32. Dr. HERMANN SCHLESINGER, an old-school physician, proved Kali bich on himself and on some rabbits. Dr. Schlesinger is aged 30, sanguine temperament, fairly good constitution; for nine years has suffered from occasional coryza affecting left side of nose and involving ethmoid cells, more rarely from haemorrhoids with mucus discharge from bowel. Otherwise in good health.

32 a. March 20th, 1845. – Took at 11 p. m. 10 dr. of a solution of 20 gr. to 1 oz distilled water. (Had coffee 3 hours previously.) In 2 or 3 m. feeling of coolness in posterior wall of pharynx, gradually increasing to dry scraping, that caused repeated painful cough, which, however passed off after few m. Several odourless eructations, and after 1/4 hour slight griping and rumbling in abdomen. Went to bed 1 1/2 hour afterwards and slept quietly. 21st. – No further effect of medicine; even pressive pain in frontal sinus had ceased. At 3:30 p. m. took 20 dr. Immediately cool feeling and scraping in pharynx, which, however caused me to cough only once, and passed off more quickly than before. Went out soon afterwards and did not observe any further effects of medicine. 22nd. – At 9:30 p. m. took 20 dr. (had taken a cup of tea 1 hours before). Feeling of coolness in pharynx more marked, but scraping less, and for 10 m. inability to swallow saliva quickly. 24th. – At 6 a. m., took about 40 or 50 dr., followed only by characteristic cool feeling and scraping in pharynx in less degree. 5 m. later weak dull sensation in stomach, and repeated odourless tasteless eructations of flatus. Rumbling in bowels. Following four days (25th to 28th inclusive) same doses had no other effects, with exception of toothache (1 1/2 h.) with copious secretion of saliva. After interval of 4 days resumed proving on April 2nd, and took two spoonfuls (80 to 130dr.) of solution. After 1/2 hour sour eructations and tendency to vomit, which rendered me unfit for hospital work, and gradually passed off after 2 hours. After midnight awoke with cramp in stomach, not violent, but severe enough to interrupt sleep for 2 hours, and alternating with griping in umbilical region. 3rd. – In course of day occasional crampy feeling in bowels. 4th. – Took at 6 a. m. 2 spoonfuls. After 20 m. uneasiness in region of stomach, which increased to sickness on going out of doors, with feeling as if vomiting would relieve, but no inclination for vomiting. Towards 8 p. m. sickness much less, flow of saliva, and one sour eructations, 5th. – Took 3 spoonfuls (120 – 150 dr.) in m. Symptoms of previous day, only less severe and lasting shorter time. In afternoon suffered from griping in abdomen (for 1/2 h.) 6th. – In course of day, while resting and also during movement, pain in bone middle of left tibia suddenly appeared, and after lasting few seconds suddenly disappeared, but afterwards returned; once similar pain attacked frontal bone along left eyebrow, lasting 4 or 5 m. and did not return. About 10:30 p. m. took same dose and suffered during work till midnight only usual symptoms in bowels; after quiet n. awoke with flow of blood from right nostril. Later much sour eructation, and between 9 and 10 a. m. pain in bone over left eye, which spread in constant increase of intensity and extent into upper jaw of same side, causing salivation, then insensibly went quite off, whereby it was completely distinguished from the pain in the frontal sinus which is more common with me; in as much as the latter, when of the same violence, never lasts so short a time. 8th. – took 3 spoonfuls with similar sensations afterwards as on previous days. At 8 a. m. pain in bone in part described soon became severe, but completely disappeared in 1/2 h. At 4 p. m. felt a very strong, but quite painless, undulatory contraction in epigastrium which spread up into cavity of chest and ceased there, but within 5 m. was repeated several times in same way and then went off entirely – a sensation quite new to me. the course of the phenomena seems to indicate that seat of pain is in stomach and oesophagus and not in diaphragm. 9th. – While walking out (without having taken any medicine) cool, sour taste at root of tongue and pharynx, and for 10 m. inclination to vomit. At 8 p. m. the pain in bone only for some m. and not so severe as previous day. 10th. – took, in early morning, 3 spoonfuls. Much nausea, sour eructations, and somewhat severe griping in abdomen; pain in frontal bone came on punctually to its time, but was not so severe or long – continued (about 2 h.). About 4 p. m. feeling of heat in face, without any cause, and without any reddening; this lasted for about 1/2 h. Same evening momentary itching in glans penis and rectum after drinking glass of beer at supper; flow of 10 or 12 dr. of bright blood from right nostril. 11th. – without medicine. While walking after breakfast considerable nausea; frontal bone pain less severe (for 1/4 h.); eructations smelling of chromic acid (about 4 p. m.). Discontinued the medicine 12th. – 14th. Frontal bone pain (only on 12th) less severe and lasting only few m. 15th.. – Took 3 spoonfuls. Relished breakfast (of weak coffee); violent griping in upper and middle abdominal regions causing perspiration on forehead (after breakfast while walking out); pain gradually subsided and ceased after 2 1/2 h. Flushing of face (about 4 p. m.). 16th. – Without medicine. Eructations tasting of drug immediately after breakfast. Towards 8 a. m. troublesome frontal bone pain came again, and lasted rather severely for over 2 hours; despondent mood during past 2 days; and to – day more despondent than I have been for years. Afternoon, rumbling in bowels with uneasy sensation around umbilicus; flushing of face. 17th. – In early m. took same dose, followed by usual scraping in throat, but sickness and eructations less violent; frontal bone pain for 3 hours; all symptoms disappeared in afternoon. 18th. – Without medicine. Frontal bone pain as on other d. About 5 p. m. flushing of face. 19th. – Took 4 spoonfuls. disgust for medicine very great; symptoms about the same as from former doses; no pain in stomach at all; frequent rumbling in bowels towards evening, afterwards copious pappy stool followed by itching in rectum (for 2 h.). Here, the symptoms not having increased either in extent or intensity lately, and fearing the consequences for my future health, I concluded the proving. The material presence of the medicine in the bowels was evident for 4 day after last dose by the characteristic taste of eructations. That constant symptom of its effect, frontal bone pain, lasted until 28th, that is 10 full days, decreasing daily, coming on later each day, that is typically postponing, but wearing off somewhat later for it. From 21st I had another paroxysm of the same frontal headache in evening, which was equally severe, bit of shorter duration than the one in forenoon. This also was regularly postponing, and ceased on 27th. The heat in face was observed only 25th and 26th, p. m. Nausea after breakfast only in first days after last dose.

