyc.–50–14 out of 20 rubrics.
Phos.–53–14 out of 20 rubrics.
Nux vom.–58–13 out of 20 rubrics.
Puls.–57–13 out of 20 rubrics.
Sulph.–51–13 out of 20 rubrics.
Upon analyzing the case before the class and Dr. Lyle, and reference to the materia medica, leads me to choose Silica as the similimum.–ROBERTS H A.
–Working this case through Kents Repertory the following remedies stand highest, appearing in all or practically all rubrics:.
Nux vom. Phos.
Sil. Bry.
Bell. Lyc.
I gave this patient Medorrhinum 200 and she was considerably better during the next period, but the remedy did not hold. Further progress of the case will be reported later.–E. B. LYLE.
If the vital force of each human being is paced within certain limits and must remain within those limits, why is it so often necessary that a patient, instead of receiving a single constitutional remedy must have a series or succession of two, three or more?.
–In many cases a patient is susceptible to a single remedy throughout his whole life, but there are many exceptions to this rule, one of which is that the remedies to which he might be more susceptible have never been proved. Lippe, after the first proving of Apis, said that formerly he used Hell. and Lyc. for symptoms now covered by Apis. The similimum is found much more rarely than the similar. Therefore we often edge on our cases to a cure.–C. M. BOGER.
–Because not every persons vital force is stable, and the prescriber not always infallible.–R. E. S. HAYES.
–There is probably for each individual some one underlying constitutional similimum. Superimposed on this bedrock constitutional state are often several layers, planes or strata of disease and toxemia which more or less mask the fundamental features of the case. The first remedy often merely removes the uppermost layer of the complex. Only after several prescriptions may the underlying miasmatic disorder truly reveal itself. First remove all obstacles to recovery, untangle and simplify the patients life, and the two or three preliminary remedies may not be required.–E. UNDERHILL, JR.
–This question should be interesting to us all. It is a question that has interested me greatly. I have studied the matter carefully in my homoeopathic research. My conclusions are as follows:.
First: The reason that we must give a set of constitutional remedies in series is because we have no proven remedy or remedies that properly cover the case. Therefore we must remove a part of the symptoms with the most apparently similar remedy at our command. In other words, what we are pleased to term–the similimum. When this has gone as far as it will go we must repeat the operation, always avoiding such drugs as will arouse too much disturbance in the system. Just how any trinity can be perfectly similar to any given case has never been explained by the greatest advocates of that method. In truth, to me, alternation “has nothing on” that method, since I have seen so many complicated cases yield to the single remedy, irrespective of the number of miasms implicated, when that drug bore the characteristic mark and primary pathogenetic symptoms of the drug. But I have never seen it do it otherwise.
Second: When we must change the remedy often, or repeat it often, we have the wrong remedy and the sooner we retake the case the better for all concerned.
Third: The reason that it is so hard to make a second prescription in a case is due to the fact that we spoiled the case in the first place, and all too often changed the original primary pathogenesis from a known one to an unknown one.
Fourth: The only limitations to homoeopathy, when its un- folding is fully completed, will be found to be: Old age, where action has completely ceased in a part and is no further reproducable; where a part has been destroyed beyond repair. In all other cases the indicated remedy will act, cure wherever cure is possible, palliate where remedies will not hold, and produce euthanasia wherever cure and palliation are impossible, far better and far safer than will the allopathic physiological methods.—A. PULFORD.
A patient, who all her life has been cold blooded, when taken ill becomes warm blooded. Which is to be considered in treating this case, the original constitutional general, cold blooded, or the new symptomatic general, warm blooded?.
–The normal reaction, if decided, shows the psoric tendency of the constitution, for example, the Mercurius or Psorinum patient walks in hot weather with a shawl over his head and shoulders. When such a patient becomes ill, say with inflammatory, rheumatism, the normal reaction passes away, changes, and we get a transient warm bloodedness, a manifestation of the acute symptoms. It is better to find a remedy covering the acute condition among the cold blooded remedies. This should clear up the whole case.–C. M. BOGER.
–Both are to be considered.–R. E. S. HAYES.
–The present condition is associated with warm bloodedness and if this is a strong and pronounced feature of the case a warm remedy must be selected. The case may or may not later swing back again to coldness.– E. UNDERHILL, JR.