32 b. On May 10th I began another series of provings with the attenuations. Having felt no medicinal symptom for 14 d. I dissolved gr. v. of the salt in 3 j of water. Of this primary solution I put 50 dr. in another oz. of water; and of this Ist atten. I took a small teaspoonful (40 – 50 drops). No symptoms followed. 12th, 13th, 14th. – The same after same dose. I awoke. however, in n. 14th – 15th with spontaneous bleeding from right nostril and had much trouble to stop it. 15th. – 2 teaspoons of same atten. Sour eructations after 1 hour, also in afternoon of following day without having taken fresh dose. Henceforth I took same dose every 3rd day, left evening 18th, 21st, 24th, &c., in order to let the medicine act. But I had no symptoms to note until June 9th, when I took the last dose of this atten. I had, indeed, pain in frontal sinus during and after that time, but not the characteristic bone pains, nor did they involve the zygoma and superior maxilla or observe a regular type, but lasted only for the first day of the stuffy coryza of left. nostril which sets in frequently with me. I had also frequently nose bleeding, always from the right healthy nostril. I further took 6 doses of 2nd atten. (50 dr. of 1st atten. in 3j of water) during the second half of June and at the beginning of July, – a teaspoonful every 3rd day there was no disturbance; but sour eructation smelling of the drug, and also great nausea with inclination to vomit after only 3rd dose, convinced me that even 40 – 50 dr. of the 2nd atten. were sufficient to produce distinct effects where there is adequate susceptibility. (Ibid)

33. Dr. SCHWARZ took on most day, from March 28th to April 8th, doses of 3x trit., increasing from 3 to 50 gr. On 14th, 18th, and 25th April he took respectively 10, 20, and 30 gr. of 2x trit. After larger doses of 3rd bitter taste was observed, without further symptoms. Bitter taste distinctly after first doses of 2nd. “Not being a very minute observer of drug – effects, I have overlooked slight symptoms and only noticed them when more pronounced. 3 hours after taking 30 gr. of 2nd, experienced slight discomfort in swallowing, which, however, did not interfere with my ordinary way of living. Increased salivary secretion, which now first became troublesome, induced frequent hawking and expectoration, worse from smoking tobacco. 26th. – In m. dryness of throat, with slight pain in swallowing saliva; immediately after washing mouth this dryness changed into usual mucous secretion, saliva of distinctly salt taste. On examination of throat soft palate appeared slightly reddened, uvula elongated, causing sensation as if plug in throat, but not removed after frequent swallowing. 27th and 28th. – same symptoms, but discomfort in swallowing gas placed in evening to raw sore feeling in throat, which continued on 29th along with increased salivary secretion. In order to test duration of action of med., I left it off until May 10th, when I lost the abnormal salivation – rawness of throat having ceased a few days previous. May 11th. – Took 3j 2nd trit. 1 hour after breakfast. In 30 m. profuse secretion of saliva, increased by smoking tobacco, saliva saltish, bitter, tenacious, frothy; hawking always loosened large masses, associated with eructations of air. Feeling as of overloaded stomach (unusual for me). This uneasy sensation soon became painful pressure, with nausea, rancid eructations, inclination to vomit, and slight griping in abdomen. Shivering alternating with flushed of heat, slight sweat on back and on inside of thighs, which increasing sickness, ill – humour, pale face, confusion of senses, muscular weakness, and very strong desire to be relieved of this distress, so that I tried to provoke vomiting by putting finger into throat, and ejected large amount of food and mucus, after which relief. 15th. – Took 25 gr. without effect, except increased salivary secretion, which came on soon after dose. 27th. – Took 3 gr. 1st trit. nausea and disgust at medicine, which had barely come in contact with tongue when it caused saltish cooling astringent metallic taste, remaining bitter and causing saltish eructations for 1/4 h. While walking in open air unusual fatigue, limbs heavy like lead, lassitude; peevish mood; disinclined for usual occupation; desire for rest (after 1/2 h.). Feeling of heat and exhaustion, as after great exertion; despondent; unable to collect idea; desire to sit down; indifferent, sullen, distracted, wishing to cut short conversation lest I might expose myself; desire to be alone; feeling better in open air. Unusual hunger on seeing someone eat; after eating less depression, but 1/2 hours later shivering, especially in extremities, alternated with flying heats and general perspiration. Eructations tasting of food, nausea, accumulation of water in mouth, disgust, urging to vomiting, which, however, did not occur. After 1 hour these symptoms wore off. I took 5 gr. on following day without disturbance. On 29th took 10 gr., followed by similar symptoms to those of 27th, but more violent; no hunger, but nausea even to vomiting, after which I felt relieved.” (Ibid) Dr.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.